2007/08/06 月曜日月曜日
Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 19:30 - 00:00
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VJレーベルであるLightrhythm VisualsとGAVJは, 六本木にあるSuperDeluxeにおいて, Visual Performanceに特化したイベント"Visualux"を開催します。Visualuxはライブパフォーマンスだけでなく、アーティストの交流や情報交換などが出来る場所にする事を目的としております。気軽に足を運べるイベントにするため, 時間帯も夜7時から11時半まで。エントランスはフリー! VJアーティストや企業の方がお酒を飲みながら交流できる場所を提供します。ぜひ友達をお誘い合わせのうえ足を運んでみてください。
vj mmm (gavj / Lightrhythm)
ben sheppee feat coppe (Lightrhythm / mango + sweetrice)
vjreel w/insector Labo
demi batard, mike thundercuffe
shantell martin
moving brands (processing)
showcase: Lightrhythm II-IS
flyer design: Flapper
featured: Vj mmm, ben sheppee feat coppe, vjreel w/insector Labo, demi batard, mike thundercuffe, shantell martin, moving brands
Presented by Lightrhythm Visuals
Visualux brings to Tokyo audiovisual talent and technologies, which have flourished in Europe and the US, celebrating those cultural movements alongside local Japanese talent. From refined experimentation to a environmental installations a range of AV techniques will be explored over the course the year. Visualux will
include music, performances, and multi-media art, all originating, evolving, and drawing inspiration from visual culture.
Visualux's home page
vj mmm (gavj / Lightrhythm)
ben sheppee feat coppe (Lightrhythm / mango + sweetrice)
vjreel w/insector Labo
demi batard, mike thundercuffe
shantell martin
moving brands (processing)
showcase: Lightrhythm II-IS
flyer design: Flapper
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前売チケット ⇒ Peatix ⇐ Advance Tickets
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前売チケット ⇒ Peatix ⇐ Advance Tickets
Bruce Russell (Dead C) and S•Glass (Bananafish Magazine) will perform live in Japan for the first time ever, each presenting solo sets. Expect an evening of raw, unpredictable sound as they experiment with electronics, manipulate noise, and create strange, immersive sonic environments.