Test Tone

2007/12/11 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00




Test Tone 29: Final Missive 2007 featuring 月の海、Toque (Kelly Churko+Tim Olive)、Ametsub x Jimanica、Masato Tsutsui、onnacodomo
2007年、年の最後を飾る Test-Toneも盛りだくさんの音楽とビジュアルの夜になります。アートなビジュアルをバックに壮大なオーケストラロック、空間系ノイズ即興ギターと巨大なライブダブエレクトロニカを楽しむ。ドリンクだけオーダーしてショウを楽しむ。



Toque (Kelly Churko+Tim Olive)

Ametsub x Jimanica
2007年最近のMaoレーベルからのリリース、Surgeで、 AmetsubとJimanicaは傑作とも言えるダブに傾倒したエレクトロアコースティック楽曲を発表した。Jimanicaがタイトな生のドラムで Ametsubの優美なトラックをサポートすると、誘惑的でとても豊かなリズムが生まれる。今回のライブパフォーマンスではビジュアルアーティスト、 Masato Tsutsuiが多面的なプロジェクションを提供する。

Masato Tsutsui
ビジュアルアーティストMasato Tsutsuiは、アルゴリズムやリアルタイムでのバーチャルマインドな空間をテーマにした作品で国際的にも名を得ている。 Max/MSP/JitterやオープンGLテクノロジーを使用し、Masatoはオリジナルなビジュアル表現を作り出し、現在もパフォーマンス、コラボレーションやワークショップを精力的にこなし、さらなるテクノロジーの可能性を見いだそうと活動の幅を広げている。


Test Tone 29
Final Missive 2007 featuring Tsuki no Umi, Toque (Kelly Churko+Tim Olive), Ametsub x Jimanica, Masato Tsutsui and onnacodomo.
The final Test Tone of 2007 brings together a wonderfully varied evening of music and visuals to end the year: lush passages of orchestral rock, spacious noise-etched guitar improvisations, and a gigantic dose of live dub electronica, happening beneath a tapestry of remarkable projected art. All this included in your drink order!

Test Tone Homepage

Artist Information:
Tsuki no Umi
Tsuki no Umi raise the bar for rock-band instrumentation with a strong combination of jazz, psychedelia and afrobeat, featuring songwriting that focuses on dynamic repetition and tremendous rock freakouts. Cosmic introductory passages give way to infectious rhythms and explosive climaxes. The diverse influences of each of the 6 members make their performances exciting, challenging, danceable, and most importantly, memorable.

Toque (Kelly Churko+Tim Olive)
The collaborative project between Canadian guitarists Kelly Churko and Tim Olive takes its name from a distinctive bit of headgear, worn pretty much all year in Canada. On the coldest days of winter, guitarists get together and play songs, and they generally sound nothing like what might arise from this meeting. Thwap, ping, whirr, crunch and other ungodly/beautiful sounds will likely be the hallmark of this mercurial improvising duo. From boiler room echoes to broken toys, everything you would never expect from a guitar, and more.

Ametsub x Jimanica
In their recent 2007 release 'Surge' on the Mao label, musicians extraordinaire Ametsub and Jimanica have created nothing short of a head-bobbing, dub-soaked masterpiece of electro-acoustic compositions. With Jimanica backing up Ametsub's ethereal tracks with a solid delivery of live drums, the combination is hypnotic and rhythmically expansive. In this special live performance, they will be joined by visual artist Masato Tsutsui, who will provide a fitting backdrop of multi-dimensional projections.

Masato Tsutsui
Visual artist Masato Tsutsui has gained international renown for his work, which aims towards a representation of algorithmic virtual-mind spaces in real-time. Working with Max/MSP/Jitter and Open GL technology, Masato has created an original language of visual expression which he continues to expand by performing, collaborating and holding workshops on these emerging technologies.

Not your usual VJ collective, onnacodomo use live digital camera feeds to present a series of happily random pictures, objects and hand puppets. The colours of their work burst into view like a visual scrapbook from Shinro Ohtake, or an action painting by Ushio Shinohara - for just a small taste, check out the video on their homepage.

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