DesignUK ペチャクチャナイト

2005/10/31 月曜日

DesignUK Pecha Kucha NightDesignUK ペチャクチャナイト

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59




東京のスーパー・デラックスから始まり、ロンドンのICA、SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO, SYDNEY, SINGAPOREなどなど世界各地に大人気のペチャクチャナイトのDesignUK版。国内外のオールスターデザイナー登場!
presented by Klein Dytham architecture
SuperDeluxe 3周年 & Designer Week Special 企画 !!!

Starting at SuperDeluxe Tokyo Pechakucha Night has become a worldwide phenomena!
Come check out this special edition to celebrate the launch of Design UK with all-stars from the UK and Tokyo.
DJ : hiroyuki matsukege, miss mayutan, and more!
VJ : dada kingz, onoden
presented by Klein Dytham architecture
Tokyo Designer's Week 2005 & SuperDeluxe is 3 !!!

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