Humans at Play!

2005/11/18 金曜日

Humans at Play!Humans at Play!

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59




Cross-cultural improvisation mixing butoh,
koto and percussion with the sounds of jazz violin giant Billy Bang.
出演:BILLY BANG (vln)、八木美知依 (koto)、外山明 (ds) & 工藤丈輝 (dance)

開場:19:30 開演:20:00
前売/よやく: 3000円 当日:3500円
またはファックス( 03-5412-0516 )にて御問合せ下さい。
電話よやくも受け付けております。( 03-5412-05165)
tel : 03-5412-0515
〒106-0031 東京都港区西麻布 3-1-25 地下1階
Humans at Play!
Cross-cultural improvisation mixing butoh,
koto and percussion with the sounds of jazz violin giant Billy Bang.
八木美知依 (koto)
外山明 (ds)
工藤丈輝 (dance)
ビリー・バング Jazz Violin Giant from New York
アメリカのアラバマ州生まれ。ヴァイオリンを始めたのは中学時代。50年代半ばにフリージャズ、とりわけ John Coltrane、Eric Dolphy、Ornette Coleman 等の刺激を受ける。バングにヴァイオリンを手に取らせたのは、当時まだ無名だったヴァイオリニストの Leroy Jenkins だった。70年代初め、自らのグループ The Survival Ensamble を結成。77年 The String Trio of New York をベースの John Lindbarg、ギターの James Emery と創始。ここでバングの名は世に知られる。82年には San Ra Arkestra の一員として、John Ore (ベース)、Andrew Cyrille (ドラム)と Tribute to Stuff Smith (Soul Note)をレコーディング。97年にバングの持ち味を最も直感的に聞かせるジャズアルバム Bang On! をリリースする等活動の場を広げる。その後2000年の「Big Bang Theory」、そして2001年の傑作「Vietnam : the Aftermath」をリリースする。最新作として2003年に Willam Parker (ベース)と Hammid Drake (ドラム)と3人で Willam Parker String Trio の「Sketch Book」をはっぴょうした。
八木 美知依 (やぎ・みちよ)箏
邦楽はもちろん、前衛ジャズや現代音楽からプログレッシヴ・ロックそしてポップスまで幅広く活動するハイパー箏奏者。NHK邦楽育成会卒業後、ウェスリアン大学客員教授として渡米、ジョン・ケージ、ジョン・ゾーン等、独創的な活動をする音楽家に影響を受ける。99年にゾーンのプロデュースによるSOLO・アルバム『Shizuku』(Tzadik)を全世界発売。01年には佐籐允彦をプロデューサーに迎えた、自己の箏アンサンブル Paulownia Crushとのアルバム『ゆらる』(イーストワークス)をリリース。04年にはこのグループを率いて国際交流基金主催のロシア・ツアーを行う。他にKokoo、Hoahio、Kyuといったグループのメンバーでもある。NHK《邦楽百選》、NHK-BS《Weekend Japanology》、TV朝日《題名のない音楽会》やメールス・ジャズ・フェスティヴァル、ヴィジョン・フェスティヴァル等に出演。マーク・ドレッサー、ペーター・ブロッツマン、エリオット・シャープ、フレッド・フリス、大友良英、クリス・カトラー、ハン・ベニンク、ビル・ラズウェル、サチコ M.、勝井祐二(ROVO)、カン・テファン、巻上公一、ビリー・バングら世界のトップ・インプロヴァイザーと共演するかたわら、浜崎あゆみやTakuya(元Judy & Mary)といったJ-POPアーティストのレコーディングやステージにも参加。その驚くべきテクニックと無類のリズム感で聴く者を圧倒している。
外山 明(そとやま・あきら) ドラム・パーカッション

Cross-cultural improvisation mixing butoh,
koto and percussion with the sounds of jazz violin giant Billy Bang.
LIVE : BILLY BANG (vln), Michiyo Yagi (koto), Akira Sotoyama (ds) & Taketeru Kudo (dance)

November18th (Fri)
open : 19:30 start : 20:00
adv.3000 yen door3500 yen
For reservations, mail to
Please include title and date of a show, your name, phone number, and the number of revervations you would like. You can also reserve via FAX at 03-5412-0516.
Deadline for a reservation is Nov.17th 18:00.
venue : SuperDeluxe
tel : 03-5412-0515
3.1.25.b1F nishi azabu, minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031
Humans at Play!
Cross-cultural improvisation mixing butoh,
koto and percussion with the sounds of jazz violin giant Billy Bang.
Michiyo Yagi (koto)
Akira Sotoyama (ds)
Taketeru KUDO (dance)
BILLY BANG Jazz Violin Giant from New York
Billy Bang has taken jazz violin into unchartered territory.
Heavily inspired by John Coltrane, Eric Dolphy, Ornette Coleman and the free-jazz movement, Bang became a key member of the New York avant-garde scene of the '70s. He has more 15 albums under his own leadership, nearly a dozen more in co-led endeavors, and five more with the String Trio of New York (which he co-founded in 1977 with guitarist James Emery and bassist John Lindberg).
Forming his own group, The Survival Ensemble, Bang began working with artists like David Murray, Frank Lowe, William Parker and Sam Rivers. In 1982 he began a ten-year association with the incomparable Sun Ra.
Currently, Bang records for Canada's Justin Time Records, for which he recorded "Bang On" in 1997 and "The Big Bang Theory" in 1999. His latest CDs (released in 2001 and 2005) entitled "Vietnam: TheAftermath" and "Vietnam: Reflections" evoke and confront the memories of his Vietnam experiences. "Aftermath" won an Association for Independent Music Award in 2003.
"More young jazz violinists appear every year, but none sounds like Billy Bang. ... After 30 years, he's reached a pinnacle where everything he does takes your breath away."-- Village Voice, October 2005
Michiyo Yagi (koto)
Hyper-koto-player Michiyo Yagi's wide-ranging activities encompass everything from traditionalJapanese music to avant-garde jazz, contemporary classical music, progressive rock and pop. After graduating from the NHK Professional Training School for Traditional Musicians, Yagi was Visiting Professor at Wesleyan University where she was influenced by maverick composers such as John Cage and John Zorn. Zorn produced her solo CD "Shizuku" (1999) for his Tzadik label, and jazz pianist Masahiko Sato produced "Yural" (East Works, 2001), featuring Yagi's multi-koto ensemble Paulownia Crush. The latter group toured Russia in 2004 under the auspices of the Japan Foundation. Yagi is also a member of the shakuhachi + twin koto ensemble Kokoo, the avant girl group Hoahio, and the punk/noise/ambient bondage duo Kyu. Yagi has been featured at various international festivals such as Moers, Vision, Bang on a Can, and Victoriaville. As a cutting edge improviser she has performed with Mark Dresser, Peter Brotzmann, Elliott Sharp, Fred Frith, Otomo Yoshihide, Chris Cutler, Han Bennink, Bill Laswell, Sachiko M., Billy Bang, and many others. Yagi has also recorded and performed with J-Pop artists such as Ayumi Hamasaki and former Judy & Mary guitarist Takuya.
Akira Sotoyama (ds)
Taketeru KUDO (dance)
Kudo Taketeru is a rising star of the new butoh generation. Born in 1967 in Tokyo, after exposure to a range of dance and a drama styles, he decided in 1989 to devote himself to butoh. He was a member of the Paris-based Sankai Juku company from 1995-98 but is best known as a soloist. He has also collaborated with artists from different genres and performed in countries from Russia to Germany and Israel.

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