2006/11/24 Friday金曜日
Nordic Heat!北欧HOT!
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激突か、合体か?北欧の超強力ジャズ/インプロ・トリオ、MZN3 (エム・ゼット・エヌ・スリー)が来日。
MZN3メンバー: Kjetil Møster (saxophones), Per Zanussi (double bass), Kjell Nordeson (drums/percussion)
八木美知依 (20絃箏、17絃箏)
MZN3 + Michiyo Yagi
Scandinavian jazz supertrio meets hyper koto player. Live recording!
北欧の超強力ジャズ/インプロ・トリオ、MZN3 (エム・ゼット・エヌ・スリー)が来日。
11月24日金曜日@ SuperDeluxe 地図
106-0031東京都 港区 西麻布3.1.25 B1F
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
開場 19:00 | 開演 19:30 | 4000円 (1 ドリンク付)
【よやく方法】SDLXごよやく希望の方は、件名「11/24 北欧HOT!」、
お名前、人数 (2名まで)、お電話番号を明記の上、
Eメール ( info@super-deluxe.com ) またはファクス (03-5412-0516) をご送信下さい。
11月23日 18:00〆切り。
: : : : 出演 : : : :
● MZN3 (エム・ゼット・エヌ・スリー)
Kjetil Møster (saxophones)
Per Zanussi (double bass)
Kjell Nordeson (drums/percussion)
● 八木美知依 (20絃箏、17絃箏)
Scandinavian jazz supertrio meets hyper koto player. Live recording!
MZN3 (em-zed-en-three) members: Kjetil Møster (saxophones), Per Zanussi (double bass), Kjell Nordeson (drums/percussion)
Michiyo Yagi (21- and 17-string kotos)
free entrance after 11 pm!
Nordic Heat!
MZN3 + Michiyo Yagi
Scandinavian jazz supertrio meets hyper koto player Michiyo Yagi. Live recording!
November 23 (Th) and 24 (Fri), 2006
Door opens 19:00, music from 19:30
Admission: 4000 yen (inc. 1 drink)
SuperDeluxe MAP
B1F 3.1.25 Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031, Japan
T: 03.5412.0515
For reservations, email info@super-deluxe.com.
Please write "11/23 Nordic Heat! RES" or "11/24 Nordic Heat! RES" as the subject, and include your name, phone number, and the number of party in the message body.
You can also reserve via FAX (03-5412-0516).
Reservation deadline: 18:00 of the day before the respective performances.
MZN3 (em-zed-en-three) is a powerful trio comprising three major voices of the Scandinavian contemporary jazz/improvisation scene. MZN3 thoroughly explores the possibilities of the trio format, working in the twilight zone between composition and improvisation to create a powerful blend of hard-core blowing, grooves, and psychedelia. The members freely utilize their extensive experience in a wide variety of musical styles encompassing everything from heavy metal to contemporary music, with a common reference to jazz and improvised music. MZN3's eponymous debut album (Jazzaway JARCD 013) was released to critical acclaim in 2005.
Kjetil Møster (saxophones), a graduate of the Trondheim Conservatory, has recently established himself as one of Norway's top jazz/improv players. He is a member of Ultralyd, Zanussi Five, The Core, Trinity, Brat, and King Midas, and has performed with Jon Christensen, Fe-Mail, Paal Nilssen-Love, Ingebrigt Håker Flaten, Anders Hana, Sten Sandell, Raymond Strid, Michael Zerang and Mike Pride among many others. As a featured soloist with the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra he has participated in projects with Pat Metheny and Chick Corea. In 2006 Møster won the IFJO (International Jazz Festival Organisation) International Jazz Award for New Talent, which recognizes an emerging artist whose promise is collectively recognized by members of the IJFO and IAJE (International Association for Jazz Education).
Per Zanussi (double bass), one of Norway's most in-demand bassists, is also a critically acclaimed composer of music for theatrical and dance productions and the contemporary circus. A founding member of the popular electro-jazz band Wibutee, he now leads his own quintet Zanussi Five. Zanussi has also worked with Martin Küchen, Jon Christensen, Petter Wettre, Sten Sandell, Bugge Wesseltoft, Raymond Strid, Jon Eberson, Jazzmob and the Crimetime Orchestra among others. Zanussi holds master's degrees in chamber music and improvisation from the Trondheim Conservatory and the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo.
Kjell Nordeson (drums/percussion) formed the AALY Trio with Mats Gustafsson in 1986 and was an instrumental figure in laying the groundwork for the contemporary Scandinavian improv scene. Nordeson studied classical percussion with Björn Liljeqvist, principal percussionist of the Stockholm Philharmonic. In Stockholm he regularly works with musicians such as Sten Sandell, Christer Bothén, Peter Söderberg, David Stackenäs, Martin Küchen and Fredrik Ljungkvist. He is also a member of Stockholm Low Dynamic Orchestra, Nacka Forum, Katzen Kapell, Firehouse, and Exploding Customer. Nordeson has toured extensively in North America and Europe with Ken Vandermark's School Days. He has performed with Peter Brötzmann, Barry Guy, Joe Morris, William Parker, Paul Rutherford, Gerry Hemingway, Frank Gratkowski and Stefano Scodanibbio, and has extensive experience with theater and dance.
Michiyo Yagi (21-string koto, 17-string bass koto) studied under the late Tadao Sawai, Kazue Sawai and Satomi Kurauchi, and graduated from the NHK Professional Training School for Traditional Musicians. Between 1989 and 1990 she was Visiting Professor of Music at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, U.S.A. During her tenure she premiered numerous modern compositions for koto and came under the influence of maverick American composers such as John Cage, Conlon Nancarrow, and John Zorn. Her solo koto CD "Shizuku" was produced by Zorn and released on the Tzadik label in 1999. In 2001 she recorded "Yural" with her koto ensemble Paulownia Crush for the East Works label. Under the auspices of the Japan Foundation, Yagi toured Russia with Paulownia Crush in the fall of 2004. An eclectic performer who continually challenges conventions, Yagi has made frequent appearances on Japanese TV and has performed at the Kongsberg Jazz, Moers Jazz, Musique Actuel Victoriaville, Archipel, Bang on a Can, Tokyo Summer, and Vision Festivals. Her koto has been featured in ex-Judy & Mary guitarist/singer Takuya's rock band, and she has recorded and performed with Ayumi Hamasaki, Japan's best-selling pop singer. Yagi is a founding member of Kokoo, a trio that performs originals and progressive rock covers exclusively on traditional Japanese instruments, and the avant pop girl group Hoahio. More recently she formed Kyu, a self-described "punk-noise-ambient-bondage duo," with bassist/singer Kirilola of Ex-Girl, and Trance Koto Express in collaboration with sound engineer Shigetake Ao. As a cutting-edge improviser Yagi has performed with Mark Dresser, John Zorn, Peter Brötzmann, Elliott Sharp, Han Bennink, Kazuhisa Uchihashi (Altered States), Natsuki Kido (Bondage Fruit), Fred Frith, Chris Cutler, Omoto Yoshihide, Saadet Turkoz, Ned Rothenberg, Hoppy Kamiyama, Samm Bennett, Yuji Katsui (Rovo), Lauren Newton, Hans Reichel, Sabu Toyozumi, Mino Cinelu, Satoko Fujii, Joëlle Leandre, Tatsuya Yoshida (Ruins), Bill Laswell, Kazutoki Umezu, Carl Stone, Kang Tae Hwan, Christian Marclay, Koichi Makigami, Zeena Parkins, Masahiko Sato, Billy Bang, Keiji Haino, Jason Roebke, Sachiko M, Ingebrigt Flaten, Paal Nilssen-Love, Vortex (Satoshi Takeishi & Shoko Nagai) and many others. Yagi's latest albums are "Seventeen" (Zipangu, 2005), entirely recorded on the giant 17-string bass koto, and Live! at SuperDeluxe (Idiolect/Bomba, 2006), a trio performance with bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten and drummer Paal Nilssen-Love. Forthcoming CD releases include a studio session with Dresser and Rothenberg and a duo album with Sharp.
Further information at:
Press inquiries: mzn3plus@yahoo.co.jp
Concerts presented by Idiolect, Grinning Troll and SuperDeluxe with support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy
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