日本を感じる "酒"

2007/05/17 木曜日

Nippon O Kanjiru日本を感じる "酒"

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59




テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス現代日本研究所が主催する「日本を感じる」が六本木スーパーデラックスで開催!唯一外国人で利き酒名人のコンテストで優勝したジョン・ゴントナー氏を向かえ、酒トーク (英語) を行います。レクチャー後には彼が厳選した7種の日本酒を試飲することができます。そのほかパシフィックカルチャークラブによる美しい日本の伝統も披露。是非お越し下さい!
未成年1000円 (1ソフトドリンク付) / 一般1500園 (酒セット付)

Produced by TUJ Contemporary Japanese Studies

"Sake Guy" John Gauntner

"The Sake Guy" John Gauntner is acknowledged as one of the world's leading authorities on Japanese sake, and has been instrumental in introducing sake to the English-speaking world. He is also the only non-Japanese member of the Ginjoshu Kenkyu Kikou (Ginjo Sake Research Group), and is the only non-Japanese to have participated as an official taster in a prefectural government tasting. Gauntner is the author of several books on Japanese sake, and writes a column in The Japan Times newspaper, and Metropolis magazine.


Pacific Culture Club

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A documental slide show of OEIL



Nippon O Kanjiru ~Sake~
special lecture: Sake tasting : "Sake Guy" John Gauntner (Sake tasting), Pacific Culture Club
admissions: underage1000 yen (1 soft drink in) / 1500 yen (sake set in)

Produced by TUJ Contemporary Japanese Studie

"Sake Guy" John Gauntner

"The Sake Guy" John Gauntner is acknowledged as one of the world's leading authorities on Japanese sake, and has been instrumental in introducing sake to the English-speaking world. He is also the only non-Japanese member of the Ginjoshu Kenkyu Kikou (Ginjo Sake Research Group), and is the only non-Japanese to have participated as an official taster in a prefectural government tasting. Gauntner is the author of several books on Japanese sake, and writes a column in The Japan Times newspaper, and Metropolis magazine.

Pacific Culture Club

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A documental slide show of OEIL

March 4th - 30th


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