Test Tone

2009/03/10 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00




Test Tone vol.43

A Guided Evening: Step-by-Step to Music Enjoy!

出演: Henna Dress (変なドレス)、neohachi、俺はこんなもんじゃない、シャンテル マーティン (live drawing)、DJ Evil Penguin


キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー


Henna Dress (変なドレス)

ゲームボーイを使って1998年から楽曲制作を続けているHenna Dress(変なドレス)はライブエレクトロニクスとダンサンブルな感覚をミックスしたジャンル分けし難い音を作り出す。また、飛んでいる虫が電球にあたる音、空腹の時にお腹が立てる音、人が口ずさむ歌なども ”変なドレス" にとっては音楽的インスピレーションになる。この不思議なグループを間近で見たいなら、定期的にライブをしている西麻布のBul-let'sでチェック。


2005年にLily (ボーカル)とElly (シンセサイザー)のデュオとして活動開始、日本の伝統的な詩をベースにユニークなスタイルを作り上げ、最近ではドラマー山本達久を迎え、 neohachi3の名で活動。ミニマルなアプローチ (詩吟と呼ばれる朗読法を使い) とクラウトロック的なサウンドに影響された構成で、neohachi3の音は新鮮でありながらもなじみの深い音のよう。ドラマーAtsuをフューチャーした2008年のアルバム「Rhythm of Wonder」は必聴。今回のTest Toneではデュオとして登場。良質でミ二マルなサウンドを堪能できるチャンス。
動画: neohachi in FANTASIA

俺はこんなもんじゃない (OWKMJ)

前回のTest Toneのライブ以来、メンバー変更を何回も繰り返して”俺はこんなもんじゃない (OWKMJ)がパワーアップして登場。常に新しい方向性を探りながら、作曲的には反復的な要素を取り入れながらも、結成当時からおなじみの脱構築的なパンクサウンドも残している。今月28日に発売されるバンドのニューアルバム'OWKMJ'にはそんな要素がたくさん詰められている。

シャンテル・マーティン (live drawing)

シャンテル マーティンのライブドローイングには毎回新しいアイディアが豊富に出てくる。ひょろひょろとどこまでも続く線が壁を埋め尽くす。もう何回もTest Toneに登場してくれた彼女の新しい作品をかいま見たい人は彼女のウェブサイトをチェック。

About Test Tone….

Test Tone vol. 43

A Guided Evening: Step-by-Step to Music Enjoy!

Featuring: Henna Dress, Neohachi, OreWaKonnaMonJanai, Shantell Martin (Live Drawing) and DJ Evil Penguin

Test Tone Homepage

Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)

Artist Information:

Henna Dress

A self-described 'gadget player', Henna Dress has been making music using her Nintendo Gameboy since 1998. Hardly describable, Henna Dress comes out of nowhere with a marvelous mixture of live electronics, all crafted into a cataclysmic bounce with charming dance sensibility.
Apparently led into her musical world by a stuffed cat (the band leader), Henna Dress remains influenced by 'someone's humming song', 'sound to which an flying insect hits an electric bulb', 'sound in which the empty stomach sounds', 'sound which the fish without an ear may hear', and more.
If you don't get your fill (and it's very likely you won't), check out her magical event Lab Bit Room, held somewhat regularly at nearby Nishiazabu Bul-let's.


Forming as a duo back in 2005, Lily (vocals) and Elly (synthesizers) of neohachi have driven their unique take on traditional Japanese poetry ever forward, recently adding a drummer to the mix under the name neohachi 3.
With a minimal approach to melody (employing a poem recitation technique known as 'shigin') and a sense of form that seems to have sprouted from high exposures of head-bobbing Krautrock, the sound seems to come across as startlingly fresh and deeply familiar all at once.
Check out their 2008 album 'Sense of Wonder' (with drummer Atsu) for a lovely listening experience. On this evening, we'll be treated to the unit at their stripped-down, minimal best. Wonderful stuff.
YouTube: neohachi in FANTASIA

OWKMJ (OreWaKonnaMonJanai)

After a number of line-up changes since their last appearance at Test Tone a couple of years back, OWKMJ are back and better than ever. Always moving in new directions, we see the latest incarnation of the band moving towards more cyclic patterns in their compositions, but still retaining the punk deconstruction that seemed to sit on the edges of the band's sound since the beginning.
Much of this is captured on the band's new album, titled simply 'OWKMJ' and scheduled for release on the 28th of this month. If we're in luck, there may be some copies available for sale if the postal service doesn't encounter a rare snag. Fingers crossed.

Shantell Martin (Live Drawing)

Our very special friend Shantell Martin will be down for her last Test Tone before a prolonged stay in New York. As we have said before, Shantell's work is absolutely amazing, and we'll miss her very much. For those of you (gasp!) unfamiliar with her work, read our description of her collaboration work from a long ways back: "Shantell will create a spontaneous artwork during the course of the set, which may grow across the walls and into your hair and/or lamb's wool coat if you don't pay attention. Recently joining a number of international events as a visual artist, this is a perfect chance to see why Shantell's work is gaining ground both here in Japan and abroad."

About Test Tone....
Test Tone is a free monthly event that promotes varied and, we hope, interesting live music to a wider audience in Tokyo. We wanted to create an event that highlights the diversity of great music and visual art being made here and give more people an opportunity to see and hear it.

To make Test Tone as accessible as possible we wanted a central Tokyo space with a good sound system; a place where people would want to come and hang out, eat, drink and meet people. And listen to some live music that they may not otherwise get exposed to. As a further encouragement, we wanted to make the event free—not only for the audience, but for the performers too.

All this could easily have been an order too tall were it not for the exceptional people at Super Deluxe that made it all possible. Their enthusiasm for live music and visuals and faith in the event, allowing us complete creative freedom in booking artists, has allowed Test Tone to grow into something even broader in scope than we could have hoped for back in February 2005 when we proudly presented volume 1.

Our aim is to create a wider community. To further that, please get in touch if you are interested in playing, or want to be kept up to date with Test Tone events.

Finally, we'd like to say thanks to everyone that has been involved with Test Tone, especially all the artists that have made the events such a continuing success.

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