2010/04/13 火曜日火曜日
Test ToneTest Tone
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00
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Test Tone vol. 56
Watersounds and Other Rumblings of the Terrior
出演: 畠山地平 + コリー・フラー、原田光平 + 安永哲郎、福井恒太郎、onnacodomo (visuals) and DJ Evil Penguin
畠山地平 + コリー・フラー
Kranky, Room40やHibernateレコードから数々の作品をリリースしてきた畠山地平は、形の見えない日本のアンビエントシーンの中では、わかりやすいミュージシャンとして頭角を表してきた。エレクトロアコースティックデュオのOpitopeで始めたコンセプトを発展させ、ビブラフォン、ギター、ピアノや様々なフィールドレコーディングを使い、濃密で、ふわーっとした音風景を作り上げる。Ian Hawgoodの「Home Normal」からのアルバムリリースを記念し行われるTest Toneのライブは、畠山の類いまれなる才能を目撃できる絶好の機会。
hp / MySpace / blog
原田光平 + 安永哲郎
カテゴリー化というものとは無縁で、都会の緊迫感を超越し、魅惑的なサウンドを作り、 聴く者を別世界に連れて行ってくれるようなミュージシャンが、この東京という大都会にいる。原田光平と安永哲郎はそんなミュージシャンで、世界的にも認め られているアーティストだ。原田は、Sawada+Haradaとして、2007年に、ドイツで行われた「Avant-Garde Festival」に出演し、2009年にはソロでオーストラリアツアーを行った。近々発売されるslow release musicからのEPが5月に、そしてフルアルバムが8月に発売され多忙なスケジュールが待ち受けている。安永哲郎は、 minamoの日本での活動以外には、Voivaやhelllでのアメリカやヨーロッパでの活動により名を成している。この2人によるセッションは初めて で、おもしろいものになることは間違いないだろう。
原田光平 hp
安永哲郎事務室 /helll
友人であり、才能あるミュージシャンのハマサキユキトモの紹介により、我々は福井恒太郎という、独創的な音楽を作るミュージシャンの存在を知った。ミニマルな音風景 から、シンプルでありながら複雑なリズムまで、福井は必要最小限までに音を排除し、カテゴリー化できないような新鮮な音を作り上げた。Fat Cat, Commune Disc, unlabelや on:do netlabelから作品がリリースにされ、活躍の場も増えて来た。最新作の「Gently Touching the Conception」は一押しで、フランスのレーベル SEMからリリースされた。
onnacodomo は日常の出来事や物からアイディアを得て、何でもないものをすばらしいものにしてしまう。コンピューターグラフィックやすでに準備されたものを使うのでは なく、メンバー3人(DJ Codomo、せきやすこ、 野口路加)はビデオカメラを使い即興で映像を作り出す。水や鏡、ライトを使いきらきらしたプロジェクションが 映し出される間に、昔の写真や台所の用具やおもちゃ、文房具、即興のアート作品を使い美しいイメージが作り出される。目まぐるしく変わり、非日常的、 onnacodomoの映像は見るものを奇妙な世界に引き込み、アイディアが独創的。
onnacodomo hp
DJ Evil Penguin
Master of disguises, Mexican top-hats, ambient rockabilly to minimal Hawaiian Kumulipo chants, the Evil Penguin poses the primordial question of evanescence against a backdrop of New Wave folk. Celebratory, subliminal, moment-to-moment. A Tasmanian treasure with a penchant for open spaces.
About Test Tone….
Test Tone vol. 56
Watersounds and Other Rumblings of the Terrior
Featuring: Chihei Hatakeyama + Corey Fuller, Kouhei Harada + Tetsuro Yasunaga, Koutaro Fukui, onnacodomo (visuals) and DJ Evil Penguin
Test Tone Homepage
Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)
Artist information:
Chihei Hatakeyama + Corey Fuller
Chihei Hatakeyama
With a string of releases on Kranky, Room 40 and Hibernate Records under his belt, Chihei Hatakeyama has emerged as a truly palpable figure in Japan's normally discarnate ambient scene. Expanding on concepts that he began with electroacoustic duo 'Opitope' (with Tomoyoshi Date), Hatakeyama creates dense, evanescent soundscapes using acoustic sources such as vibraphone, guitar, piano and a plethora of field recordings.
Celebrating his latest release of Ian Hawgood's Home Normal imprint, we are happy clams to host this truly fine artist on what should be quite a special evening.
hp / MySpace / blog

Corey Fuller
Kouhei Harada+ Tetsuro Yasunaga
In the midst of Tokyo's madness, you can find enigmatic, soulful musicians who supercede categorization and create captivating sounds that seem to transcend the city rush, taking you someplace altogether different. Kouhei Harada and Tetsuro Yasunaga are two such musicians, gaining recognition worldwide for their far-reaching work.
As Sawada+Harada in 2007, Harada played the Faust-curated 'Avant-Garde Festival' in Germany and in 2009 undertook an Australian tour as a solo artist. His recent activity will culminate in two upcoming releases on 'slow release music'; an EP in May and and full-length in August.
Tetsuro Yasunaga, besides his prolific activities in Japan with minamo, Voiva and helll, has also garnered a name through a range of overseas activities in the United States and Europe.
We present a first time session between these two that is bound to be peculiarly imaginative.
Kouhei Harada hp
Tetsuro Yasunaga: Improvised Music from Japan site / helll

Koutaro Fukui
Introduced to us by good friend and fine musician Yukitomo Hamasaki (who also happens to head up the stupendous 'matter' label), Koutaro Fukui makes some downright inventive music, every moment worthy of a greater number of ears listening in. From vast minimal soundscapes to unadorned yet complex rhythms, Fukui has stripped the sound down to the essentials and created a refreshing music entirely free of cliche.
With releases on Fat Cat, Commune Disc, unlabel, and his own on:do netlabel, there are plenty of places to find his work. His latest release 'Gently Touching the Conception' was released from the French label SEM. Highly recommended.

Taking their inspiration from moments and objects from everyday life, visual unit onnacodomo make the ordinary decidedly extraordinary. Eschewing computer-generated graphics or recorded material, the three members (DJ Codomo, Yasuko Seki and Ruka Noguchi) perform in real time using a video camera to capture their spontaneous creations. Shimmering projections are created using water, mirrors and an array of lights, while a world of fantastic images is constructed with found photos, kitchen utensils, toys, stationary and improvised artwork. Kaleidoscopic, absurd and unreal, onnacodomo takes you into a slightly-unhinged world that is absolutely original in its conception.
onnacodomo hp

DJ Evil Penguin
Master of disguises, Mexican top-hats, ambient rockabilly to minimal Hawaiian Kumulipo chants, the Evil Penguin poses the primordial question of evanescence against a backdrop of New Wave folk. Celebratory, subliminal, moment-to-moment. A Tasmanian treasure with a penchant for open spaces.

About Test Tone
A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo.
The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected.
For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit.

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