2005/10/05 水曜日水曜日
Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59
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LIVE : Koch-Schuetz-Studer
Hans Koch (saxophone, electronics)
Martin Schuetz (electric 5string cello, electronics)
Fredy Studer (drums)
Opening Act : sunao inami (computer, electronics), keiko higuchi (voice), morishigeyasumune (cello)
10月5日 (水)
会場:スーパー・デラックス www.super-deluxe.com/
開場 19:30 | 開演 20:00
入場料金:3000円 (1ドリンク付)
Hans Koch (saxophone, electronics)
Martin Schuetz (electric 5string cello, electronics)
Fredy Studer (drums)
sunao inami
13才でシンセサイザーに触れる。ポストニューウェイブバンドCONTROLLED VOLTAGEを経て現在、即興を主体とした活動を国際的に展開する。舞踏家、美術家らとのコラボレーション、ネット上での音楽表現の研究、キーボード専門誌への執筆等、活動は幅広い。神戸を拠点とするアーティスト集C.U.E.のコアメンバー。
keiko higuchi
ヴォイス・パフォーマー。声と身体を媒体に表現活動を行う。声を発するまでのプロセスにこだわりを持ち、自己の内で交差する感性の音を瞬時に反射するまでを敏感に扱う彼女の表現法は特徴を持つ。それ以外にも写真、ダンス、執筆(cloo k.として)等、活動は多岐に渡る。様々な音楽家やダンサーたちと共演。
ごよやく希望の方は、公演名/公演日/お名前/人数/お電話番号を明記の上、( メール )またはファックス( 03-5412-0516 )でお問い合わせ下さい。
Hans Koch (saxophone, electronics)
Martin Schuetz (electric 5string cello, electronics)
Fredy Studer (drums)
Opening Act : sunao inami (computer, electronics), keiko higuchi (voice), morishigeyasumune (cello)
Oct.5th (Wed.)
@SuperDeluxe www.super-deluxe.com/
open 19:30 | start 20:00
admission 3000 yen(1 drink in)
Hans Koch (saxophone, electronics)
Martin Schuetz (electric 5string cello, electronics)
Fredy Studer (drums)
The Swiss trio "KOCH-SCHÜTZ-STUDER" has a name on the international scene for it's radical and uncompromising "Hardcore Chambermusic". The three musicians are working together since 1990.Characteristics of their music are hard contrasts, even contradictions. Sequenced sounds from various unrecognisable sources and the use of live-electronics create dense walls of sound which are contrasted with completely acoustic, minimalistic-ambient improvisations. Analogue ("played") and digital ("programmed") beats are juxtaposed against free "outer-limits"- improvisations. It is a music free of stylistic restrictions.The three accomplished musicians have been working in a "style-free" musical zone for quite some time now and with their live performances at jazz-festivals, in underground rock-and electronic-music-clubs as well as in the context of contemporary "classical" music they are showing that to them an open as well as radical artistic attitude is more important than style-categories or musical genres.Besides their work as a trio, "Koch-Schütz-Studer" have always initiated various projects and worked with musicians from different cultural and artistic backgrounds. This summer they started a new group called "Roots&Wires" with New-York-DJs I-Sound and M.Singe. Last year their CD "Heavy Cairo Traffic" which they recorded in Cairo with the renowned "El Nil Troop" found enthusiastic response from critics and public alike.Beginning of 1999 "intakt-records" will release their long awaited recordings with traditional and improvising Cuban musicians (Koch-Schütz-Studer & Musicos Cubanos: "Fidel" )Hans Koch has quit his carreer as a recognised classical clarinetist to become one of the most innovative improvising reed-players in Europe. He has been working with everyone from Cecil Taylor to Fred Frith since the eighties. As a composer he has shaped the sound of Koch-Schütz-Studer since the beginning as well as working for radio-plays and film. Since the nineties he has been working with electronics as an extension of the saxes/clarinets as well as with sampling/sequencing. As a reed-player he is always working on his very own vocabulary and sound, which makes him a very unique voice on the actual scene. Martin Schütz is a cellist and electronic musician, improvisor and composer. He has been a figure on the european scene of improvised music since the eighties and has played with innumerable musicians from Europe, USA and elsewhere. His approach to the electric and acoustic cello as a rhythm&sound-machine is very unique. He is an acknowledged composer/performer for theaters like the Volksbühne in Berlin, the Schauspielhaus Hamburg, the Neumarktheater Zurich or the Residenztheater in Munich. He has been awarded for his filmmusic-scores several times. Fredy Studer is a drummer/percussionist who's experiences as an active musician since the seventies are as various as being a sideman for from 'A' like Abercrombie to 'Z' like Zorn as well as being involved with groups like "OM", "Red Twist and Tuned Arrow","Brüninghaus/Stockhausen/Studer", "Doran,Studer,Minton,Bates&Ali Play The Music Of Jimi Hendrix". He is one of the few drummers who incorporate open improvisation as well as straight beats into his style and was named "one of the most innovative drummers in Europe" by Drums&Percussion Magazine.
sunao inami (computer, electronics)
keiko higuchi (voice)
morishigeyasumune (cello)
For reservations, mail to info@super-deluxe.com.
Please include title and date of a show, your name, phone number, and the number of revervations you would like. You can also reserve via FAX at 03-5412-0516.
Deadline for a reservation is Oct.4th.
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