The Doctor is [IN]

2010/03/25 木曜日

The Doctor is [IN]The Doctor is [IN]

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 00:00





出演アーティスト: D.H. ローゼン、松田美緒、サム・ベネット、慶田盛大介、川満慶、DJ Jinki、沢田穣治 + スペシャル・ゲスト!

* 当初、出演を予定していましたアレクサンダーLPの出演がキャンセルとなりました。楽しみにされていましたお客様にご迷惑おかけします事をお詫び申しあげます。


D.H. ローゼン

1990年に初来日、日本の伝統陶芸、焼きものに心を奪われる。90年代の大半を日本で過ごし、コピ ーライティングやデザインプロダクションに携わる一方で週末はろくろに向かう日々を送る。2004年、東京へ活動の拠点を移すと同時に器の制作を離れ、大規模なインスタレーション作品に取り組み始める。また2006年、アート集団「輪派絵師団」に入団し、主要メンバーとして国内外で活動。2010年に多摩美術大学大学院美術研究科博士課を程了し、ディジタル画像・映像と焼物のハイブリッド作品制作をはじめワークショップ、映像作品など様々なアート・プロダクションに携わっている。




として、またユニークなシンガーソングライターとしての顔を併せ持つ。ごく最近、サムは2つの新グループを立ち上げ、精力的に活動中。一つはギタリスト、島健とサムのふたりのオリジナルの歌を中心としたデュオのMEDICINE BONE(メディスン・ボ−
コースティックのデュオ、SKISTも継続しており、過去にはニューヨークを拠点としていたSEMANTICS、 THIRD PERSON、 BOSHO、 KROPOTKINS、CHUNKなどの元メンバーとしても活動。数えきれないほどのソロ・パフォーマンスを行ってきており、こちらは極めてシンプルで飾り気を一切排除した伴奏で、本人のルーツであるアパラチアン・フォークやデルタブルースなどアメリカ南部の伝統音楽とアフリカの伝統音楽の双方からインスパイヤされたサムのオリジナル・ソングを演奏している。

慶田盛 大介 (ケダモリ ダイスケ)

元8days functionのヴォーカル、リーダー。また民謡中心のユニットLove&Porkとして活躍後、現在はソロ、そして最近新たに結成された3人ユニット「いなむぬ3」のメンバーとして、関東中心に関西などでも活躍中。今回は"D"の卒業パーティーのため、特別に川満慶とLove&Porkを再結成します!

川満 慶 (カワミツ ケイ)


DJ Jinki



作・編曲家、プロデューサー、ベーシストとして活躍。ショーロ・クラブでの活動と並行して、映画音楽・沖縄島唄・現代音楽・音響系作品の制作や、J-POPアーティストのプロデュースおよび作・編曲など、多岐にわたる音楽制作に携わっている。海外のアーティストとの活動も多く、サイモン・フィッシャー・ターナー、マルコス・スザーノ、アート・リンゼイ、ジャキス・モレレンバウム、ジョイスなど錚々たる音楽家との共演を果たしている。最新の演奏活動としては自身の室内楽アンサンブルユニット「架空線上の音楽(Base of Fiction)」の活動再開、有末剛氏(緊縛師)とのコラボユニット「東京緊縛オーケストラ」の活動や高木正勝氏(映像作家、音楽家)のツアーなどに参加。作曲家としては横浜市文化振興財団作曲家シリーズで 選出されたほか、2004年にはクラシック専門レーベル、 フォンテックから室内楽作品集『silent movie』もリリース。 2009年6月27日公開の20世紀FOX配給作品 「群青〜愛が沈んだ海の色〜」(中川陽介監督)の音楽監督も務める。 ベクトルの振り幅最大に、ジャンルやカテゴリーに囚われず、 沢田自らが五感で感じる演奏及び作曲に日々没頭中。
沢田穣治 official site

Tokyo-based artist D.H. Rosen says good-bye forever to the student life as he graduates in March with a PhD in Fine Arts. Come join an incredible gathering of immensely talented friends who will gather to help me celebrate. Expect some once-in-a-lifetime collaborations by multitalented musicians meeting for the first time. This is an invitation to all students graduating this year, all of their friends, and anyone who loves art and music and just wants to have a great time on a Thursday night. Everyone is welcome!
Appearing Artists: D.H. Rosen, Mio Matsuda, Samm Bennett, Daisuke Kedamori, Kei Kawamitsu, DJ Jinki, Jyoji Sawada and special guest!

Note: We regret to announce that due to circumstances beyond our control, Cuban Guitarist Alexander LP will not be performing for this show.

Artist info:

D.H. Rosen

Daniel Harris Rosen came to Japan for the first time in 1990 where he fell in love with Japanese ceramics. He spent most of the '90s in Japan doing writing and production work, but always reserved the weekends for time behind the wheel. In 2004 he moved to Tokyo and began making ceramic installations and multi-media work. Since 2006, Daniel has been a core member of the Tokyo-based Art Collective Rinpa Eshidan which became an overnight internet sensation that same year. With Rinpa, Daniel has shown his work throughout Japan and the world in exhibitions and live-art installations. In 2010, Rosen completed a PhD in Fine Arts at Tama Art University and remains in Tokyo where he continues to explore the identity of the ceramic artist in the 21st century through the creation of digital and ceramic hybrids.

Mio Matsuda

Mio Matsuda began her singing career when she discovered fado, the magical traditional music of Portugal. Living in Lisbon and learning the culture, she developed fado as a form of her own self-expression. Over the past several years she has traveled the globe as a representative fado vocalist, and released three albums to great critical acclaim. While becoming an important figure in interpreting the music of Portuguese culture in Japan, Mio has collaborated with artists from all over the world, such as the legendary Yamandú Costa (Brazil) and the inspired Jadranka Stojakovic (Sarajevo). In August, 2007, she was invited to Kodo's 20th "Earth Celebration" to share the stage with Giovanni Hidalgo, Zakir Hussein, Yosuke Yamashita, Tamango and Kodo. Mio's unique singing style and sensibility reflects her colorful background and inspiring journeys.

Samm Bennett

Whether using drums, percussion, voice, electronics, jaw harps, mouth bow, strumstick, toys or random objects, Samm Bennett has spent the last few decades trying to put the right sound in the right place at the right time. He is a frequent performer on the Tokyo scene, where he is known as both a masterful improviser and a unique singer/songwriter. He has very recently launched two new group projects, MEDICINE BONE (featuring original songs by himself and guitarist Ken Shima) and GHOST STEPPERS (an old-time/country blues band performing classic Americana, with guitarist Tomo, banjoist "Ushi" and blues harp player Junzo Suzuki). He is a member of the electro-acoustic duo SKIST, (with singer Ito Haruna), and is a former member of New York-based groups SEMANTICS, THIRD PERSON, BOSHO, the KROPOTKINS and CHUNK. He has performed countless solo concerts over the years, and continues to do so, with a focus on his original songs. These are presented with stark, simple accompaniment, and draw equal inspiration from music traditions of the American south (such as Appalachian folk and Delta blues) as well as from African traditional styles.

Daisuke Kedamori

Former vocalist and leader of "8days function," Ishigaki Island native singer/songwriter Daisuke Kedamori went on to make waves in Tokyo with the highly acclaimed 2-man Okinawan Folk Song unit "Love and Pork." Most recently Daisuke has been gigging in Kanto and Kansai both on his own and with the three-man band "Inumura 3." For this show, in celebration of D's graduation, Daisuke joins former partner Kei Kawamitsu for a special Love and Pork reunion appearance!

Kei Kawamitsu

Okinawan born guitarist Kei Kawamitsu plays across Japan both solo and in various collaborative incarnations.

DJ Jinki

To ensure his sets retain their authentically homemade digital flavor, DJ Jinki mixes his zeros and ones by hand. And in honor of the party's host, DJ Jinki will craft a mix that reflects Rosen's worldly and eclectic tastes, which include Acoustic Crunk, Afro-Gypsy Disco, Baroque Dub, Chamber-Funk, Cabaret-Hop and other musical genres that I completely made up.

Jyoji Sawada

It is not easy to categorize the works of Jyoji Sawada. His relentless genre hopping has allowed him to approach music from more of a modern classical perspective. Brazilian music is represented by CHORO CLUB which Sawada has belonged to for 18 years, POP certainly influences his style, and he even incorporates a string quartet into much of his work. Sawada is kind of a "kitchen sink" style composer, heavily utilizing the sampler and the studio, but all his sounds are quite beautiful and intriguing. It is not only his style of music that spans a wide spectrum, his field of work also ranges from producing other artists both domestic and abroad, as well as composing/producing music for soundtracks for films, dance, theatre, musicals, and TV-programmes. Throughout it all he has worked with various artists all over the world such as Marcos Suzano, Arto Rinsey, Jaques Morelebaum, Joyce, Simon Fisher Turner, and Teresa Wong (Erfu).
jyoji sawada official site

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