栗ック TAB3!

2007/10/13 土曜日

Kurikku TAB3!栗ック TAB3!

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59






先着順で、TABオリジナルTシャツ第3弾シリーズをプレゼントします。この3年を振り返るスライド・ショー、Minimal Tokyoと豪華スペシャルゲストによる、ビジュアル・音楽両面からの大パーティーです。この機会にぜひ友達も誘って来て下さい!


Tokyo Art Beatについて
東京アートビート (TAB) は、NPO法人による日本最大規模のアート・デザイン情報サイトです。その情報カバー量と利用ユーザー数は共に日本最大規模。TABは「無料」「バイリンガル」「中立」「国内外への文化交流促進」「誰もがアート・デザインの魅力を発見/再発見できるきっかけであること」をミッションとしています。携帯からもブラウズ可能。また、2007年4月には姉妹サイトの関西アートビートがスタートしました。

午前0時以降入場無料 & 午前2時までラウンジ営業中!!

Tokyo Art Beat 3rd Year Anniversary Party!
You are invited to join in for the celebration of tokyoartbeat.com's 3rd anniversary.
A celebration for the Japanese and international crowd of art-goers and creators mixing in Tokyo. A celebration of three years of buzzing excitement across our city, three years of fun and entertainment beyond television, three years of cultural wealth and three years of free choice!

Admission with flyer: 1000 yen

Come and meet with the team, the users, artists, venue owners, and special guests.

Grab the new TAB-shirts from an exclusive third line designed by 5 popular artists and designers (arrive early for the special giveaway!), enjoy a retrospective slideshow of the best of TAB's third year, and don't miss our surprises!

Visual and musical delight will be provided through the evening by the Minimal Tokyo Crew and special guests.

Bring Your Friends!!

Tokyo Art Beat

About Tokyo Art Beat
Tokyo Art Beat is a free online service provided by the Non-Profit Organization Gadago NPO and is one of Japan's largest online providers of art information, in both number of event listings and users. TAB's mission is to be free for all, bilingual, independent, neutral, and non-profit. Promoting inter-cultural dialogue around art and design by presenting Tokyo's events to an audiences in Japan and abroad, TAB encourages everyone, even people who usually don't go see exhibitions,
to discover art and design. TAB can also be viewed on cell phone browsers.

free entrance after 12 am & open for lounge until 2am!!

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