2010/05/19 水曜日水曜日
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59
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今もっともウィーンで注目される先鋭アーティストがスーパー・デラックスに大集結し、2日間に渡る音楽と映像のコラボレーションを披露します。日本からも国際的に活動する演奏家を交え、かつてない規模とヴォリュームで贈る、21世紀現在形の「Wiener Moderne」をお楽しみ下さい。
出演:Dieb 13(ディーブ・ドライツェン)、クラウス・フィリップ、Skylla(ビリー・ロイス & シルヴィア・フェスラー)、ノイド、ティム・ブレッヒマン、マニュエル・クナップ、ピーター・クティン、内橋和久、宇波拓、KK.NULL、Hiroshi Hasegawa、他出演者交渉中!
19世紀末、世界は戦争と恐慌のはざまで混濁していた。その時、オーストリア/ウィーンのの人々は平然とカフェに集い、珈琲を注文し、ワインを酌み交わし、アポカリプセを告げる新聞を片手に、芸術や哲学談義に花を咲かせた。人々はそんな人々や文化を Wiener Moderne 〜世紀末ウィーンと呼んだ。
2010年。20世紀の終末から10年を数えても終わらない不況の暗雲の下の日本へ、大陸を越えてウィーンからアーティストたちがやってくる。東京アンダーグラウンドシーンを牽引する六本木『SuperDeluxe 』は、現代の東京版 Alte Cafe` よろしく、7人の“モダーンズ”を招聘する。
エレクトロニクス演奏家としての活動のみならず、音楽ソフトウェア「lloopps」を開発し、ウィーン応用美術大学で教鞭をとり、本年度は東京大学のゼミナールとの連携が期待される国際的音楽家クラウス・フィリップ、ウィーンを代表する音響系レーベルMEGO. から発売されたアルバムが欧州アヴァンギャルド・シーンで絶賛を集めたフィーメル・エレクトロニカ・デュオ「Skylla」(ビリー・ロイス&シルヴィア・フェスラー)、ウィーン・アヴァンギャルドの雄「Dieb 13 /a.k.a. TAKESHI FUMIMOTO」(ターンテーブル)、現在半年間に渡りオーストリア公費によるアーティスト・イン・レジデンスとして東京滞在中のヴィジュアル/サウンド・アーティスト マニュエル・クナップ、チェロ奏者にしてエレクトロニクスを自在に操る比類なき演奏家NOID、そしてウィーン在住若手演奏家のうち、独自開発したプログラムによるエレクトロニクス奏者として突出するティム・ブレッヒマン。
本フェスティバルは『東京⇄WIEN_MODERN』として、今もっともウィーンで注目される先鋭アーティストを一同に招聘。近年東京でもっとも信頼され注目されるヴェニュー『SuperDeluxe』にて、二日間に渡る音楽と映像のコラボレーションを「フェスティバル」として披露する。日本からも国際的に活動する演奏家を交え、かつてなかった規模とヴォリュームで21世紀現在形の「Wiener Modernes」を紹介するものである。
企画: 内橋和久
協力: オーストリア文化フォーラム
制作: SuperDeluxe
Dieb 13(ディーブ・ドライツェン)
Dieb 13 ホームページ
Klaus Filip(クラウス・フィリップ)
メンバー: ビリー・ロイス & シルヴィア・フェスラー
Skylla ホームページ
aka arnold haberl
noid ホームページ
FTARRI: noid
Tim Blechmann(ティム・ブレッヒマン)
Manuel Knapp(マニュエル・クナップ)
Peter Kutin(ピーター・クティン)
Hiroshi Hasegawa
In 2010, behind the chaos of the world, people look for a new future in music with social networking, file sharing, abstention, twitter, home recording and production techniques and cling to a very thin hope with guerrilla streaming and music.
In the late nineteenth century, the world became delirious and torn between the war and the great economic depression. Meanwhile, people in Wien were gathering in cafes, ordering some coffee, hobnobbing, drinking wine together, and talking eagerly about art and philosophy loud while holding newspapers bidding the apocalypse. This culture and movement was called "Wiener Moderne."
In May 2010, seven artists from Wien will come to recession-worn Japan, crossing continents to perform for two days at SuperDeluxe - a driving force in Tokyo's underground creative communities.
Planning: Kazuhisa Uchihashi
Support: Austrian Cultural Forum (Tokyo)
Production: SuperDeluxe
Artist profiles:
geboren 1973 als dieter kovačič.
schule und verschiedene studienrichtungen in wien. seit den spaeten 80er-jahren kontinuierliche arbeit an der nutzbarmachung von abspielgeraeten fuer audiokassetten, vinylschallplatten, cds, harddisks und ip-protokollen als instrumente. 1995 erfolgloser versuch an der wiener musikhochschule im lehrgang elektroakustik aufnahme zu finden soloarbeiten und -auftritte u.a. als dieb12, dieb13, dieb14, bot, echelon, dieter bohlen... spielt u.a. bei eh, NotTheSameColor, siewert/dieb13, erik.M/dieb13, dieb13 vs. takeshi fumimoto, swedish azz, phil minton/dieb13, john butcher group gruendete das klingt.orgestra auftritte u.a. bei/in: phonotaktik wien, sonicacts amsterdam, beyond innocence osaka, lmc festival london, electrograph athens, maerzmusik berlin, kammermusiktage witten, musiktage donaueschingen, wien modern, musee de art moderne strasbourg, worldinformation.org beograd, turningsounds warszawa, piksel bergen, donaufestival krems, batofar paris, university of colorado springs. veroeffentlichungen auf den labels 1.8sec, absurd, amoebic, antifrost, charhizma, doc, durian, en/of, erstwhile, filmarchiv austria, for4ears, grob, hathut, mego, orf, pilot.fm, rhiz, sixpack, staalplaat,transacoustic research, unframed recordings. musik fuer verschiedene theater-, opern- und videoproduktionen, sowie installationen und ausstellungen. betreiber der internetplattform klingt.org lebt als modernisierungsgewinnler und urheberrechtsverweigerer in wien fuenfhaus.
dieb13 Home Page

Skylla Home Page / MySpace
members: Billy Roisz and Silvia Faessler

Billy Roisz
Lives and works in vienna.
Video- and soundexperiments in the context of performance, installation and cinema. Specializes in feedback video and video / sound interaction - using monitors, cameras, video mixingdesks, a selfbuilt videosynth, computer and turntables for video and sound generating. Her videoworks are distributed by sixpackfilm. Member a.o. of SKYLLA (/w Silvia Faessler), NotTheSameColor (/w dieb13), AVVA (/w Toshimaru Nakamura), CILANTRO (/w Angelica Castello), subshrubs (/w Angelica Castello/Maja Osojnik/Katharina Klement and eh (/w dieb13/Burkhard Stangl). She has also performed a.o. with Martin Siewert, Anat Stainberg, Sachiko M., Alvin Lucier, Martin Brandlmayr, Otomo Yoshihide, eRikm, Peter Kutin, Jan Machacek, Michaela Grill, Nic Collins and Metamkine.

noid /aka arnold haberl
1970, living in Vienna
With his music he tries to understand the reality of sound we live in. of course this reality is including imaginations, wishes, dreams and acoustical hallucinations as well as the sound of the fan of his laptop or the wolf-tone of his cello. His sensual approach, once in a while assisted by structural concepts, can have a wide range of contradictory outcome, that is always to be understood as a concentrate (essence), leaving out irrelevant points. It's up to the listener to extract a digestable dose.
1989-1993 cello- studies at "konservatorium der stadt wien"
1994-1999 cello- studies at the vienna music university graduated bachelor 1999
1994-2004 studies for music and mathematics at vienna university and vienna music university graduated with master in 2004
noid Home Page
Klaus Filip
Born FEB 24, 1963
computer music, programming, composition
Since 1989 active in experimental, electronic, musical circumstancies. Study of electroacoustics at wolfgang musil and dieter kaufmann in vienna. Steady dispute with the computer as musical instrument, which led to the software project lloopp (lloopp.klingt.org). Teaching position at the university of applied arts, vienna. some organisation work for festivals. Colaborations with:
radu malfatti, werner dafeldecker, dieb13, christof kurzmann, boris hauf, christian fennesz, jason kahn, john butcher, sabine marte, gilles aubry, noid, mattin, red white, cynthia schwertsik, cordula bösze, silvia fässler, taku unami, oblaat, taku sugimoto, toshimaru nakamura, tim blechmann, ivan palacky, burkhard stangl, eddie prevost, john tilbury, ko ichikawa, nikos veliotis, axel dörner, masahiko okura, susanna gartmayer
KUNSTRADIO - Klaus Filip

Tim Blechmann
Born NOV 24, 1981 Bielefeld, Germany
Lives and works in Vienna since 2005
computer musician, electroacoustic composer, free software developer
2001: graduated from gymnasium gerlingen, awarded for mathematical-scientific results
2002-2004: studies of physics & computer sciences, universities of tテシbingen and stuttgart
2005-2008: studies of electroacoustic music at institute for computer based music and electronic media with wolfgang musil
since 2005: studies of computer sciences at vienna univerity of technology
since 2007: studies of digital arts at university of applied arts
current live projects:
duo with seijiro murayama (snare drum), taus - duo with klaus filip (lloopp), duo with manuel knapp (analog electronics), klingt.orgestra, duo with goh lee kwang (prepared mixer)
sessions/recordings with: daniel lercher, rossi, peter kutin, wolfgang fuchs, bernhard schテカberl, noid, cordula bテカsze, olaf hochherz, mattin, stefan fraunberger, silvia fテ、ssler, dieb13, chistian weber, susanna gartmayer, hong chulki, o.blaat, taku unami, ivan palacky and others
objdump, ars electronica, linz
interfering contours w/ manuel knapp, galerie stadtpark, krems
shore of plocica, university for applied arts, vienna
realization: the phantom public by michel jaffrennou and thierry coduys, zkm, karlsruhe
compositions for film:
information of decay~ (animation: manuel knapp)
la voix et le phenomene (director: lau mun leng)
tim.klingt.org : blechmann
Manuel Knapp
lebt und arbeitet vienna, A
1997 – 2002 akademie der bildenden künste wien - malerei & grafik - meisterklasse gunter damisch
2001 gründung der noise-experimental formation „(le) MAT“ zusammen mit arnulf rödler
2003 hochschule für musik und darstellende kunst, elektroakustisches institut,
- lehrgang für computermusik und elektroakustische medien.
2004 digitale animation (vertrieb sixpackfilm)
2007 velakgala, V:ELAK verein für elektroakustische musik, co-organisation working with peter whitehead
2008 working with peter whitehead on his film "terrorism considered as one of the fine arts" preise und stipendien
2006 staatsstipendium für bildende kunst
2007 diagonale preis. bester innovativer experimentalfilm
2008 diagonale trailer08
2009 atelierstipendium tokyo
manuelknapp.com / knapp.klingt.org
Peter Kutin
composer, musician, soundartist
additional studiowizzardry and mastering at garnison7 studios. besides solo work & dirac numerous collaborations with e.g.: manuel knapp, daniel lercher, lars stigler, dieb13, billy roisz, martin siewert, mimu, heribert friedl, mamoru okuno, glim, susanna gartmayer and many more.
Peter Kutin Home Page

Kazuhisa Uchihashi
electric guitar, daxophone
Born in Osaka, Japan in 1959. Plays guitar since his twelfth years, mainly "Pop'n Roll" thoroughout his teens. Later he became involved in jazz. Since 1983 he has devoted himself intensively to free improvised music. He experimented thouroughly with many different kinds of machines and sound-devices to expand the expression possibilities of the electric guitar.
He also composed music for films, theatre plays, dance. Among them, he has been working with Japanese Thertre group "ISHINHA" for more than 25 years.
He made a name for himself in Japan in concerts with such improvising musicians as Hans Reichel, Fred Frith, Tom Cora, Ned Rothenberg, Barre Phillips, Kan Tae Fwan, Peter Brotzman, Derek Bailey, Samm Bennett, Steve Beresford, Jon Rose, Zeena Parkins, Elliott Sharp, Eugene Chadbourne, Henry Kaiser, Chris Cutler, Charles Hayward, Han Bennink, Shelley Hirsch, Fred Frith, Gene Coleman, GURU GURU, Franz Hautzinger, Roger Turner, Bobby Previte, Wayne Horvitz, Mani Neumeier, Chiristian Marclay, Mark Feldman, Joelle Leandre, Carl Stone, Burkhard Stangle and others. He has been conducting his rock-oriented powerful improvised band "Altered States" for 19 years and continues to create his own new guitar music in solo as well as in "Altered States". He is also known by playing with Otomo Yoshihide's GROUND ZERO for long years. Since 1995 he has been starting to direct "New Music Action Workshop" for young Improviser in KOBE every month, and now he is going to keep it in Tokyo and other area. Since 1996 he has also been organizing the New Music festival "BEYOND INNOCENCE" in Osaka every year untill 2007.ãHe organized NPO Beyond Innocence in Osaka in 2001 to produce new music. He is also known by only one daxophone player in Japan. (daxophone is new instruments Hans Reichel created)
Kazuhisa Uchihashi Home Page: Innocent Records

Taku Unami
born in 1976, Tokyo. Playing several string instruments (guitar, mandolin, contraguitar and so on), or objects vibrated by inaudible frequencies made with computer. Doing several projects, "Shiryo no computer" with Mattin for zombie computer music, "Attention" with Mattin for interrogation/improvisation, "HOSE" a group for easy listening, "Tengu et Kitsune" with Taku Sugimoto, improvised music with numeral musicians including Radu Malfatti, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Klaus Filip, Masafumi Ezaki, Burkhard Stangl, Rhodri Davies, Nikos Veliotis among others. Organizing monthly concert series called "chamber music" with Masahiko Okura and Taku Sugimoto, focusing composed music for different instrumentation each time.with Masahiko Okura and Taku Sugimoto managing the label "hibari music" which releases works of éric la casa, Toshiya Tsunoda, etc.working for film music, "LOST MY WAY" (dir. Takeshi Furusawa), "in 1,000,000 years" (dir. Isao Okishima).
YouTube: Taku Unami 12.12.2007@FUKUGAN

KK NULL Home Page

Hiroshi Hasegawa
ASTRO Biography

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入場無料 Free Entry
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