モーガンのオルガン vol.34

2006/12/13 水曜日

Morgan's Organ vol.34モーガンのオルガン vol.34

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59




モーガンの写真や、モーガンの前衛的なビデオコレクションからびっくりするような作品もご期待ください! モーガン・フィシャー

モーガンのオルガン vol.34
12月13日水曜日@ SuperDeluxe 地図
106-0031東京都 港区 西麻布3.1.25 B1F
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
開場 19:00 | 演奏 19:30 | 上映会 21:15 | チャージ無料 (要ドリンクオーダー)
毎回、モーガンの写真や、モーガンの前衛的なビデオコレクションからビックリするような作品を特集するよていです。詳細はこちらから: http://www.morgan-fisher.com/jlive.html

Morgan Fisher
Morgan returns to Superdeluxe for the 34th concert in his Morgan's Organ series.
Once again, Morgan will give an extended solo performance, featuring more amazing instruments from his vintage keyboard collection. Be prepared to hear some fascinating old/new sounds as Morgan improvises with his always-fresh take on minimal music.
This special edition will include, in place of the second live set, a showing of the new film A Zen Life directed by Canadian Michael Goldberg. Morgan composed the music for this film. It is a fascinating 77-minute documentary covering the life of Zen master DT Suzuki (1870-1966), who played a leading role in bringing Zen to the western world. The film includes interviews with a variety of renowned people whose lives were deeply affected by their contact with Suzuki, including John Cage, Gary Snyder, Donald Richie, Huston Smith, and Suzuki's longtime assistant, Mihoko Okamura. Japanese translation will be projected alongside the film.
This month is on Wednesday !!!!! Don't miss it!

Morgan's Organ vol.34
Dec.13th (Wed) at SuperDeluxe MAP
B1F 3.1.25 Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031, Japan
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
open 19:00 | live performance 19:30 | film 21:15 | free entrance! (drink order required)
Morgan returns to Superdeluxe for the 34th concert in his Morgan's Organ series. Once again, Morgan will give an extended solo performance, featuring more amazing instruments from his vintage keyboard collection. Be prepared to hear some fascinating old/new sounds as Morgan improvises with his always-fresh take on minimal music.
This special edition will include, in place of the second live set, a showing of the new film A Zen Life directed by Canadian Michael Goldberg. Morgan composed the music for this film. It is a fascinating 77-minute documentary covering the life of Zen master DT Suzuki (1870-1966), who played a leading role in bringing Zen to the western world. The film includes interviews with a variety of renowned people whose lives were deeply affected by their contact with Suzuki, including John Cage, Gary Snyder, Donald Richie, Huston Smith, and Suzuki's longtime assistant, Mihoko Okamura. Japanese translation will be projected alongside the film.
More information on the film is here: www.azenlife-film.org
Come to Superdeluxe and enjoy a really special Christmas night!
* Morgan's Organ is FREE ADMISSION.
* It usually happens on the third Thursday of every month.
* It features selections of Morgan's photographs plus astonishing tapes from his avant-garde video library.

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