Nik Baersch's MOBILE

2005/10/13 木曜日

Nik Baersch's MOBILENik Baersch’s MOBILE

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59





Nik Baersch’s MOBILE
開場 18:00 開演 19:00 入場料 3000円 (1d)
「ニック・ベルチュはヨーロピアン・ニューミュージックの神童である。」The Brooklyn Rail ‐ニューヨーク
「グルーブの科学者=ニック・ベルチュ」 Tages Anzeiger ‐チューリッヒ
「ベルチュはいまだかつて無いスタイルを生み出した。」 Jazz’n’More ‐ドイツ
「苦行とエクスタシー」 NZZ ‐チューリッヒ
1966年スイス、ベルン生まれ。パンクバンドとしてのキャリアに挫折したのち、合気道、カンフー、タイチ、テコンドーなどの格闘技を学ぶ。1990年にF.M.アレキサンダーテクニックを修了後、東京に拠点を移し、そこで舞踏の創始者の一人である大野一雄などに教えを受ける。1993年より日本や欧州で”Vergessene Saat””der falsche David” “Steinzeit”などの単独公演をおこなう。その他、様々な舞踏フェスティバルにも参加。2001年ベルリンとグダンスクで開催された第一回ジャパン・ナウフェスティバルではオーガナイザーも務める。2002年東京に自身の舞踏学校”ボディ・ガレージ”を開校。

The group MOBILE develops integral musical concepts within a ritualistic framework. The performance of the music is usually combined with a multi-medial set-up of the surrounding space.
This time, at SuperDeluxe, MOBILE will present an extended performance of 6 hours in collaboration with the Tokyo-based Swiss Butoh dancer IMRE THORMANN.
Be prepared for a mind-expanding experience !

Oct.13th (Thu)
Nik Baersch's MOBILE
open 18:00 start 19:00 door 3000 yen (1d)
The group MOBILE develops integral musical concepts within a ritualistic framework.
The performance of the music is usually combined with a multi-medial set-up of the surrounding space.
This time, at SuperDeluxe, MOBILE will present an extended performance of 6 hours in collaboration with the Tokyo-based Swiss Butoh dancer IMRE THORMANN.
Be prepared for a mind-expanding experience !
( And look for their upcoming release on ECM next spring.... )
RITUAL GROOVE MUSIC is the title of the band's first CD and, at the same time, contains the essence of Nik Bärtsch`s musical thought. The purely acoustic music is full of surprising turns and bold combinations. The »ingredients« from Lennie Tristano, Morton Feldman, Minimal Music, Strawinsky, as well as elements of Japanese Noh-Music are combined to produce an exiting sound mixture which is at times funky, at times ambientlike relaxed and then again dramatically charged. This is a sound world of raw poetry, propelled by obsessive motion.
The compositions leave room for a variety of phrasing, which is readily exploited by the very diverse musical personalities that constitute the band. The Drummer Kaspar Rast, with his powerful groove, is at home in Jazz and Funk contexts as well as in the studio. Altosaxophonist and bassclarinet player Sha captivates the listener through rhythmic refinement and implacable calm and has already earned a reputation as a newcomer in the New Minimal scene. Mats Eser is known as an interpreter of New Music and is a member of the Swiss Percussion Group. Nik Bärtsch, the inspirational don of MOBILE, easily crosses back and forth over the borders between these different personal/musical codes, laying connections which in turn mutate to fuses.
Imre Thormann
Born in Bern in Bern, Switzerland 1966. After un unsuccessful career as a singer in the punk band Straps Gang, spent several years studying various martial arts (Aikido, Kung Fu, Tai chi and Taekwon Do (Swiss Champion 1984). 1990 qualified as a teacher in the F.M. Alexander Technique. Lives in Tokyo since 1990 and has been tutored in Butoh by Kazuo Ohno and in Noguchitaiso (experience principals of nature through one's body) with Michizo Noguchi. After 1993 various Butoh solo performances in Japan and in Europe. 1998 Organization and performance at the first "Alien-Butohfestival" in Tokyo. 1999 participation am internationalen Butohfestival "ex-it" in Bröllin (BRD). 2001 Organisation of the first „Japan Now"-Festival" in Bern (Switzerland) and Gdansk (Poland). 2002 and 2003 performances at the "lets see dance"-festival in Tokyo. Since 2002 he is teaching Butoh in his Bodygarage in Tokyo.

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