2007/07/26 木曜日木曜日
Snack Nagakoスナック永子
Open: 21:00:00 | Start: 21:00 - 02:00
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スナック永子 vol.17
ライブ: Golden Pink Arrow、インドのゆうべ (くろやなぎてっぺい/新海岳人/樋口貴英)
DJ: beermike
スナック永子 LOVES golden ρink arrow♂!
梅雨だからっていう理由でまさか分かり易くもじめじめ腐ってんじゃねえだろうな!夏だぜ!熱いぜ!SUMMERだぜ!齢33歳にして未だ自宅にエアコンのないママ永子は熱気に毛穴全開体制でテンションはいつだって沸点!いつまでも持つのかこの毛穴ハイテンション!欲しがりませんよ、勝つまでは!まだまだ四捨五入 30歳、本格的な四捨五入を導入すれば49歳も0歳も大差なし!ナガコ赤ん坊宣言!今日もヨチヨチ青春を突っ走る!
という訳でスナック永子 vol.17、ヨチヨチ歩きのママ永子も直立歩行で拍手喝采をお送りしたいとんでもないゲストがご来店!
その名も「golden ρink arrow♂」!
golden ρink arrow♂はAco、Taeji Sawaiによってベルリンで始められたニューバンド。その後ドラムにTanaka-Kun (from lostage)を迎えたSonar Sound Tokyo2006での初ライブは各方面から注目を集める。現在はSimmy-Chang (Gu , from lostage)がギターで加わり現在に至る。
まさかのgolden ρink arrow♂、奇跡のライブを見逃すな!
ママ 永子より
林 永子「ママ」(映像ライター)
山本 加奈「チーママ」(resfest / now on media)
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7月はタミオー (タミオーバンド主催)とワタル (実弟)の共同実験映像プロジェクトZONIの作品をラウンジ営業日とイベント前後に投影展示します。
Mama: Nagako Hayashi Chi-mama: Kana Yamamoto
Special Live: Golden Pink Arrow, Indo no Yube
DJ: beermike
snack nagoko news!
Golden Pink Arrow
Don't miss this rare Tokyo performance!!!
The golden pink arrow was formed in 2005 in Berlin by Aco (Vocals) and Taeji Sawai (Electronics). Aco career's began when Sony Music Entertainment Japan signed her as a solo act at age 18. She released seven solos albums with Sony, worked with international producers such as Adrian Sherwood and Mum, as well as frequently appearing as a guest vocalist for seminal figures such as DJ Krush or in a million seller collaboration with Japanese supergroup Dragon Ash. 2003 saw her sound shift to a direction similar to what Bjork was doing with Vespertine at the same time, and it was on this album, Irony, that she first worked with producer Taeji Sawai. (note: Despite the fact that it was a domestic Japanese release, Irony developed a substantial foreign audience, even catching the attention of alternative music legend David Byrne, who included the single "Machi" in his early webcasts.) Taeji Sawai started out as a new wave and rock guitarist and composer in the Osaka scene. Gradually adding instruments and responsibilities, from 2000 his main instrument became laptop computers, which he continues to augment with guitars, electronic drums, and other instrumentation.
In addition to his musical career Taeji has also exhibited and performed internationally both with the audio/visual duo portable[k]ommunity (including an interactive installation at the Yuerba Buena arts facility in San Francisco, and at a group presentation for the Armory show in NY, 2003) and the sound performance duo aeo with Yamantsuka EYE, of the Boredoms, appearing at John Zorn's 50th birthday concerts, All Tomorrow's Parties, and Sonar festivals.
Taeji and Aco began experimenting with a number of sound and collaborative configurations, playing both in Japan, and in invited special concerts, such as their sell-out appearance at Danses Hus, Stockholm in 2004.
After Aco and Taeji worked together on Irony they moved to Berlin to develop their next project. Initially Berlin was exciting, and they enjoyed collaborations with artists such as Carsten Nicolai, but the dark Berlin winters got the best of them, and their sound became darker and darker until one day Aco said. "Enough is enough. I don't want to be 'dark.' I don't want to be 'experimental.' We are funky people and we like funky music! We still love to rock!!" The next day Aco drew some symbols on the wall, including an arrow she drew with a pink pen. "Let's do a new band!" She said, "And let's name it golden pink arrow!!!" The gpa was born.
Taeji and Aco packed up their bags, and returned to Tokyo and enlisted Osaka rock scene compatriots Tanaka-kun on drums and Simmmy-chang on lead guitar. GPA played their first show at "Sonar Sound Tokyo 2006" to a delighted audience and critical acclaim. After months of recordings and rehearsals, they're ready to take their sound on the road.
Indo no Yube (An Indian Evening)
Teppei Kuroyanagi
Taketo Shinkai
Takahide Higuchi
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ZONI video exhibition!
Throughout the month of July, SuperDeluxe is featuring ZONI's video works.
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