2005/12/26 月曜日月曜日
Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59
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” Vortex meets Michiyo Yagi “
出演:Vortex (武石聡, 永井晶子), 八木美知依
vortex live videos >> http://www.home.earthlink.net/~takeishi/id4.html
12月26日月曜日@ SuperDeluxe
開場 19:00 | 開演 19:30 | 3000円 (1 ドリンク付)
お問い合わせ:キャロサンプ (Callithump)
tel: 03-3316-7376 fax: 03-3316-7326 info@callithump.info
Sponsored by Tokyo Brewing Company www.tokyo-ale.com
Vortex meets Michiyo Yagi
VORTEX (武石聡 & 永井晶子)
vortex live videos >> http://www.home.earthlink.net/~takeishi/id4.html
Free jazz/現代音楽のピアノとlaptop computerによる同時即興演奏として、その場で録音/プロセスして作った音源のみを使用して創り出される音の世界。純粋な音の採取をいかに無限なかのう性のある音に作りあげていくかをコンセプトとしている。
水戸出身。ドラマー、パーカッショニスト、プログラマー、アレンジャーとして世界中に多忙な活動をしている。ボストン・バークリー音楽院卒業後、南米コロンビアへ4年間在住し、クンビアをはじめ様々なラテン音楽スタイルを身につける。また、アルメニアのウードの名手Joe Zeytoonianと共演し影響を受け、様々なジャンルを弾きこなすようになる。91年ニューヨークに移り住み、Ray Barretto、John Zorn、Anthony Braxton、Eliane Elias、Marc Johnson、秋吉敏子、Herbie Mann、Dave Liebmanらと共演している。
名古屋出身。12年間プロとして音楽活動し、96年にボストン・バークリー音学院に留学。在学中より、ボストンを中心にライブ活動をする。99年同校を卒業。ニューヨークに活動の拠点を移し、John Zorn、Rashied Ali、Roy Campbell、Sam Newsome、武石聡、 Greg Tardyらと活動。Shoko Nagai Quintetを結成し、ダウンタウンのミュージック・シーンを中心に、Blue Note, Knitting Factory, Tonicなどでもlレギュラー出演を続けている。2000年にデビュー作“Two Levels Crossing”、2002年に“VORTEX”、2003年に“vSOOn”をSky Productionsよりリリース。1999〜2002年にはバンドリーダーとして来日ツアー。また98年、ノルウェー“Nattjazz Festival”にも出演し、スイス、イスラエルなどでも演奏している。
邦楽はもちろん、前衛ジャズや現代音楽からプログレッシヴ・ロックそしてポップスまで幅広く活動するハイパー箏奏者。NHK邦楽技能者育成会卒業後、ウェスリアン大学客員教授として渡米中、ジョン・ケージ、ジョン・ゾーン等、独創的な活動をする音楽家に影響を受ける。99年にSOLOCD「Shizuku」(Tzadik))、01年に「ゆらる」(イーストワークス)をリリース。最新アルバムは17絃SOLO作「Seventeen」(ジパング)。メールス・ジャズ・フェスティヴァル、ヴィジョン・フェスティヴァル等に出演。エリオット・シャープ、マーク・ドレッサー、ハン・ベニンクら即興演奏家と共演するかたわら、アコーディオン奏者のcoba、浜崎あゆみやTakuya(元Judy & Mary)といったJ-POPアーティストのレコーディングやステージにも参加。その驚くべきテクニックと無類のリズム感で聴く者を圧倒している。
Live : Vortex (Satoshi Takeishi, Shoko Nagai), Michiyo Yagi
vortex live videos >> http://www.home.earthlink.net/~takeishi/id4.html
Dec.26th (Mon) at SuperDeluxe
open 19:00 | start 19:30 | 3000 yen (1 drink in)
For reservations, mail to info@callithump.info
Please include "12.26 reservation" in your email header and let us know your name, phone number,and the number of revervations you would like.
You can also rexerve via FAX at 03-3316-7326.
Deadline for a reservation is Dec. 25th.
Folks with reservations will be admitted first on the day of event.
Inquiries: Callithump / TEL 03-3316-7376
Sponsored by Tokyo Brewing Company www.tokyo-ale.com
Vortex meets Michiyo Yagi
VORTEX(Satoshi Takeishi & Shoko Nagai)
vortex live videos >> http://www.home.earthlink.net/~takeishi/id4.html
Satoshi Takeishi (real-time laptop audio processing, percussion)
Drummer, percussionist, and arranger Satoshi Takeishi was born in Mito, Japan and studied music at Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. While at Berklee he developed an interest in the music of South America and went to live and work in Colombia following the invitation of a friend. He spent four years there and forged many musical and personal relationships. He returned to the U.S. in 1986 and began working as an arranger in Miami. In 1987 he produced "Morning Ride" for jazz flutist Nestor Torres on Polygram Records. His interest expanded to the rhythms and melodies of the Middle East, and he studied and performed with Armenian-American oud master Joe Zeytoonian. Since moving to New York in 1991, Takeishi has worked with Ray Barretto, Carlos "Patato" Valdes, Eliane Elias, Marc Johnson, Eddie Gomez, Randy Brecker, Dave Liebman, Anthony Braxton, Mark Murphy, Herbie Mann, Paul Winter Consort, Rabih Abou Khalil, Toshiko Akiyoshi Big Band, Erik Friedlander, Pablo Ziegler, and many others. He continues to explore multi-cultural, electronic, and improvisational music in New York.
Shoko Nagai (piano, antique organ, sho)
Born in Nagoya, Japan, composer and pianist Shoko Nagai has been evolving as a professional musician for twelve years. After graduating from Berklee College of Music in 1999 she moved to New York City and quickly established herself in the downtown jazz scene, performing with such renowned artists as John Zorn, Rashied Ali, Tom Rainy, Ikue Mori, Roy Campbell, Sam Newsome, Greg Tardy, Lukas Ligeti, Daniel Carter. The Shoko Nagai Quintet, featuring some of New York's finest musicians, has performed extensively at the Blue Note, Knitting Factory, Tonic, Location One, and other top New York venues. Nagai released her first CD "Two Levels Crossing" in 2000 and her second CD "Vortex" in 2002. Nagai has performed in Norway (Natt Jazz Festival), Japan, Switzerland and Israel.
Michiyo Yagi (21-string koto, 17-string bass koto)
Hyper-koto-player Michiyo Yagi's wide-ranging activities encompass traditional Japanese music, avant-garde jazz, contemporary classical music, progressive rock and pop. After graduating from the NHK Professional Training School for Traditional Musicians, Yagi was Visiting Professor at Wesleyan University, where she was influenced by maverick composers such as John Cage and John Zorn. Zorn produced her solo CD "Shizuku" (1999) for his Tzadik label, and jazz pianist Masahiko Sato produced "Yural" (East Works, 2001), featuring Yagi's multi-koto ensemble Paulownia Crush. Her most recent recording is "Seventeen" (Zipangu, 2005), entirely recorded on the giant 17-string bass koto. Yagi is also a member of the shakuhachi + twin koto ensemble Kokoo, the avant girl group Hoahio, and the punk / noise / ambient / bondage duo Kyu. Yagi has been featured at various international festivals such as Moers, Vision, Bang on a Can, and Victoriaville. As a cutting edge improviser she has performed with Mark Dresser, Peter Brötzmann, Elliott Sharp, Fred Frith, Otomo Yoshihide, Chris Cutler, Han Bennink, Bill Laswell, Sachiko M., Billy Bang, and many others. Yagi has also recorded and performed with J-Pop artists such as Ayumi Hamasaki and former Judy & Mary guitarist Takuya.
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