2004/03/06 土曜日

electric loungeelectric lounge

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59




DJ’s | radio:on:active DJ crew , play chilled electronic sounds ,Guy Perryman , Hiro , Greg Corey , Dennis OliverLive | grooB-3 —cool cutting edge techno jazz trio!On Screen | See inside the Inter FM studio , Watch and listen to video recordings of interviews with recent guests on the Guy Perryman radio show.. Amel Larrieux – soul superstar , Mellow – electro poppers (with Japanese subtitles

electric loungeGuy Perrymanが、自己の運営するDJ team “radio:on:active” のDJ達と共にeventを開きます。ぜひ遊びに来てください!DJ : radioonactive live : inca-inca on screen : interfm

DJ's | radio:on:active DJ crew , play chilled electronic sounds ,Guy Perryman , Hiro , Greg Corey , Dennis OliverLive | grooB-3 ---cool cutting edge techno jazz trio!On Screen | See inside the Inter FM studio , Watch and listen to video recordings of interviews with recent guests on the Guy Perryman radio show.. Amel Larrieux - soul superstar , Mellow - electro poppers (with Japanese subtitles)

electric loungeThe party is a collaboration between Guy Perryman's InterFM radio show
and the radio:on:active team. There will be cool music and
visuals in a lounge atmosphere. It should be a lot of fun. Hope to see you there !dJ : radioonactive live : inca-inca on screen : interfm

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