Test Tone

2008/07/08 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




Test Tone vol. 35 – Festival of Alternate Tunings
今回のTest Toneも様々なジャンルのアーティストを集めた夜。アメリカから日本初来日のKatchmareことNick Hoffmanは"音、沈黙"についての彼なりの解釈を聴かせてくれる。Soupコレクティブの知る人ぞ知るMiclo Dietと、マルチターンテーブリストL?K?Oと不思議なドラマー山本達久、個性的サックスプレーヤー大谷能生、Test Toneレギュラーメンバーのキャル・ライアルのコラボ。onnacodomoによるビジュアル。DJはEvil Penguin。


Katchmare aka Nick Hoffman (USA)
Nick Hoffmanの最新のプロジェクトKatchmareは音の探求者である彼の化身である。故郷のイリノイ州ではコラボレーターもたくさんおり、グループ/レーベルであるScissor Deathを通して音のコミュニティを作ってきた。ノイズや沈黙ををテーマにして音楽的アイディアが重なりあう。サイケデリックなショックからぐるぐる巻きのハーモニーまでHoffmanは様々な表現を見せる。Back Magic、Bumbrella DonkeyやBoulezといったバンドではギターで活躍。今回のパフォーマンスは彼のエレエクトロニクスプロジェクトにおける様々なアイディアをソロで聴けるチャンス。

L?K?O x 大谷能生 x キャル ライアル x 山本達久
L?K?O (turntables)
大谷能生 (sax)
Cal Lyall (guitar)
山本達久 (drums)

分厚くて複雑なビートを織り交ぜて、Miclo Dietの鈴木康修はダンサンブルなリズムから少しハードなサウンドまで様々なサウンドを作り上げてきた。新宿をベースに活動するグループSoupの発起人、NIkOレーベルのメンバーとしてMiclo Dietはいろいろなプロジェクトを抱えている。グループの名前の由来は不明だけど、ダイエットシェイクを飲んでMiclo Dietの曲を聴いて踊っているとダイエットになるからかもしれない。ビートやノイズ、ダンサンブルなテクノが好きならたまらない。

onnacodomo (visuals)

About Test Tone….

Test Tone presents vol. 35 - Festival of Alternate Tunings
Tumultuous music swirls around you! Protean visuals will transport you! An evening of exquisite diversity, featuring Katchmare (aka Nick Hoffman), who will be investigating silence vs. sound on his first trip to Japan, Miclo Diet, a frantic beat-herding member of the (definitely underheard) Soup collective, and an exploratory session featuring multi-turntablist L?K?O, distinctive saxophonist Yoshio Otani, enigmatic drummer Tatsuhisa Yamamoto, and resident guitar repairman Cal Lyall. Re-constructed visuals courtesy of onnacodomo. Mashed-up sounds from the ethersphere brought to you by DJ Evil Penguin.

Test Tone Homepage

Artist Links:
Katchmare aka Nick Hoffman (USA)
One of his many projects to date, Katchmare is the solo incarnation of musical explorer Nick Hoffman. With a number of sonic collaborators in his home state of Illinois, he has created a fine sonic community of indelible proportions through the collective/label Scissor Death. Taking noise, silence and drone as investigation points, the musical ideas overlap and the explorations seem to devour each other over time. From expansive psychedelic freakouts to serpentine passages of harmony, Hoffman covers a lot of ground, as he also plays guitar in the bands Back Magic, Bumbrella Donkey and Boulez. Katchmare will give us a chance to hear an extended distillation of some of these ideas in his solo electronics project.

L?K?O (turntables) x Yoshio Otani (sax) x Cal Lyall (guitar) x Tatsuhisa Yamamoto (drums)
Add a heavy dose of deftly-handled turntablism to one part skronking-swerving-careening saxophone. Blend in short bursts with tremendous flashes of drumming brilliance and then mix with a serving of full-frequency guitar fuzz. A session guaranteed to be loaded with sizeable chunks of raw power and perhaps black magic where necessary; it's sure going to be interesting. We hope to take the windows and doors off the tour bus, so sit down or hold on and keep your ears open. Could be the next best thing to making your own music.

Melding dense and chaotic textures with complex beats, Miclo Diet aka Yasunobu Suzuki has created a diverse sound palette that ranges from eminently danceable rhythms to glitch-ridden madness. An organizing member of the Shinjuku-based Soup collective and a contributing member of the eclectic Tokyo-based NIkO label, Miclo Diet has his hands full with a range of enduring projects. We're a bit unsure where the name comes from, but it's possible to imagine that if you find yourself dancing to the music, you might also find yourself losing weight as quickly as you would drinking one of those similarly-named amphetamine-laced shakes. Fans of glitch, beats, thump and bop will not be disappointed. Tumultuous techno to keep the children awake at night.

onnacodomo (visuals)
Taking their inspiration from moments and objects from everyday life, visual unit Onnacodomo make the ordinary decidedly extraordinary. Eschewing computer-generated graphics or recorded material, the three members (DJ Codomo, Yasuko Seki and Ruka Noguchi) perform in real time using a video camera to capture their spontaneous creations. Shimmering projections are created using water, mirrors and and array of lights, while a world of fantastic images is constructed with found photos, kitchen utensils, toys, stationary and improvised artwork. Kaleidoscopic, absurd and unreal, Onnacodomo takes you into a slightly-unhinged world that is absolutely original in its conception.

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