Oren Ambarchi

2010/02/01 月曜日

Oren AmbarchiOren Ambarchi

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




Oren Ambarchi ソロ

Opening Act: Suicidal 10cc (中原昌也, ジム・オルーク)
急遽オープニングアクトに Suicidal 10ccの登場が決定!1月末の2デイズを経ての渾身のソロライブ!大注目の一夜になりそう!

Oren Ambarchi
ギターやパーカッションを用いた実験音楽家で、1986年以来ライブパフォーマンスを行う。主にギターの可能性について焦点を当て、もはやそれとは分からないような異質な抽象的領域へと楽器を再定義していく。オーストラリア最大の実験音楽の祭典である「What Is Music? フェスティバル」の共同ディレクターを務める。重量級絶望系ドローン・ノイズ・ユニットSUNN O))) にも参加するオーストラリアの鬼才。

Suicidal 10cc (中原昌也, ジム・オルーク)

Oren Ambarchi SOLO

Opening Act: Suicidal 10 cc (Masaya Nakahara, Jim O'rourke)

Oren Ambarchi

Oren Ambarchi's works are hesitant and tense extended songforms located in the cracks between several schools: modern electronics and processing; laminal improvisation and minimalism; hushed, pensive songwriting; the deceptive simplicity and temporal suspensions of composers such as Morton Feldman and Alvin Lucier; and the physicality of rock music, slowed down and stripped back to its bare bones, abstracted and replaced with pure signal.
Ambarchi has performed and recorded with a diverse array of artists such as Fennesz, Otomo Yoshihide, Pimmon, Keiji Haino, John Zorn, Rizili, Voice Crack, Jim O'Rourke, Keith Rowe, Phill Niblock, Dave Grohl, Gunter Muller, Evan Parker, z'ev, Toshimaru Nakamura, Peter Rehberg, Merzbow and many more. Since 2004 Ambarchi has worked with American avant metal outfit Sunn 0))) contributing to many of their releases and side-projects including their Black One album from 2005 and the recent Monoliths & Dimensions release.
For 10 years together with Robbie Avenaim, Ambarchi was the co-organiser of the What Is Music? festival, Australia’s premier annual showcase of local and international experimental music. The festival hosted over 200 local and international performers. Ambarchi now curates the Maximum Arousal series at The Toff In Town in Melbourne and has recently co-produced an Australian television series on experimental music called Subsonics. Ambarchi recently co-curated the sound program for the 2008 Yokohama Triennale.


Suicidal 10 cc (Masaya Nakahara, Jim O'rourke)

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