2009/06/13 土曜日土曜日
Open: 22:00:00 | Start: 22:00 - 05:00
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Spacetime Chill Out Far Out Party
ファッションデザイナーとしても有名なRichard Sharpe(元Shamen)がオーガナイズする「SPACETIME CHILLOUT FAR OUT」が 今年もDJ Oliveを筆頭に豪華出演者とももに開催。今回はベルリンのambient, downbeat, trip hop sceneのゴットファーザーこと「Dr Atimo」がSPACETIMEに初参加。Mixmaster Morris、Pete Namlook、David Moufang、Deep Space networkなどこれまで40以上のアルバムをプロデュース。DJとしてはBERLIN LOVE PARADE、LONDON TRIBAL GATHERING、SAN FRANCISCO XTC等出演!
Beauty & Light 展 photographs by Pascal d'Aboyer & Morgan Fisher (6/10〜25) 開催中
Featuring: DR ATMO (Berlin, Fax records), DJ Olive (New York City, the Agriculture), Me-sheen (Spacetime, Fubuki recordings, Reflective records San Francisco), Kay Nakayama (Intelligent Jazz, Something Wonderful), Ken Machines (Spacetime, Reflective records San Francisco), Zack, Sinn (Global Chillage) / Visuals: Interstella
DR ATMO (Berlin, Fax records)
DJ Olive (New York City, the Agriculture)
Me-sheen (Spacetime, Fubuki recordings, Reflective records San Francisco)
Kay Nakayama (Intelligent Jazz, Something Wonderful)
Ken Machines (Spacetime, Reflective records San Francisco)
Sinn (Global Chillage)
Visuals: Interstella
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Beauty & Light (6/10〜25)
Morgan Fisher & Pascal d'Aboyer
6月10 & 25日 入場料: 無料 / 開場 19:00
Morgan Fisherのライブを同時開催。
Morgan Fisher/LIGHT
Pascal d'Aboyer/BEAUTY
Spacetime Chill Out Far Out Party
SPACETIME welcomes for the first time in JAPAN the Godfather of the Berlin ambient, downbeat, trip hop scene. Dr Atmo music producer of 40 albums and international DJ with Mixmaster Morris, Pete Namlook, David Moufang, Deep Space network, and original DJ at BERLIN LOVE PARADE, LONDON TRIBAL GATHERING, SAN FRANCISCO XTC, is engaged.
Beauty & Light Exhibition photographs by Pascal d'Aboyer & Morgan Fisher (6/10〜25) at SuperDeluxe
Featuring: DR ATMO (Berlin, Fax records), DJ Olive (New York City, the Agriculture), Me-sheen (Spacetime, Fubuki recordings, Reflective records San Francisco), Kay Nakayama (Intelligent Jazz, Something Wonderful), Ken Machines (Spacetime, Reflective records San Francisco), Zack, Sinn (Global Chillage) / Visuals: Interstella
Blurring the boundaries between ambient, techno and house, Spacetime returns to Super Deluxe with an intergalactic line up. SPACETIME welcomes for the first time in JAPAN the Godfather of the Berlin ambient, downbeat, trip hop scene. Dr Atmo music producer of 40 albums and international DJ with Mixmaster Morris, Pete Namlook, David Moufang, Deep Space network, and original DJ at BERLIN LOVE PARADE, LONDON TRIBAL GATHERING, SAN FRANCISCO XTC, is engaged.
DJ Olive is headlining the event with a long deep musical performance, based on house beats but expect the unexpected.
Me-sheen is playing a live version of his new album "Slipstream" to be released in June.
Kay Nakayama brings his mixing skills and audio wizardry with a full deejay set.
A rare performance by the analogue masters Ken Machines and their ever increasing range of analogue synthesizers , drum machines and boxes brings the techno.
Plus Deejay support from the underground chillout masters Zack and Sinn from Global Chillage and the mesmerizing visuals of Interstella VJ crew,. The party kicks off with a very special Balinese welcome dance performance by Mia the dancing doll, this is one of the not to be missed parties of spacetime.
Please check http://www.spacetime-online.com for full party information, music downloads, visuals and whole lot more.
Artist info:
DR ATMO (Berlin, Fax records)
DJ Olive (New York City, the Agriculture)
Me-sheen (Spacetime, Fubuki recordings, Reflective records San Francisco)
Kay Nakayama (Intelligent Jazz, Something Wonderful)
Ken Machines (Spacetime, Reflective records San Francisco)
Sinn (Global Chillage)
Visuals: Interstella
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Beauty & Light
A joint photograph exhibition by Pascal d'Aboyer & Morgan Fisher
June 10-25 2009, evenings.

Live performance by Morgan Fisher on June 10 & 25 (free entry)
Please see SuperDeluxe calender for more detailed information.
Artist info:
Pascal d'Aboyer/BEAUTY
"Those who most often express appreciation of my work with women are women. I like to think that this fact gives my work legitimacy."
Morgan Fisher/LIGHT
"My Light Paintings are created by taking long exposures while moving the camera like a brush in front of various natural and man-maid light sources. I feel they have the same spontaneous quality as my musical performance."
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