Test Tone

2009/06/09 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00




Test Tone vol. 46

Anthology of Transoceanic Sound and Image


Featuring: Nick Hoffman (from Illinois) + Takahiro Kawaguchi, Object Collection (Travis Just/Kara Feely from New York), Andrea Valvini (from Switzerland) / DJ: Evil Penguin


キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー


Nick Hoffman (イリノイ州出身) + 川口貴大

2008 年の日本ツアーも成功し、 新たなサウンドを追求するイリノイ出身のNick Hoffmanが再び登場。今回は2000年からサウンドアートやインストレーション、パフォーマンス等で精力的に活動してきた即興アーティストの川口貴大 (Off Cellsで宇波拓、村山政二朗と共に活動) がNickとのジョイントセッションで登場。それぞれのソロもおもしろいけど、川口とNickが作り出す独特の世界は一見の価値あり。
Nick Hoffman HP / MySpace
川口貴大 HP

Object Collection (Travis Just/Kara Feely: ニューヨーク)

Object Collectionは他のクリエイティブな媒体のテクニックと手法を駆使し、実験音楽や演劇(その他あらゆる物)を通して新しい形態のアート作りを目指す。(ジョン・ケージの「Song Books」のドイツでのパフォーマンスで始まった) 実りの多い5年間の後、グループ発起人Kara FeelyとTravis Justがニューヨークから日本に2度目の来日。お見逃しなく。

Andrea Valvini (スイス)

スイス出身のコンピューターミュージシャン/作曲家のAndrea Valviniが新作「Soleil Rouge」のライブのために再び来日し、見事なリズムワークを聴かせてくれる。元々ドラマー、パーカッショニストであったAndreaにはおなじみの分野ではあるが、過去の作品を聴けば、予期しない部分もあるかもしれないということは充分期待できる。
www.e-mixtur.net / MySpace

About Test Tone….

Test Tone vol. 46

Anthology of Transoceanic Sound and Image

This month, we are proud to present three groups of touring overseas artists. Coming from Switzerland, New York and Normal, Illinois, each of these unique musicians will bring an original approach to sound creation, manipulation and exploration to the evening. 21st century lounge at its finest.

Featuring: Nick Hoffman (from Illinois) + Takahiro Kawaguchi, Object Collection (Travis Just/Kara Feely from New York), Andrea Valvini (from Switzerland) / DJ: Evil Penguin

Test Tone Homepage

Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)

Artist info:

Nick Hoffman (from Illinois) + Takahiro Kawaguchi

After a successful 2008 tour of Japan, Illinois native Nick Hoffman is back with a fresh arsenal of re-imagined sounds for our ears. This time around, he will be joined by improvising artist Takahiro Kawaguchi, who has been active in sound-art, installation and performance since 2000, playing in units such as Hello and Off Cells (with Seijiro Murayama and Taku Unami).
Perhaps proving that the sum is greater than its parts, this session will be an excellent chance to see Kawaguchi and Hoffman match off their sonic explorations in a unique setting.
Nick Hoffman HP / MySpace
Takahiro Kawaguchi HP

Object Collection (Travis Just/Kara Feely from New York)

Combining techniques and methodologies from different creative mediums, Object Collection aims to develop new artistic work through experimental music and theater (and all things in-between).
Following five years of fruitful activity (which began with a performance of John Cage's 'Song Books' in Germany), founders Kara Feely and Travis Just are now making the trip from New York to Japan for a second time. Be sure to catch them this time around.

Andrea Valvini (from Switzerland)

Back in Tokyo to perform his new piece 'Soleil Rouge', swiss computer musician and composer Andrea Valvini will present an intimate performance showcasing his spectacular rhythmic work. Originally a drummer and percussionist, this will take Andrea back to familiar territory, yet judging by his previous work, we can also expect a good dose of the unfamiliar.
Andrea Valvini HP) / MySpace

About Test Tone...
Test Tone is a free monthly event that promotes varied and, we hope, interesting live music to a wider audience in Tokyo. We wanted to create an event that highlights the diversity of great music and visual art being made here and give more people an opportunity to see and hear it.

To make Test Tone as accessible as possible we wanted a central Tokyo space with a good sound system; a place where people would want to come and hang out, eat, drink and meet people. And listen to some live music that they may not otherwise get exposed to. As a further encouragement, we wanted to make the event free—not only for the audience, but for the performers too.

All this could easily have been an order too tall were it not for the exceptional people at Super Deluxe that made it all possible. Their enthusiasm for live music and visuals and faith in the event, allowing us complete creative freedom in booking artists, has allowed Test Tone to grow into something even broader in scope than we could have hoped for back in February 2005 when we proudly presented volume 1.

Our aim is to create a wider community. To further that, please get in touch if you are interested in playing, or want to be kept up to date with Test Tone events.

Finally, we'd like to say thanks to everyone that has been involved with Test Tone, especially all the artists that have made the events such a continuing success.


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