2008/02/12 火曜日火曜日
Test ToneTest Tone
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00
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Test Tone 31: Space Stationラウンジパーティー
「スペース・ステーション・ラウンジパーティー」と題した今回の出演者は、Coppe' + Fred Viennot + Jeff Curry + Zak Bond with Shantell Martin (ライブドローイング)、phenomena/f + aQ (映像)、zyc0s with Cal Lyall and Flugtag (映像)
phenomena/f + aQ (映像)
自分の好きなバンドの曲が毎日頭の中で鳴り止まなかったり、そのアルバムを自分のCDプレーヤーから何週間も離せなくなることってよくあります。 phenomena/f ってそんなグループです。Chris Clark、カマーフリマー・コレクティーフやBoards of Canadaなどを彷佛させる繊細さ、美しさ 、無機質なボカールに織りなされるハーモニーとリズム。phenomena/f はモス (programming、dub mix、synthesizer)、ネウマ (programming、synthesizer、cello)とタオ (voice)から成るトリオ。今回のパフォーマンスには、写真やライブVJにとどまらず、過去にAnn Arborフィルムフェスティバルでも名を挙げたビジュアルアーティストのaQが参加。
phenomena/f on MySpace
Coppe' + Fred Viennot + Jeff Curry + Zak Bond with Shantell Martin (live drawing)
紫ヘアーのあの娘がまた戻って来た!今回はCoppe'がバックアップ!バンドのラインナップは毎回かわっても、彼女のテイストであるスペース・ジャズ、コズミックポップや思わず踊ってしまいたくなるラウンジミュージックの影響は変わりません!今月はFred Viennot (laptop、keys)、Jeff Curry (bass)とZak Bond (drums)を率いて登場。うーん、いつもの通り楽しそう。
Mango and Sweetrice Coppe' on MySpace
zyc0s with キャル・ライアル (guitar, space sounds) and Flugtag (映像)
zyc0sの主な影響は70年代のラウンジジャズか90年代のニューヨークヒップホップか2030年のフリージャズ。様々な影響をもとに、メンバーそれぞれがいろいろなリズムにいろいろなアイディアを投げかけてみる。その結果、テンポからはずれたおもしろいテクスチャーが重なり合う。今回は主なメンバー、岩見継吾 (Oncenth Trio、okhp)、服部正嗣 (Ryusenkei Body)、小森耕造に、おなじみのギタリスト、キャルライアルが加わりダンスミュージック的セッションを披露。このユニークでちょっと変わった音楽のバックに、ビジュアルデザイナーのFlugtagがサポートしセットの背後に見事なビジュアルが見られる。
About Test Tone….
Get off your love-shuttles and whisk your pre-Valentine's cinnamon heartshakes at Super Deluxe! Our special evening of mouthwatering neptune snacks and other cosmic delights will be highlighted with a languid evening in the stars, punctuated by the occasional asteroid shower. Helmets OK (tonight only).
Space lounge and more featuring Coppe' + Fred Viennot + Jeff Curry + Zak Bond with Shantell Martin (live drawing), phenomena/f + aQ (visuals) and zyc0s with Cal Lyall and Flugtag (visuals)

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Artist Information:
phenomena/f + aQ (visuals)
Every once in awhile, there is a band that manages to make music that you want to hear. Seriously, you know those albums that sit in your CD player (on or your turntable, if you have one of those things) for weeks after the first listening? This is phenomena/f - subtle, beautiful, and forever surprising, meshing ethereal harmonies with languid vocals over spectacular rhythms for a sound that brings to mind Chris Clark, Kammerflimmer Kollektief and Boards of Canada all at once. An exceptional trio, Moss (programming, dub mix, synthesizer), Neuma (programming, synthesizer, cello) and Tao (voice) have created a phenomenal (no pun intended) sound experience that should really be heard. This evening they will be joined by visual artist aQ, who in addition to photography and live VJ work, has created a short film that received great acclaim at the Ann Arbor Film Festival in the past.
phenomena/f on MySpace
Coppe' + Fred Viennot + Jeff Curry + Zak Bond with Shantell Martin (live drawing)
The girl with the purple pigtails is back! We work hard to make sure the monthly line-up is ever-changing, but Coppe' makes it easy for us. She has (so far) assembled an entirely different band each time, always lending a fresh new take to her repertoire of space-jazz, cosmic pop and lounge music you can move your feet to. This month, she comes complete with full jazz backing, featuring Fred Viennot (laptop, keys), Jeff Curry (bass) and Zak Bond (drums). Loads of interstellar fun.
Mango and Sweetrice Coppe' on MySpace
zyc0s with Cal Lyall and Flugtag (visuals)
zyc0s could be the bastard child of 70s lounge jazz, or perhaps a platter of 90s New York hip hop left out way too long in the sun. With a lunchbox of influences, the individual members throw decisive melodic intent against a cavalcade of rhythm, creating sumptuous textures that slip intermittently out of time. Core members Keigo Iwami (Oncenth Trio, okhp), Masatsugu Hattori (Ryusenkei Body) and Kohzo Komori will be joined by resident guitar surgeon Cal Lyall for a resplendent session of post-Stockhausen dance music. In addition to the strange and wonderful music, visual designer Flugtag will be on hand to cover the walls (and whatever else gets in the way) with his exceptional creations.
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