Test Tone

2007/11/13 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00




Test Tone 28
Wayward Hip Hop and Reparceled Beats
Ryusenkei Body、Washbear (十三画)とSkab/t + Bas Van Huizenのオリジナルティーあふれるリズムの夜。Ben SheppeeとXelafishがビジュアルを担当。



Ryusenkei Body

2003年に結成、Ryusenkei Bodyは複雑なアプローチと、ジャンルを超えた、型にはまらない音楽的形態を組み合わせてきた。ツキノワの伊藤匠 (sax、synth、laptop)、早川徹 (bass)と、服部正嗣 (drums、laptop)というベテランのミュージシャンで成り立ち、作曲とパフォーマンスに異なったアプローチを見せる。彼らのパフォーマンスは、Prefuse 73のヒップホップ、megoのエレクトロニカやフリーミュージックを彷佛させる要素があり、バラバラなリズムで濃密だ。

Washbear from 十三画

Washbearは、複数のメンバーからなるユニット (即興をたくさん織り交ぜ、テンポのはずれたビート)「十三画」からできたデュオ。corner
disc collectiveのメンバーとして名が知れ始めた。Washbearはメンバーを小林研吾とクモユキの2人だけに絞り、様々なジャンルからのリズムを切り取って、それをつなぎ合わせ、不可能に近い驚きの音楽的コラージュを聴かせてくれる。

Skab/t + Bas van Huizen

ビートのボキャブラリーを極め続けるSkab/tは、今回オランダのBas Van Huizenと共に登場。このセッションは何が起こるかわからない特別なリズムのセッションになりそう。Basは音楽だけでなく、パフォーマンスのビジュアルも提供する。

Ben Sheppee + Xelafish (ビジュアル)

Bas Van Huizenに加えてビジュアルを提供するのは、国際的なオーディオビジュアルアーティスト、Ben Sheppeeで、オランダのエレクトロトラッシュユニット「3-1」とツアー中のXelafishも今回のパフォーマンスに登場する。Xelafish (Alex Fischer)は現在アムステルダムに活動。

Test Tone vol.28
Wayward Hip Hop and Reparceled Beats
A night of delicious rhythm in many untried ways: fractured, chopped, cooked, baked and served by Ryusenkei Body, Washbear (from Juusankaku) and Skab/t + Bas Van Huizen. Visual delicacies stirred and sprinkled by Ben Sheppee and Xelafish.

Test Tone Homepage

Artist Information:

Ryusenkei Body (JP only)

Forming in 2003, Ryusenkei Body has been able to combine a complex approach to musical form with a style that is genre-defying and unexpected. Made up of three seasoned musicians, Takumi Ito (sax, synth, laptop) of Tsuki No Wa, Toru Hayakawa (bass) and Masatsugu Hattori (drums, laptop), the band takes a binary approach to composition and performance, stepping outside of the musical form to both contradict yet interact with the original material. Elusive and challenging, their performances are dense in texture with fractured rhythms that bring to mind elements of hip hop (think Prefuse 73), electronica (think Mego) and great free music.

Washbear (from Juusankaku) (JP only)

Washbear is a duo project originating from Juusankaku, a multi-member live hip hop unit that matches irregular beat structures with heavy improvisation. As members of the corner disc collective, they have gained a reputation for musical structures that are radically dense, complex and overwhelming. Washbear strips the line-up down to two members, Kengo Kobayashi and QMOYUKI, who manage to dissect the rhythmic elements from a number of genres, reconnecting them into a head-bopping collage of impossible musical forms.

Skab/t (Freeta Corrective) + Bas van Huizen (from Holland)

We welcome back one of our favorite musicians, Skab/t, who keeps refining his vocabulary of circuit-bent textures and gold-encrusted beats, appearing alongside standout Dutch artist Bas Van Huizen. This will be a very special session where almost anything is possible, from mashed-up electronica to danceable barrages of abstract rhythms. In addition to taking part musically, Bas will also provide the accompanying visuals for the performance, bringing the atmosphere of distinctive Dutch spaces (such as Extrapool) to SuperDeluxe.

Ben Sheppee + Xelafish (visual delicacies)

In addition to Bas Van Huizen providing visuals, we are also excited to welcome back international audiovisual artist Ben Sheppee, who brings with him visual artist Xelafish, currently on tour with Dutch electro-trash unit 3-1. Xelafish (aka Alex Fischer) currently lives in Amsterdam, where he focuses on the nature of 'information overload', exploring themes of piracy and culture jamming in his work.

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