La Cucaracha

2007/12/19 水曜日

La CucarachaLa Cucaracha

Open: 18:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 02:00




WEEN "La Cucaracha" 発売記念パーティー!!!
4年ぶりになる待望の新作「La Cucaracha」の日本盤リリースを祝う100%WEENナイト!Schnitzel Recordsからのスペシャルプレゼントもご用意してます!!
DJ: L?K?O (WEEN MEGAMIXXX), 露骨KIT + more!!!!
※ 会場にて「La Cucaracha」ご購入の方になんとブラウニー一本プレゼントします!?!?!)

「La Cucaracha」について


結成から23年!ありとあらゆるジャンルを縦横無尽に食いつくし今なお無限増殖を続ける巨大生物WEENによる実に4年ぶりのNEW ALBUMが遂に日本上陸!!

プロデューサーは前作同様ANDREW WEISS を起用。築200年を超えるペンシルヴァニアの農家を改造したスタジオでレコーディングされた、全13曲、ヘヴィー・サイケ・ロックあり、エレクトロあり、近作にみられるフォーク/ブルースなどのアメリカン・ルーツ・ミュージックあり、数え切れないエッセンスが凝縮され、次に何が飛び出てくるかまったく予想がつかない、「音楽の闇鍋大会」! インテリジェンスに裏づけされた(?)奇妙奇天烈かつ斬新なアイデアがぎっしり詰った今作には様々な固定概念やイメージに縛られたリスナーに強烈なインパクトとを与え、時には果て無き深読みの無間地獄に誘い込みつつも最後にはとてつもないカタルシスをもたらす!大規模な全米ツアーも控え、アメリカン・オルタナティブ・ミュージックの巨人は今作で更なるピークを迎えつつある。


supported by:
Fiveman Army
Schnitzel Records
Chocodog Records

WEEN "La Cucaracha" Release Party!!!
Join us as we crank out Ween's new record La Cucaracha and celebrate its Japanese release!! It's all Ween all night so come down and be brown! Free Stickers and t-shirts for "brownest" people courtesy of Schnitzel Records!
Listening "La Cucaracha": 19:30 / 22:00 / late!!
DJ: L?K?O (WEEN MEGAMIXXX), Rokkotsu KIT + more!!!
special!!! FREE BROWNIE with purchase of La Cucaracha!!

About La Cucaracha

"For the past 20 years, Ween has established itself as a major artistic force, combining off-the-wall musical antics with brilliantly creative songwriting. La Cucaracha, Ween's new studio record, is an eclectic, dark, humorous, and bizarre assortment of songs. In other words, it's a typical Ween record. These thirteen tracks can be at once joyful, morbid, humorous, and often frightening. From the tenderly introspective "Lullaby" to the disturbingly offensive "My Own Bare Hands," Ween pulls no punches in its latest endeavor, which achieves its power through sharp wit, clever songwriting, and brutal honesty." - Rounder Records

"A return to playful, genre-scrambling pop; this is probably the best and funniest Ween album since Chocolate & Cheese," from 1994." - New
York Times

"Ween fans have come to expect the unexpected from this act, but even diehards will be thrilled by the sheer musical schizophrenia of La
Cucaracha." - Billboard

"The best Ween record since 1997's The Mollusk." - The Onion

"Not since Chocolate & Cheese has there been a Ween album more directly LOL hilarious or sonically diversified than the band's highly anticipated label debut on Rounder Records." -

"A cobbled-together dazzle that contorts your mouth into a 50-minute succession of grins and wows." - Boston Phoenix

"Ok, let me first start off by saying that we vowed never, ever, ever, would there be horns on a Ween album. As teenagers we always used that as a yardstick to determine when our favorite band was starting to suck, when their new record came out and it had horns on
it (this rule applies only to Rock music and white people). But there has always been one provision to this rule, and that was we would only use horns if we could get David Sanborn to play some sexy saxophone on a Ween tune. We finally wrote a song worthy of him, contacted his manager and it turns out he was a Ween fan and immediately agreed to do it. So that, in and of itself, means that we have accomplished one of our lifelong goals as a band." - Dean Ween

Listen to "Your Party" (featuring David Sanborn)

supported by:
Fiveman Army
Schnitzel Records
Chocodog Records

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