2007/03/24 土曜日土曜日
Open: 18:00:00 | Start: 18:00 - 23:59
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From the Motherland: African music, Dance, Food and Culture
出演: シーノ・タカヒデ, ニャマ・カンテ, BB・モフラン, サカキ・マンゴー, ジェームス・アチンャ・& クリス・ギルヤード, 'jook' feat, DJ キング・トーン & ズールーキングズ b-boy
ユニバーサル ズール ネーション ジャパン
Produced by Temple University Japan
シーノ・タカヒデ (画家/イラストレーター)
高知県出身。アフリカ音楽に奮起され、アフリカ文化に深く感化された作品を制作し続けている。アフリカ各地を放浪した後、1987年にイラストレーターに。東京、高知、ケニアをはじめとする各地でウォールペインティングを創作している。現在のテーマはスワヒリ語で人生、生活を意味する " Maisha" である。
ニャマ・カンテ (ダンサー/シンガー)
BB・モフラン (ミュージシャン)
サカキ・マンゴー (親指ピアニスト)
1974年、鹿児島県生まれ。大阪外国語大学でスワヒリ語を専攻、そのころにタンザニア音楽の研究を始める。アフリカに渡り、当時タンザニア国立歌舞団の主席奏者を務めていた故フクウェ・ウビ・ザウォセ氏にリンバの演奏と製作を、ジンバブエのガリカイ ティリコーティ氏にムビラの演奏を師事した。リンバとムビラのほかコンゴの電気リケンベを演奏する。伝統的な演奏スタイルをふまえた上で、新しい解釈でアフリカ音楽のトランス感覚に注目した表現を展開している。
ジェームス・アチンャ・& クリス・ギルヤード
'jook' feat ('ジョク' フィート)
"エスノ エキゾチカ スタイル" のダンスで2004年以来知られるダンサーHirokoとcoco ayumi (テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス卒業生)が、このイベントのために"アフロ-カリビアン" スタイルダンスを披露する。コートジボーアル (象牙海岸共和国)のドラマー奏者でモデルでもあるフランク・メリスがドラムで共演。
DJ キング・トーン & ズールーキングズ b-boy
ユニバーサル ズール ネーション ジャパン
今月は久々にスーパー・デラックスの女子トイレの奥にある "Poussez Gallery" にて29さんの29展を開催します!
Shino Takahide, Nyama Kante, BB Mo-Franck, Sakaki Mango, James Atchison & Chris Gillyard, 'jook' feat, DJ King Tone and the fabulous Zulu Kings b-boy crew
Universal Zulu Nation Japan and logo
Produced by Temple University Japan
Shino Takahide (painter/illustrator)
Shino is a Japanese artist from Kochi prefecture whose work is inspired by African music and an intimate understanding of African culture. After wandering the African continent, he became an illustrator in 1987 and has since done wall paintings in Tokyo, Kochi and Kenya. The current theme of his work is "MAISHA" which means "life and live" in Swahili.
[Nyama Kante (dancer/singer)](
Nyama was born in Guinea and grew up in Cote dfIvoire in a traditional gGrioth family, whose musical roots were based on the music of Mande tribes (with inspiration from Guinea and Mali). She started her professional music career in Abidjan, as a member of the musical theater gKotebah and was in an idol group gLes Go de Kotebah. She is married to an anthropologist Hiroyuki Suzuki and came to Japan 1998.
BB Mo-Franck (musician)
BB Mo-Franck is a Congolese keyboard player, percussionist, lyricist and composer whose work is inspired by his research of African tribal rhythm with European and Zairean musicians. In 1983 he came to Japan to perform in the Hiroshima/Nagasaki peace concert, and his breathtaking performance with Sadao Watanabe made his name well known in Japan. Since then he has played at Piga Piga, for many international organizations, and has recently mixed culture in music with Japanese shamisen and taiko musicians.
Sakaki Mango (thumb piano player)
Born in Kagoshima, Japan in 1974, Sakaki Mango studied the Swahili language at the Osaka University of Foreign Studies, where he also began his research on the music of Tanzania. He traveled to the African continent to receive direct training from the late Hukwe Ubi Zawose (then the lead limba player of the Tanzanian National Theatre) on the limba, and from Galikai Tillicoti on the mbira. In addition to the limba and mbira, Sakaki Mango also plays the electric likimbe, a Congolese amplified lamellaphone.
James Atchison & Chris Gillyard
J&C are American study abroad students at Temple University's Japan campus in Tokyo. James Atchison is a visual artist and rapper from Texas with an avid interest in Japanese culture (he is a senior Asian Studies major, a student of Japanese language and a published manga artist). Born and raised in Maryland, Chris Gillyard is the only double major in Theater/Dance at Amherst College, who in addition to being in his college a-cappella group, is also captain of the football team.
'jook' feat
'jook' feat - since 2004 by Hiroko and coco ayumi (TUJ alumni) 'Ethno-Exotica style' dancers will perform "Afro-Caribbean" version for this event. Franck Melis - a professional drummer and model from Cote d'Ivoire (Republic of Ivory Coast).
DJ King Tone and the fabulous Zulu Kings b-boy crew
Universal Zulu Nation Japan and logo
"29" by 29 special exhibition in the SuperDeluxe Poussez Gallery
Mar.6th (Tue) - 31st (Sat)

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入場無料 Free Entry
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