2008/10/14 火曜日火曜日
Test ToneTest Tone
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00
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Test Tone vol. 38
Ambient Elegies and Spectral Improvisations
出演: KO.DO.NA, Marko Ciciliani (from Amsterdam) + 町田良夫 (Amorfon), 向井千恵 (胡弓) + Tetragrammaton (TOMO + キャル・ライアル + ノブナガ・ケン), Onnacodomo
Marko Ciciliani (from Amsterdam) + 町田良夫 (Amorfon)
常に新しい表現手段を追求してやまないミュージシャン、作曲家 Marko Cicilianiはニューヨーク、ハンブルグ、デン・ハーグなどの教育機関で得た経験を様々な内容に応用している。オーケストラ、アンサンブル、サウンドインストレーションなどの作曲をするかたわら、フリーインプロビゼーションやポップミュージックなどのコラボレーションもこなす。今回のTest Toneの最初のセットでは、レーザーなどを使い、作曲に光を応用する可能性を調べるパフォーマンスを見せてくれる。
向井千恵 (胡弓)
+ Tetragrammaton (TOMO + キャル・ライアル + ノブナガ・ケン)
向井千恵はこの25年間、国内外の自由即興シーンで精力的に活動してきた。70年代半ばに胡弓を始め、East Bionic Symphonia、
Ché -SHIZU、Enkidu、dadunr などの伝説的グループとの即興や曲がベースになったコラボまで、ソロ演奏から即興の個性とパワーで知名度を得た。最近10年間は、パースペクティブエモーション国際マルティミディアアートフェスティバルやワークショップのキュレーターとして、大きなセッティングで即興演奏を探索して来た。今回のTest Toneではフリーロックの大御所Tetragrammation(TOMO、キャル・ライアル、ノブナガ・ケン)が向井と共演。
Onnacodomo は日常の出来事や物からアイディアを得て、なんでもないものをすばらしいものにしてしまう。コンピューターグラフィックやすでに用意されたものを使うのではなく、メンバー3人(DJ Codomo、せきやすこ、野口路加)はビデオカメラを使い即興で映像を作り出す。
About Test Tone….
Ambient Elegies and Spectral Improvisations
Step into an evening of well-hewn soundscapes and subtle discoveries. Vast spaces, multivalent drones and beautiful bursts of texture from a diverse collection of performers from Japan and overseas.
Featured artists: Marko Ciciliani (from Amsterdam) + Yoshio Machida (Amorfon), KO.DO.NA, Mukai Chie (er-hu) + Tetragrammaton (TOMO / Cal Lyall / Nobunaga Ken), Onnacodomo

Test Tone Homepage
Artist Information:
Marko Ciciliani (from Amsterdam) + Yoshio Machida (Amorfon)
A tireless explorer of new forms, composer and musician Marko Ciciliani has taken his extensive academic experience, garnered in such diverse places as New York, Hamburg and The Hague, and applied it to a myriad of contexts. While composing works for orchestra, ensembles and sound installations, he also pursues collaborative activities in the realms of free improvisation and pop music.
On this night, we'll be treated to both sides of this unique artist. In the first set, Marko will present a performance piece investigating the possibilities of applying light in musical compositions, using lasers and no-input mixing board. In the second set, he'll be joined by steel pan player (and formidable artist in his own right) Yoshio Machida, who has taken his instrument to magical new levels, moving through worlds of ambient minimalism, post-rock or electroacoustic dub with equal fluidity. This one comes recommended.
While I was attending a show a couple of years back, someone pressed a recording into my hand and in the confusion of the evening, I didn't get a name or actually even remember the kind soul who had handed it to me. A couple of weeks later, I happened to play that collection of songs, a sublime, playful and beautiful album, and it didn't leave my CD player for at least another few weeks.
Eventually I found the source of these recordings – innovative trumpeter/multi-instrumentalist Kazutaka Kuroki and electronic musician Yuichiro Kinoshita, who are still making lush ambient soundscapes under the name KO.DO.NA.
If all goes as wonderfully as the last time they played at SuperDeluxe, you're in for a spellbinding treat.
Mukai Chie (er-hu) + Tetragrammaton (TOMO / Cal Lyall / Nobunaga Ken)
For the past 25 years, Chie Mukai has been an active force in the free improvisation scene both in Japan and around the world. Since taking up the kokyu (a traditional Japanese stringed instrument) in the mid-70s, Mukai has earned a reputation as a powerful and original voice on her instrument, from her captivating solo performances to her improvised and song-based work with a number of legendary groups (East Bionic Symphonia, Ché-SHIZU, Enkidu, dadunr). Over the past decade, she has been examining collective improvisation in a large-scale format as curator of the Perspective Emotion international multimedia art festival and workshop.
In the collaborative spirit of her work, Mukai will be making an appearance at Test Tone accompanied by free-rock/drone mavens Tetragrammaton (TOMO, Cal Lyall, Ken Nobunaga), who will be taking the opportunity to kick their addiction to overblown noise freakouts and adopt a more conciliatory tone for the evening.
Taking their inspiration from moments and objects from everyday life, visual unit Onnacodomo make the ordinary decidedly extraordinary. Eschewing computer-generated graphics or recorded material, the three members (DJ Codomo, Yasuko Seki and Ruka Noguchi) perform in real time using a video camera to capture their spontaneous creations. Shimmering projections are created using water, mirrors and an array of lights, while a world of fantastic images is constructed with found photos, kitchen utensils, toys, stationary and improvised artwork. Kaleidoscopic, absurd and unreal, Onnacodomo takes you into a slightly-unhinged world that is absolutely original in its conception.
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