2007/07/21 土曜日土曜日
Open: 18:00:00 | Start: 18:30 - 23:59
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「ぺちゃくちゃ大学 vol.1」+「アヴァロン」上映 &トーク
後援: 駐日ポーランド共和国大使館
ぺちゃくちゃ大学 vol.1
「ぺちゃくちゃ大学」は、大学を離れた所でアイディアの交換をしていく「しゃべりの場 (the sound of conversation)」大学生、大学院生、そうでない人も一緒に、考えのギャップやいろんな問題を語り合う場です。20秒間に20枚のスライドを使って、自分が大切だと思うメッセージを発信していってください。学問的なことじゃなくてもいいんです。勉強なんてクールじゃない、って思っている人も大歓迎!
(ICJS: Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies)
主催: テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス・現代日本研究所 WAKAIプロジェクト
共催: クラインダイサムアーキテクツ
協力: スーパーデラックス
日本映画撰集 日本映画の岐路に捧げるシリーズ
監督: 押井守 / 脚本: 伊藤和典 / 音楽: 川井憲次 (2001年/106分)
言語: ドナルド・リッチー氏による、上映作品「アヴァロン」のイントロダクションと上映後に行われる「Q&A」は、英語になります。また、上演映画は日本語に英語によるサブタイトルがつきます。
(c)2000 Mamoru Oshii and Avalon Project.All Rights Reserved
Pacific Stars and Stripes の特別記者として1947年に来日。占領時代後半リッチー氏は、ジャパンタイムズの映画評論家、芸術批評家として活躍。 翌年、Films ofAkira Kurosawa (1965)、Ozu (1974)、One Hundred Years of Japanese Film (2002)を含め数々の著書を出版。 また、生涯60年間過ごして来た日本についてThe IslandSea (1971)、Japanese Portraits (1991)、最新刊The Japan Journals (1947-2004)を含め40冊以上の著書を手掛ける。1968年から1973年にかけて、ニューヨーク近代美術館の映画部門でキュレーターとして就任。Time紙によりリッチー氏は「日本芸術批評家の最高権威」と称され、スーザン・ソンタグは「ドナルド・リッチーは類い稀なる視点で、鋭くしかも機知に富んだ方法で日本を描いている」 と称している。
司会: ドナルド・リッチー
主催: スーパーデラックス
提供: テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス・現代日本研究所
Hip Hop アフターパーティー
light walker
Zulu Nation Japan
18:30-20:30 ペチャクチャ大学
20:45-21:00 映画「Avalon」ドナルド・リッチー氏のよる紹介
21:00-22:50 映画「Avalon」上映、終了後、Q&A
23:00-02:00 Hip Hop アフターパーティー
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7月はタミオー (タミオーバンド主催)とワタル (実弟)の共同実験映像プロジェクトZONIの作品をラウンジ営業日とイベント前後に投影展示します。
Sponsored by Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tokyo
Pecha Kucha University vol.1
Pecha Kucha U. is "the sound of conversation" in a marketplace of ideas outside the classroom: undergrads, postgrads, and nograds too solving this equation: 20 slides for 20 seconds and something worth saying. It's not only an academic exercise: even those too-cool-for-school can play.
Organized by The Wakai Project through Temple University Japan Campus's Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies, Pecha Kucha U. is the kohai of Klein Dytham Architecture's Pecha Kucha Night, a concept that since 2003 has developed a world-wide network of artists, designers, architects, and culture-producers in over 80 cities.
Pecha Kucha U. is an opportunity to network and talk about issues in not just serious ways. No tests, no grades, just a conversation about ideas.
What is Pecha Kucha Night?
Pecha Kucha Night, devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham (Klein Dytham architecture), was conceived in 2003 as a place for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. (Admittedly, it was also a way to get more people to visit SuperDeluxe - their then newly opened multimedia event space in Tokyo).
Temple University, Japan Campus
ICJS: Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies
Dedicated to fostering study and research on contemporary Japan and Asia, the ICJS hosts lectures, seminars and symposia that provide a forum for Japan scholars to present their work on Japanese social, cultural and political issues. It also organizes movie showings and culture events. The Institute embodies TUJ's commitment to offering research and study programs linking Japan and other countries, fostering greater overseas understanding of Japan, and presenting innovative forms of international education in Japan.
Organized by Temple University, Japan Campus
ICJS: Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies
WAKAI Project
Co-organized by Klein Dytham Architecture
Supported by SuperDeluxe
A Multi-part Series Devoted to Unexplored Tangents of the Japanese Film
"Avalon" (106mins.)
Directed by Oshii Mamoru, written by Ito Kazunori 2001.
A road not taken. Oshii (Ghost in the Shell) Mamoru's brilliant and beautiful live-action anime about the perils of alternate reality games. Set in ruined Europe, it shows us our Polish heroine's finding a hidden level in the Game. Involving and involved, the film won foreign prizes but no imitators - the experiment was never repeated.
Curated by Donald Richie
Hosted by SuperDeluxe
Sponsored by The Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies
Donald Richie
Named by TIME magazine, "the dean of Japan's art critics," and acknowledged as the foremost authority on Japanese cinema, Donald Richie has also written widely - some forty books in all - on other aspects of the country and its people. The Inland Sea has been called a classic and its film version has won prizes at international film festivals as well as the National Geographic Earth Award. His Public People, Private People has been called "unforgettable" by Tom Wolfe and of his two collections of essays, A Lateral View and Partial Views, Susan Sontag has said: "Donald Richie writes about Japan with an unrivaled range, acuity, and wit." In addition to writing a column for The Japan Times, lecturing around the world, and continuing to lend his distinctive voice to Japanese studies, Donald Richie teaches film at Temple University's Japan Campus.
Introduction by Donald Richie in English
Film in Japanese with English subtitles
(film to be followed by a Q&A moderated by Donald Richie)
(c)2000 Mamoru Oshii and Avalon Project.All Rights Reserved
Hip Hop Afterparty
Rinpa Eshidan
light walker
Zulu Nation Japan
20:45-21:00 "Avalon" Introduction by Donald Richie in English
21:00-22:50 "Avalon" screening and Q&A discussion
23:00-02:00 Hip Hop Afterparty w/ Rinpa Eshidan, light walker, Zulu Nation Japan
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ZONI video exhibition!
Throughout the month of July, SuperDeluxe is featuring ZONI's video works.
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前売チケット ⇒ Peatix ⇐ Advance Tickets
初日は全員によるセッション。現代音楽〜ジャズ〜実験音楽〜ポップス等々、既存のジャンルを軽やかに越境しながらそれぞれにユニークな活動を展開している音楽家たちによってその場で形作られていく音楽をお楽しみください。 -
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SuperDeluxe presents: SupernaturalDeluxe Vol.14Day 2:「安房にて」
Open: 14:00 | Start: 15:00 - 19:00
前売チケット ⇒ Peatix ⇐ Advance Tickets