2008/09/12 金曜日金曜日
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
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シカゴの新進気鋭レーベルNineteen Eight Recordsから良質なインプロ4ピースバンドが初来日!!メンバーのスキルは各種楽器媒体(ドラムマガジン、 ベースマガジン)で各々取り上げられるほどの実力派ジャムバンド。そのフィールドはジャズ、ファンク、オルタナティブロック、エレクトロニカジャムなど多種多様。最近ではDave Matthews Bandとの全米をツアーに参加。今後ジャム、インプロシーンにおいて最重要視するべきバンドの一つだ!!!
Live: RUDDER、あらきゆうこ&ナカキタユウコ、OLIVE OIL
MySpace / ライブ映像
Keith Carlock (Dr.)
Henry Hey (Key.)
Tim Lefebvre (Ba.)
NYのDrum'n Bass のシーン、 最近ではジャム・バンド系で活躍。
Chris Cheek (Sax.)
CORNELIUS、salyu、Polaris、くるり、杏子、スガシカオ、COIL、Dr.strange Love、清春、等を始めとした多数のアーティスト達のレコーディングセッションやライブに参加しているドラマー、あらきゆうこ。このユニットはソロプロジェクト“mi-gu”でも活動の場を広げているあらきゆうこ本人が一緒にやってみたいと思うMusicianとのコラボレーション企画。
その第一弾メンバーがナカキタユウコ。1999年9月、夏秋文彦、箕輪一広と共に "Uoo Moo"を結成 し、4枚のアルバムを発売。森山直太朗、RIKKI(奄美)、坂本真綾、藤原道山(尺八)、一青窈、普天間かおり、OLAibi等を始めとした多数のアーティスト達のレコーディングやライブにも参加。パワフルかつ繊細なリズムを叩き出すパーカッショニストである。
国内外の様々なレーベルからの楽曲リリース/Remix、[NIKE],[BSアニメ:侍チャンプル]への楽曲提供、英/仏等の海外や国内ツアー/ SonarSound/美術館等、様々な土地でライブ/DJ活動を経て、08年2月に[WE NOD Records]よりセカンドアルバム [Spring Break -2CD-]をリリースし各方面でチャートインを記録、さらにアナログカット第2弾となる[PIANITY ep]も即完売/各方面でチャートイン。GILLES PETERSONも絶賛し、BBC Radio 1にてPlayする等、世界中から賞賛を浴びている。08年4月には[RUDIMENTS]より”Juzu a.k.a.Moochy”とのSprit 12inchをリリースし、ジャンルを問わず高い評価を集める。別名義”Soloal-One”では[ROMZ]より06年1st[Who I Am?] ,07年2nd[Antena]をリリース、08年6月にはDMRより12inch [Antena EP]リリース。その他にも“B.I.G Joe'N'El Sadiq”[2 Way Street]への楽曲提供、”B.I.G Joe”2nd AlbumのProduce、”Killer Bong”[THINK TANK]との楽曲制作、PETE ROCK/remix、UKのMC/TORのREMIX等、今後も様々なProject/リミックスワーク/リリースを控えている。
協力: スーパー・デラックス、株式会社ディスクユニオン
主催: Humany Earthy / Sense of Wonder
Artist Information:
Rudder is a NYC-based instrumental band. Founded on deep musical relationships and friendships lasting over a decade, this quartet brings an aggressive, driving rock and jam vibe to a purely instrumental setting. Rudder is equally led by its four members.
MySpace / Videos
Chris Cheek (saxophones) is now somewhat of an icon in the saxophone world. His playing has been heard for years with the Paul Motian electric bebop band. He is also a member of Charlie Haden's Liberation Orchestra and has recently been playing with guitar great Bill Frisell. As a leader, Chris has four noteworthy albums to his credit in addition to appearing as a sideman on over 60 other CDs. This summer Chris is touring with Paul Motion and Bill Frisell. With Rudder, Chris plays tenor, as well as baritone sax and brings his unique usage of effects on his horn to the Rudder sound.
Henry Hey (keyboards) has enjoyed a widely diversified musical career in New York. He has toured and recorded with everyone from Jeff Watts, Alex Sipiagin, Bill Evans, Bill Bruford, Monday Michiru and Till Broenner to Harry Belafonte, PM Dawn, Phil Ramone, Richard Perry, and most recently extended world touring and television appearances as pianist and shared musical director for Rod Stewart. This summer Henry is touring with Jeff 'Tain' Watts, Alex Sipiagin and Monday Michiru. Henry plays rhodes, organ and unique synthesized and sampled textures with Rudder.
Tim Lefebvre (bass) is one of the most skilled and sought after bass players in NY. Tim has made appearances in Saturday Night Live's house band over the last few years - his work has also been heard on The Apprentice, The Sopranos, Late Show With David Letterman, The Knights of Prosperity (CBS), 30 Rock (NBC), Oceans 12, Ocean 's 13, The Departed, Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, and Analyze That!. Tim was the Musical Director/Leader on The Caroline Rhea Show on ABC and has appeared recently with Chris Potter, Patti Austin, Uri Caine, and Dave Binney. This summer Tim is touring with Chuck Loeb, Dennis Chambers, Till Bronner, Eric Marienthal and Jim Beard. Tim brings his incredible support and huge low sounds to the Rudder vibe.
Keith Carlock (drums) is quickly becoming one of the most well-known and emulated drummers on the planet. Early on, Keith and Tim formed the backbone that led to some new directions in the trio of guitarist Wayne Krantz. It wasn't long before Keith was heard by others and quickly became the drummer for the Blues Brothers. Shortly after that he was sought out to follow in the footsteps of Peter Erskine and other greats to sit at the drum chair of Steely Dan. Immediately following his first extended tour with Steely Dan, Keith was on the road for a two-year tour with Sting. This summer Keith is touring with Steely Dan. Keith's singular sound and style are essential to the groove of Rudder.

Yuko Araki&Yuko Nakakita


Support: SuperDeluxe and Disk Union
Organizer: Humany Earthy / Sense of Wonder
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