Anglo Files in Tokyo

2005/11/03 木曜日

Anglo Files in TokyoAnglo Files in Tokyo

Open: 18:00:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59




世界的に高い評価を得ている 「Anglo Files」 の著者 Lucy Bullivant 氏と、ご存知 Mark Dytham と Astrid Klein を迎えてのスペシャルトークショウ!
協賛:The British Embassy, Superdeluxe, RISA Partners Inc., the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.
21:00 >> 02:00 | 1000円 (1 ドリンク付)
The Designers BIG Thingy!
22:00 >> ペチャクチャナイト特別編
DJ : indigo
Tokyo Designer's Week 2005 & SuperDeluxe is 3 !!!

A talk event to launch in Tokyo British curator, critic and author Lucy Bullivant's acclaimed new book Anglo Files: UK architecture's rising generation, published by Thames & Hudson. Anglo Files analyses the work of the UK's most exciting young architectural practices to have emerged in recent years. Unique to this survey is the synthesis of foreign cultures with local conditions and sensibility. Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein will join Lucy in conversation after her talk.
Event supported by: The British Embassy, Superdeluxe, Risa Partners., the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.
21:00 >> 02:00 | 1000 yen (1 drink in)
The Designers BIG Thingy!
Featuring: a special edition pechakucha from 22:00
DJ : indigo
Tokyo Designer's Week 2005 & SuperDeluxe is 3 !!!

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