you rock you rule

2004/04/07 水曜日

you rock you ruleyou rock you rule

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59




DJ ::: Legs Le Brock (System Corrupt, Australia)、卍&研吾郎、やまべけいじ、大三郎、ビアマイク
LIVE ::: 植野(tenniscoats)、Duran, Duran, Duran (Irritant, USA)、unit_bath?
VJ ::: 生意気

Come boggie down to such sounds as you have never heard before.

DJ ::: Legs Le Brock (System Corrupt, Australia), manji + kengoro, yamabe keiji, daizaburo, beermike
LIVE ::: Veno (tenniscoats), Duran, Duran, Duran (Irritant, USA), unit_bath?
VJ ::: Namaiki

Come boggie down to such sounds as you have never heard before.

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