2007/09/14 金曜日金曜日
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 20:30 - 23:59
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セカンドアルバム「The Next Confusion」
Live: Freesscape with Morgan Fisher、Edgar Kautzner、Hayato Mukai、Rachel Ferguson
DJ Ahimsa Love & VJ Masato Tsutsui
セカンドアルバム「The Next Confusion」9月5日発売!
この特別な夜は、スペシャルゲストにMorgan Fisher、バイオリンにEdgar Kautzner、ドラムにHayato Mukai、バッキングヴォーカルにRachel Fergusonを迎えたスーパーセットで新作「The Next Confusion」とファーストアルバム「Fragile Perfection」からの曲を演奏します。
そして、待望のセカンドアルバム「The Next Confusion」の発売を記念して、特別に今夜だけ初回盤をスーパー・デラックスで販売します!
DJ Ahimsa Loveが作り出すチルアウトグルーヴ& 驚くほど美しい VJ Masato Tsutsuiの映像の世界も一緒にお楽しみ下さい。
CD Release Special Live!
Live: Freesscape with Morgan Fisher, Edgar Kautzner, Hayato Mukai, Rachel Ferguson
DJ Ahimsa Love & VJ Masato Tsutsui
2nd album on sale from Sept 5th

Join Freesscape for A Delicious Night of Confusion... Freesscape- An English girl vs Japanese guy duo. Dark but joyful electronica infused with ambient trip-hop and soothed over by sophisticated, soaring female vocals.
A super special release live to celebrate the completion of Freesscape`s long awaited 2nd album “The Next Confusion”. First copies will be on sale at Super Deluxe, for this night only!
Freesscape will be performing songs from “The Next confusion” and 1st album “Fragile Perfection”.
They are very proud to be accompanied by the everso fantastic Morgan Fisher on the keyboards.
Also featuring:
Virtuoso violinist Edgar Kautzner
Hayato Mukai on drums,
Gorgeous backing vocals from Rachel Ferguson,
Chilled out grooves from DJ Ahimsa Love
and stunning visuals by VJ Masato Tsutsui
Book advance ticket
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