Morgan's Organ

2009/12/17 木曜日

Morgans OrganMorgan's Organ

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59




「Morgan's Organ」シリーズの第66弾を、スーパーデラックスにて開催します。今回もヴィンテージ・キーボードのコレクションから何点か珍しい楽器に登場してもらい、ソロ演奏をたっぷりとお楽しみいただく予定です。ミニマル・ミュージックの新たな解釈を探求しつづけるモーガンのインプロヴィゼーションで、懐かしくも斬新な魅惑のサウンドをお届けします。
開演: 19:30 & 21:30 (2セット)


事前予約いただいたお客様は、「Morgan's Organ」に無料でご入場いただけます。


「Morgan's Organ」は、原則として、毎月第三木曜日に開催されています。


「Morgan's Organ」リリース情報!

「Morgan's Organ」ライブアルバム01-10が、iTunes他オンライン音楽販売サイトにて発売中。いずれもモーガンが「スーパーデラックス」にて毎月開催しているライブ音源を収録しています。

※ Morgan's OrganのMySpaceより、全て (01-10)のサンプルクリップをご試聴いただけます。



Morgan's Organ vol.66
Morgan returns to SuperDeluxe for the 66th concert in his Morgan's Organ series. Once again, Morgan will give an extended solo performance, featuring more amazing instruments from his vintage keyboard collection. Be prepared to hear some fascinating old/new sounds as Morgan improvises with his always-fresh take on minimal music.
Start: 19:30 & 21:30 (2 sets)


Entrance information: For those who reserve in advance (by 6pm on the day before the concert), entry to Morgan's Organ is FREE.

For those without reservations, there a modest 1000 yen entrance fee. All who attend are entitled to a free mp3 download from Morgan's extensive archive of his solo recordings. Changing each month, the download will be available for one week following each concert. Information re how to download the mp3 will be given at the door.

Morgan's Organ usually happens on the 3rd Thursday of every month.
It features selections of Morgan's photographs plus astonishing films from his avant-garde video library.

For more information please go to:

Morgan’s Organ 01-10 Release

SuperDeluxe launches original music label MEDAMA RECORDS with live recordings by Morgan Fisher. “Morgan’s Organ 01-10” available now from iTunes Store, Napster, Rhapsody, Amazon and other online vendors!

Visit the Morgan's Organ myspace to hear extended excerpts from the live recordings, and see a continuous slide show of live photographs.

About Morgan Fisher

Keyboard player / Composer / Producer / Light Painter. Born in London, England, on January 1st, 1950. '68~'76: Played keyboards in The Love Affair, Third Ear Band, Mott the Hoople, and his own progressive rock band Morgan. '78~'80: Art-punk album "Hybrid Kids," the cult classic "Miniatures" album (51 one-minute tracks by cutting-edge musicians from Robert Fripp to Hector Zazou) and his first ambient album "Slow Music" with Lol Coxhill. '82: Played live with Queen. '85: Moved to Japan, developed his improvised music, and created abstract photographs called Light Paintings (as on the Morgan's Organ album covers). Played with Japanese artists Yoko Ono, The Boom, and Haruomi Hosono. Recent works: an album with Hans-Joachim Roedelius (of Cluster), performances with The Minus 5 and Robyn Hitchcock, music for film and TV, two exhibitions of light paintings in Tokyo.

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