2007/07/05 木曜日木曜日
mango & sweet ricemango & sweet rice
Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 19:30 - 01:00
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mango & sweet rice presents fi-lamente CD release party
ライブ: assembler with nobukazu takemura, coppé with mango + sweet rice all stars: legofriendly / skab/T / aya / cal lyall + more!, demi batard + whoever decides 2 join coppéski
DJs: marx, harry, nth degree + more!
映像: ben sheppee / lightrhythmvisuals
竹村ノブカズ (moonlit)
Cal Lyall
demi batard
harry (bullet's, second lobby)
nth degree (fdf, soundispatch)
映像: ben sheppee / lightrhythmvisuals
plaid :
atom_tm :
… 狂気の香りさえ漂う、微妙なまでの美しさ…
twerk :
強烈な程までの異星人的感性! 他に類を見ない音の快楽をもたらしてくれる。
kettel :
もし、スィートライスが歌えて、マンゴがドラムを叩けたら… コッペはそんなおとぎ話そのものみたいなアーティスト。いろんな色や香りが踊り出してくるよ〜な、1人オーケストラ!!
nobukazu takemura :
hifana / juicy :
coppe' の作品は毎回お得ですね。水炊き用の鍋を買ったら、食材やコンロ&ガスボンベがセットで付いてくるかんじ。トラックごとに今度はどんなのかましてくるんだろ?ってワクワクします。新作リリースおめでとうございます。また遊ぼうね〜!
ben sheppee (founder of lightrhythm visuals)
nicolas sykes / nico (founder of no u turn records)
甘ったれ… 紛れもないフォース… エクスペリメンタル・エレクトロニカ・ミュージックのゴッドマザー
teruhisa kitahara / toy's club : fellow disney collector
火星人コッペの音楽は、楽しくって、不思議で、ファンタスティック! 鑑定士北原が言うのだから間違いなし!
nicolette :
コッペの音楽は、驚きの一言!!! どこか知らない世界へと導いていってくれる。今の世の中には他に比べられる対象が存在しない… so lovely !
vadim :
カリスマティック! ミュージックへの燃えたぎるようなパッションとエネルギーのかたまり…
new york times / imogen heap :
honolulu weekly / kevin cruze :
.. 独特な七色ヴォイスの奇妙きてれつ歌唱力と、今日の達人ビート・メーカーたちとの数えきれない程のコラボレイションで有名なコッペ… 彼女のミュージックを一言でいったら… クラックってかっとんだヨーコ・オノ…??? いい意味で… ね… そのくらいカッ飛んでます!
liberationjumpsuit :
純粋で官能的で奇妙… 火星からのミュージック到来!
– – – –
7月はタミオー (タミオーバンド主催)とワタル (実弟)の共同実験映像プロジェクトZONIの作品をラウンジ営業日とイベント前後に投影展示します。
Live: assembler with nobukazu takemura, coppé with mango + sweet rice all stars: legofriendly / skab/T / aya / cal lyall + more!, demi batard + whoever decides 2 join coppéski
DJs: marx, harry, nth degree + more!
Visuals: ben sheppee / lightrhythmvisuals
Artists' information
assembler with nobukazu takemura
Cal Lyall
demi batard
harry (bullet's, second lobby)
nth degree (fdf, soundispatch)
Visuals: ben sheppee / lightrhythmvisuals
what people are saying about coppe'...
plaid :
coppe' finds the sounds and melodies that others pass by. they add their characters and songs to her space opera' !
atom_tm :
... delicate beauty on the edge of insanity ...
twerk :
intensively driven with alien sensibilities . she brings to this world sonic pleasures unlike any other.
kettel :
coppe' is what you would get if sweetrice could sing and mango's could play the drums . she's a little orchestra of colour and scent, all by herself !
nobukazu takemura :
it's a big surprise in many ways that a person like Coppe' exists in this modern japanese society.
hifana / juicy :
everytime i get her album , it feels like i've got a smokin' deal ! .... kinda like you buy a big pot + with the pot comes w/ loads of groceries + even a gas stove + a refill 2 cook with ! each + every track is a surprise + makes me feel so anxious 2 find out what she's goin' 2 do next !
ben sheppee (founder of lightrhythm visuals)
This alien empress blurts out some seriously distorted transmissions. Doubt you'll get it.
nicolas sykes / nico (founder of no u turn records)
coppe' .... made to play : coppe' .... an undeniable force : coppe' .... godmother of experimental electronica music!
teruhisa kitahara / toy's club : fellow disney collector
martian coppe's music is amusing , eccentric + fantastic ! no doubt about it since it's coming from me , the connoisseur kitahara myself
nicolette :
coppe's mucic is amazing !!! it takes you to a different world. there's nothing else like it in this world .... so lovely !
vadim :
charismatic ! energetic with a burning music passion!
new york times / imogen heap :
she really takes sampling vocals to a new level. it's a trip , and you have no idea where she's going to take you next .
honolulu weekly / kevin cruze :
.... known for a multiplicity of bizarre singing styles and a near-record number of collaborations with today's beat crafting heavyweights .... the overall spirit of her music could be best described as Yoko Ono on crack , but in a good way.
liberationjumpsuit :
pure, sensual and quarky! music from mars!
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ZONI video exhibition!
Throughout the month of July, SuperDeluxe is featuring ZONI's video works.
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