Test Tone

2009/12/08 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00




Test Tone vol. 52

Adventures Unpredictable

Pathways from the Occidental to the Accidental
Live: Robert Piotrowicz (ポーランド)、Anna Zaradny (ポーランド)、Ryusenkei Body + 千葉宏樹 (aka 大都会)、JIM2ACHIN.E Performance Group (フランス) / VJ: Julietta (visuals) / DJ: Evil Penguin


キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー


Robert Piotrowicz (ポーランド)

ポーランドの即興シーンで精力的に活動中のRobert Piotrowiczは、エレクトロアコーツティックのスタジオ、舞台の作曲、学問的なアートプロジェクトやサウンドインストレーションなどの様々な音楽活動に携わっている。演奏家、作曲家としては、Kevin Drumm、Tony Buck、Lasse Marhaug、Xavier CharlesやZbigniew Karkowskiなどの多くの異端児とコラボレーションをしてきた。ソロアーティストやコラボレーターとしてヨーロッパや北米でのメジャーなフェスティバルで演奏をして大規模にツアーを続けている。

Anna Zaradny (ポーランド)

サックスフォン奏者、即興家、作曲家、サウンドアーティストであるポーランドのAnna Zaradnyはクラッシック教育のバックグラウンドを生かして多くの分野のアーティスティックな作品を作ってきた。演奏家、作曲家としては、純粋なアコースティック即興からエレクトロニクスの分野での作曲を作るために、コンピューターを基にしたシステムと織り交ぜてサックスフォンの演奏技術を活用する。ビジュアルアーティストとしては、なんらかの形や意味を持ついくつものレイヤーを使って抽象的な作品を作るために写真やビデオを使用する。自国では Musica Generaレーベルや毎年のフェスティバルで、Robert Piorowiczと親しく活動する間、John Butcher、Tony BuckやJohn Hegreといったアーティスト達ともコラボレーションをしてきた彼女は精力的にツアーをしている。

Ryusenkei Body + 千葉宏樹 (aka 大都会)

2003年に結成し、Ryusenkei Bodyは複雑なアプローチと、ジャンルを超えた型にはまらない音楽的形態を組み合わせてきた。作曲とパフォーマンスに異なったアプローチを見せる。彼らのパフォーマンスは、Prefuse 73のヒップホップ、megoのエレクトロニカやフリーミュージックを彷佛させる要素があり、リズムが濃密だ。
今回のパフォーマンスでは奇才エレクトロニカ魔術師の千葉宏樹(Isolation Music Quartet、They Live、Hose II 等)をベーシストとして迎え、今までになかったコラボレーションを披露。

JIM2ACHIN.E Performance Group (フランス)

Sylvain DuigouYumiko ShionoとLaurent Rodriguezは思いもよらない手法で音、動きと画像を織り交ぜて、美しさや詩的なはかなさに演出されたばからしくダダっぽいパフォーマンスを見せる。様々な影響により、脱構築的抽象や根源的な奇異さのはざまで、いろいろなアイディアを新しい形態のインターアクティブなミディアに取り込んでいく。

Julietta (ビジュアル)

JULIETTAは様々なビジュアルのモチーフを使う太田唯己(aka De-R)とparhelion(aka JULIA)から成る VJユニット。クラブミュージックから実験音楽まですべてに取り組み、特別に依頼された作品や即興のビジュアルもライブのセッティングで作る。ソフトウェアのミニマルなモチーフと自身のDVDのコレクションを使用。 JULIETTAは現在東京で精力的に活動中。

DJ Evil Penguin

Grand wizard of vinyl and interstellar treasure hunter, the Evil Penguin makes the perilous journey to the forbidden archives, extracting the tastiest gems from a cosmic vat of recordings long forgotten.

About Test Tone….


Test Tone vol. 52

Adventures Unpredictable

Pathways from the Occidental to the Accidental
Featuring: Robert Piotrowicz (from Poland), Anna Zaradny (from Poland), Ryusenkei Body + Hiroki Chiba (aka Daitokai), JIM2ACHIN.E Performance Group (from France), Julietta (visuals), DJ Evil Penguin

Test Tone Homepage

Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)

Artist info:

Robert Piotrowicz (from Poland)

One of the most prolific artists on the Polish experimental improv scene, Robert Piotrowicz is involved in a range of musical activity, from electro-acoustic studio and theater composition to interdisciplinary art projects and sound installations. As an instrumentalist and composer, he has collaborated with a number of aural mavericks, including the likes of Kevin Drumm, Tony Buck, Lasse Marhaug, Xavier Charles and Zbigniew Karkowski. He continues to tour extensively, playing major festivals in both Europe and North America as a soloist and collaborator.

Anna Zaradny (from Poland)

Saxophonist, improvisor, composer and sound artist, Poland's Anna Zaradny has used her classical training to create artistic work in many fields. As an instrumentalist and composer, she uses extended saxophone technique in tandem with with computer-based structure to create everything from purely acoustic improvisation to complete compositions in the electronic medium. As a visual artist, she works with photography and video to create abstract pieces with multiple layers of form and meaning. In her work, she tours extensively and has collaborated with artists such as John Butcher, Tony Buck, and John Hegre, while working closely with Robert Piorowicz at home on the Musica Genera label and annual festival.

Ryusenkei Body + Hiroki Chiba (aka Daitokai)

Forming in 2003, Ryusenkei Body has been able to combine a complex approach to musical form with a style that is genre-defying and unexpected. The band takes a binary approach to composition and performance, stepping outside of the musical form to both contradict yet interact with the original material. Stark and challenging, their performances are dense in texture with fractured rhythms that bring to mind elements of hip hop (think Prefuse 73), electronica (think mego) and great free music. On this evening, they will be joined by special guest and mercurial bass/electronics wizard Hiroki Chiba (Isolation Music Quartet, They Live, Hose II etc.) for an unprecedented matchup.
Ryusenkei Body HP
Hiroki Chiba

JIM2ACHIN.E Performance Group (from France)

Interweaving sound, movement and image in unexpected ways, Sylvain Duigou, Yumiko Shiono and Laurent Rodriguez present the audience with absurd and dada-esque performances, enacted with beauty, humour, and poetic evanescence. With a range of influences, the group manages to pull disparate ideas into new forms of interactive media, striking a peculiar balance between deconstructionist abstraction and primordial weirdness. Lovely stuff indeed.

Julietta (visuals)

Using an array of visual sources, JULIETTA is a VJ unit coming from the joined forces of Yuki Ohta (aka De-R) and parhelion (aka JULIA). Involved with everything from club music to the experimental, the unit puts together specially commissioned works, as well as improvising visuals in a live setting. Using minimal creations from software, plus images jumping from their collection of 9 DVD players, JULIETTA has been much in demand in Tokyo for their decidedly unique yet supple imagery.

DJ Evil Penguin

Grand wizard of vinyl and interstellar treasure hunter, the Evil Penguin makes the perilous journey to the forbidden archives, extracting the tastiest gems from a cosmic vat of recordings long forgotten.

About Test Tone

A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo.
The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected.
For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit.


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