Seven Samurai

2006/07/27 木曜日

Seven SamuraiSeven Samurai

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59



– 彼らはまるで蔦の様にそこかしこに出没する、、、
Supported by: Arts Council of England, Northern Rock Foundation, Henry Moore Foundation

Seven Samurai
7月27日木曜日@ SuperDeluxe 地図
106-0031東京都 港区 西麻布3.1.25 B1F
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
20:00 >> | 1000円
: : : : 7人の侍達は、、、 : : : :
juneau / projects
the complete new album including a guitar solo
Bedwyr Williams
easing those weiry bones with some pebble trouble
Lucienne Cole
going to a go go
Nathaniel Mellors
not saying
Marcus Coates
village shaman
Barnaby Hosking
impossibly good looking doing nothing
Karen Guthrie,
Nina Pope,
and Tim Olden
something with sound and costume
A night of live and recorded material drawn from 7 artists working in a small village full of old people farming rice in the Tsumari region – these artists are trying to be helpful
Featuring the some incredibly happening London and UK artists - they are everywhere, like ivy.
Supported by: Arts Council of England, Northern Rock Foundation, Henry Moore Foundation

Seven Samurai
July.27th (Thu) at SuperDeluxe MAP
B1F 3.1.25 Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031, Japan
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
20:00 >> | 1000 yen
: : : : Seven Samuraies are : : : :
juneau / projects
the complete new album including a guitar solo
Bedwyr Williams
easing those weiry bones with some pebble trouble
Lucienne Cole
going to a go go
Nathaniel Mellors
not saying
Marcus Coates
village shaman
Barnaby Hosking
impossibly good looking doing nothing
Karen Guthrie,
Nina Pope,
and Tim Olden
something with sound and costume

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    入場無料 Free Entry
    開場 15:00 Open 〜 終了 20:00 Close
    主催 Presented by: Permaculture AWA, Kosmic Market, SuperDeluxe

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