2009/10/27 火曜日火曜日
Test ToneTest Tone
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00
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SuperDeluxe 7th Anniversary!!!!!!!
Test Tone Series 50th Celebration
A Festival of Titanic Sounds!
Test Toneの50回目とSuperDeluxe7周年を祝して、過去4年間に渡る数々の名演を収録したライブ録音を、3枚のコンピレーション・アルバムとしてリリースすることになりました。ダモ鈴木、Tenniscoats、OWKMJ、Christophe Charles、L?K?O、Muddy Worldなど、他多数の出演者達のレアで貴重な録音がSuperDeluxeの目玉レコードより発売されます。10月27日に行われる50回記念とリリースを祝うパーティーにぜひお越し下さい。
Live: 山本達久 + 今井和雄、L?K?O + Kelly Churko + 中野恵一 (2UP)、鈴木康文 + Cal Lyall + 岩見継吾 + 鈴木カオル / VJ: onnacodomo / DJ: evil penguin
山本達久 + 今井和雄
日本の即興音楽シーンの過去30年において、伝説的な即興ミュージシャン今井和雄の影響ははかりしれない。高柳昌行の弟子としての始まり、そして小杉武久やタジ・マハールトラベラーズとのプロジェクトを通して、70年代の即興シーンの中でもひときわの才能を当初から根づかせた。何年もライブ活動からは遠ざかっていたものの、過去30年間、個性的なオランダ人ドラマー Han Benninkや日本ノイズ界のスーパースター Incapacitantsとの共演でその名を知らしめてきた。今回のTest Toneでは、Alan Silva、Jim O'Rourke、タバタミツルや地元インディー大御所のNatsumenとの共演でもおなじみの山本達久(ドラム、メタル)とステージを共にする。2人の個性的なミュージシャンが出す断固とした荒々しい音をミニマルなセッティングで見れる。
L?K?O + Kelly Churko + 中野恵一
ノイズ・グラインドフェス Murder Channel、RockWestでのヒップホップナイト、ベリーダンシングやタイ・フェスティバルなどのイベントに1日で出演してしまうほど多忙なL?K?O。今回ステージを共にするのは、K.K. Null、Zbigniew Karkowski、外山明やAKBKなどで知られるKelly Churko。そして、アメリカツアーを終えたばかりのパワーデュオ2UPのドラマー 中野恵一がダイナマイトなドラミングを見せる。
Kelly Churko
中野恵一 (2UP)
鈴木康文 + キャル・ライアル + 岩見継吾 + 鈴木カオル
まったく新しいセッティングで新しい音楽を実験すると何が生まれてくるかはわからないものだが、成功した時の感動はひとしおだ。 Commune Disc、Soundroomの鈴木康文(electronics)、Tetragrammaton、Jahiliyyahのキャル・ライアル(ギター)、 Oncenth Trio、Zycos、Midoriの岩見継吾(uber-contrabass)、鈴木カオル(ドラム)がTest Toneでバトル対決。 近未来的ダンスミュージックの誕生か?
Commune Disc
Test Tone主催
Missing Man Foundation
Golden Parabola
Oncenth trio
鈴木カオル (drum)
onnacodomo は日常の出来事や物からアイディアを得て、何でもないものをすばらしいものにしてしまう。コンピューターグラフィックやすでに準備されたものを使うのでは なく、メンバー3人(DJ Codomo、せきやすこ、 野口路加)はビデオカメラを使い即興で映像を作り出す。水や鏡、ライトを使いきらきらしたプロジェクションが 映し出される間に、昔の写真や台所の用具やおもちゃ、文房具、即興のアート作品を使い美しいイメージが作り出される。目まぐるしく変わり、非日常的、 onnacodomoの映像は見るものを奇妙な世界に引き込み、アイディアが独創的。
Evil Penguin
About Test Tone….
Test Tone Series 50th Celebration
A Festival of Titanic Sounds!
To mark Test Tone's 50th, we will be releasing a 3-disc anthology of live recordings from the series, including some of the finest moments from the past four years. Rare gems from Damo Suzuki, Tenniscoats, OWKMJ, Christophe Charles, L?K?O, Muddy World and many more will be included with the set, to be released from SuperDeluxe's own label medama records. Join us for this very special 50th celebration and release party.
Live: Tatsuhisa Yamamoto + Imai Kazuo, L?K?O + Kelly Churko + Keiichi Nakano (2UP), Yasufumi Suzuki + Cal Lyall + Keigo Iwami + Kaoru Suzuki / VJ: onnacodomo / DJ: evil penguin
Test Tone Homepage
Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)
Artist info:
Tatsuhisa Yamamoto + Imai Kazuo
It would be difficult to overstate the impact of legendary improvisor Kazuo Imai on the past 50 years of Japanese free music. With his beginnings as Masayuki Takayanagi's longtime guitar protege and his subsequent work with Takehisa Kosugi and the Taj Mahal Travellers, Imai aligned himself early on with the most singular voices from the 70s free music scene. Over the past three decades, despite withdrawing from public performance for years at a time, he has garnered a name for himself playing with everyone from innovative Dutch drummer Han Bennink to Japanese noise superstars Incapacitants. On this evening he'll be joined by Tatsuhisa Yamamoto on 'drums and metal', whose recent outings with Alan Silva, Jim O'Rourke, Mitsuru Tabata and local indie greats Natsumen are quickly making him the 'chosen one' for many a drum gig. A chance to see both these great musicians in a perfect setting: stripped down and hell-bent on tumultuous sound.
Tatsuhisa Yamamoto
Kazuo Imai
L?K?O + Kelly Churko + Keiichi Nakano
I've often wondered if the were in fact two L?K?Os. Seemingly everywhere at once, you'll find him featured at noise/grind gala Murder Channel, hiphop nights at Rock West, belly-dancing bonanzas, and even Thai festivals, sometimes all in the same night. This aptly sets the stage for his improvised turntable work, which is fresh, perceptive, and above all, the work of a musician with extreme peripheral vision. Joining the lineup will be improvising guitarist and composer Kelly Churko, who besides moonlighting with heavyweights like K.K. Null, Zbigniew Karkowski and Akira Sotoyama, remains at the helm of Tokyo grind heroes AKBK (with Naoto 'Araking' Araki of King Goblin fame). Finally, fresh off a US tour with his two-man powerhouse 2UP, drummer Keiichi Nakano will no doubt be stoking engines with his unhinged and gold-encrusted skin & cymbal massage. Make sure to wear loose clothing.
Kelly Churko
Keiichi Nakano
AEN + Cal Lyall + Keigo Iwami + Kaoru Suzuki
Putting musicians into completely new contexts is always a hit-or-miss affair, but the potential rewards are just so darn exciting that we simply keep doing it. In what could be a somewhat ungodly sacrifice to the gods of free jazz, we present a collision of superheated musicianship courtesy of AEN (aka Yasufumi Suzuki of Commune Disc and Soundroom) on molten electronics, Cal Lyall (Tetragrammaton, Jahiliyyah) on unprepared guitar, Keigo Iwami (Oncenth Trio, Zycos, Midori) on uber-contrabass and Kaoru Suzuki on panoramic drum duties. This might be the future of freaked-out (and very loose-limbed) dance music.
Yasufumi Suzuki
(Commune Disc / SOUNDROOM)
Cal Lyall
Currently active in Japan's free improvisation scene and member of drone-psych trio Tetragrammaton, ecstatic choral unit Jahiliyyah, electro-acoustic duo Missing Man Foundation and avant disco unit FDF (with Kumiko Okamura). Other projects include Golden Parabola, Palimpsest (with Kelly Churko), Auraboris (duo with TOMO from Tetragrammaton), Laptop Orchestra, Aktion Directe (with Akira Yamamichi and Masatsugu Hattori), Nikkasen (with Mitsuru Tabata, Tatsuhisa Yamamoto and Kelly Churko), zycOs (with Masatsugu Hattori, Keigo Iwami, and Kouzou Komori), Electroacoustic Jazz Quartet (with Peter Slade, Akira Yamamichi and Jimanica) while also performing as a solo artist with distinctive artists such as Tetuzi Akiyama, Chie Mukai, L?K?O, Samm Bennett, Coppe', Hideo Ikegami, Yasumune Morishige, Yoshio Otani, Yoshio Machida, Damo Suzuki and many more.
Irregularly manages the Subvalent record label and soundispatch imprint / collective and quite regularly mismanages the monthly event Test Tone at SuperDeluxe in Nishi-Azabu (Tokyo)
Keigo Iwami
(Oncenth trio)
Kaoru Suzuki
Taking their inspiration from moments and objects from everyday life, visual unit onnacodomo make the ordinary decidedly extraordinary. Eschewing computer-generated graphics or recorded material, the three members (DJ Codomo, Yasuko Seki and Ruka Noguchi) perform in real time using a video camera to capture their spontaneous creations. Shimmering projections are created using water, mirrors and an array of lights, while a world of fantastic images is constructed with found photos, kitchen utensils, toys, stationary and improvised artwork. Kaleidoscopic, absurd and unreal, onnacodomo takes you into a slightly-unhinged world that is absolutely original in its conception.
Evil Penguin
Grand wizard of vinyl and interstellar treasure hunter, the Evil Penguin extracts the tastiest gems from his cosmic vat of recordings long forgotten. Pure listening pleasure.
About Test Tone...
Test Tone is a free monthly event that promotes varied and, we hope, interesting live music to a wider audience in Tokyo. We wanted to create an event that highlights the diversity of great music and visual art being made here and give more people an opportunity to see and hear it.
To make Test Tone as accessible as possible we wanted a central Tokyo space with a good sound system; a place where people would want to come and hang out, eat, drink and meet people. And listen to some live music that they may not otherwise get exposed to. As a further encouragement, we wanted to make the event free—not only for the audience, but for the performers too.
All this could easily have been an order too tall were it not for the exceptional people at Super Deluxe that made it all possible. Their enthusiasm for live music and visuals and faith in the event, allowing us complete creative freedom in booking artists, has allowed Test Tone to grow into something even broader in scope than we could have hoped for back in February 2005 when we proudly presented volume 1.
Our aim is to create a wider community. To further that, please get in touch if you are interested in playing, or want to be kept up to date with Test Tone events.
Finally, we'd like to say thanks to everyone that has been involved with Test Tone, especially all the artists that have made the events such a continuing success.
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入場無料 Free Entry
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SuperDeluxe presents: SupernaturalDeluxe Vol.13Bruce Russell / S•Glass
Open: 17:00 | Start: 18:15 - 20:30
ブルース・ラッセル(Dead C)とS•Glass(Bananafish Magazine)が日本で初めてライブパフォーマンスを行います。それぞれのソロセットでは、エレクトロニクスの実験やノイズの操作を駆使し、奇妙で没入感のある音の世界を創り出す、予測不可能なサウンドの夕べをお楽しみください。
前売チケット ⇒ Peatix ⇐ Advance Tickets
Bruce Russell (Dead C) and S•Glass (Bananafish Magazine) will perform live in Japan for the first time ever, each presenting solo sets. Expect an evening of raw, unpredictable sound as they experiment with electronics, manipulate noise, and create strange, immersive sonic environments.