2006/12/07 木曜日木曜日
Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59
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The Hansu & Marco Show!
イギリスから Miso-Soupがやってくる!!
注目のLiveを披露!!カリフォルニアからはアバンギャルドグルーブ、The Hansu & Marco show!!
好評を博しているHumany Earthyによる空間演出もお楽しみに!!
ライブ: Miso-Soup、The Hansu & Marco Show!
スペシャルゲスト: Group (タケヒサケン/g、イゲ/g、イシカワ/b、ハンチョ−/tp、ケイスケ/ds )
DJ: Sandnorm, beermike
VJ: Nativizion
Support: Humany Earthy
Miso-Soup / The Hansu & Marco Show!
12月7日木曜日@ SuperDeluxe 地図
106-0031東京都 港区 西麻布3.1.25 B1F
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
開場 19:00 | 開演 19:30 | 2500円 (1 ドリンク付)
SDLXごよやく希望の方は、件名「12/7 蘭?vお名前、人数 (2人まで)、お電話番号を明記の上、
: : : : 出演アーティストのプロフィール : : : :
Miso-Soup (from London)
Formed in 2000, Miso-soup is a post electro-accoustic band based in London.
The band is comprised of four Japanese: Masaki (guitar, piano), Ken (trumpet, synth), Keisuke (drums), Yuhi (bass, sampler).
They have a broad interest in all music, and have played more than 300 entirely improvised gigs.
Each member’s individual activities are also wide ranging: Masaki has collaborated with and produced exhibition music for Levi’s and Shiseido. Ken and Yuhi have worked with various musicians such as Damo Suzuki (ex-Can), Charles Hayword, Chika (Plastics), 00i00, Dry & Heavy, Brown Sierra, Paul Hood, Now, Kenji Jammer (Simply Red), and Sebastian Rochford (Polar Bear). Ken, as a film director,has held several exhibitions in galleries in London.
The Hansu & Marco Show! (from California)
THE HANSU & MARCO SHOW is the magic music session from California!
HANS FJELLESTAD and MARCOS FERNANDES in Japan again with Moog synthesizer, live percussion and samples. It is not only serious sound but it is pop!
Group (スペシャルゲスト)
タケヒサケン (g)
イゲ (g)
イシカワ (b)
ハンチョ− (tp)
ケイスケ (ds )
Sandnorm (DJ)
world, abstract, technoやrock, hip hopまで、様々な音楽を巧みにMIXする独特なプレイスタイルでOVA、Organic Groove、渚音楽祭、SPUTNIK”The Bus”など多数のパーティーに出演。混沌・融合が行き過ぎたシーンにくさびを打ち込む新世代の希望。最近はTrial Production”Roots Exotica”のREMIXなども手掛ける。
ビアマイク (DJ)
米国Fresno出身。Tokyo Aleという鮮烈に旨いビールを提供するビヤ・マイクは雑誌TOKIONの侮・hカバーボーイ”に選ばれる程、日本の先端ビール業界のスターでもある。欧州フリージャズの巨人ウィリアム・ブロイカーとも交流し、激烈に激しいフリージャズから甘〜くとろけるようなスィートなジャズまでジャズを飴と鞭にして、老若男女の心を鷲掴みにする。
Nativizion (VJ / Humany Earthy)
丸 倫徳
Special Guest: Group (tekehisaken/g, ige/g, ishikawa/b, hancho/tp, keisuke/ds )
DJ: Sandnorm, beermike
VJ: Nativizion
Support: Humany Earthy
free entrance after 11 pm!
Miso-Soup / The Hansu & Marco Show!
Dec.7th (Thu) at SuperDeluxe MAP
B1F 3.1.25 Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031, Japan
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
open 19:00 | start 19:30 | 2500 yen (1 drink in)
For reservations, mail to info@super-deluxe.com.
Please include "12/7 RES" as the subject, and include your name, phone number, and the number of tickets you would like in the message body.
You can also reserve via FAX (03-5412-0516).
Reservation deadline: 12/6, 18:00.
: : : : artist information : : : :
Miso-Soup (from London)
Formed in 2000, Miso-soup is a post electro-accoustic band based in London.
The band is comprised of four Japanese: Masaki (guitar, piano), Ken (trumpet, synth), Keisuke (drums), Yuhi (bass, sampler).
They have a broad interest in all music, and have played more than 300 entirely improvised gigs.
Each member's individual activities are also wide ranging: Masaki has collaborated with and produced exhibition music for Levi's and Shiseido. Ken and Yuhi have worked with various musicians such as Damo Suzuki (ex-Can), Charles Hayword, Chika (Plastics), 00i00, Dry & Heavy, Brown Sierra, Paul Hood, Now, Kenji Jammer (Simply Red), and Sebastian Rochford (Polar Bear). Ken, as a film director,has held several exhibitions in galleries in London.
The Hansu & Marco Show! (from California)
THE HANSU & MARCO SHOW is the magic music session from California!
HANS FJELLESTAD and MARCOS FERNANDES in Japan again with Moog synthesizer, live percussion and samples. It is not only serious sound but it is pop!
Group Special Guest
tekehisaken (g)
ige (g)
ishikawa (b)
hancho (tp)
keisuke (ds)
Sandnorm (DJ)
beermike (DJ)
Nativizion (VJ / Humany Earthy)
Michinori Maru
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