Beau·ti·fied Ta·boo

2010/07/01 木曜日

Beau·ti·fied Ta·booBeau·ti·fied Ta·boo

Open: 18:00:00 | Start: 18:00 - 23:59





[Beau·ti·fied Ta·boo] 3 – The Fashion Edition
A Multi-Media Art Exhibition

Beautified Taboo HP


さまざまな経歴を持つ12人のアーティストが、数々の側面やカルチャーから捉えたタブーの世界を表現。それぞれの視点を通して表現される、「美化されたタブー」とは…?多岐にわたる、鮮烈なアートワーク。写真、映像、ライブパフォーマンスまで、鮮烈な作品がインタラクティブに展開。今回は冒涜,性差別主義、さらに売春,人間の共食いなどの領域に足を踏み入れます。+ エロティックエリアルショーby浅葱アゲハ + センシュアルなアートパフォーマンスby Chie, DJ Juri, Mika, Misa.一日限りの「美化されたタブー」をお楽しみください。

Featured artists:
Ageha Asagi (Aerial Performance, JP)

Sebastian Angel (Film/Photography, CO/JP)

Remo Camerota (Photography, AU/JP)

Chief & Mischief (Fashion, US/JP)

Chie, DJ Juri, Mika, Misa (Art performance, JP)

Jade Chiu (Fashion, TW/US)

Jun (moonmakerstudio) & wata (Fashion/Photography installation, JP)

Nica Junker (Photography Live Installation, GER/JP)

Skinni Pants (Banner Installation, US/JP)

Ponzi (Live Painting, US/JP)

Yoko Taketani (Live Performance, JP) & Sasa (Body 3D Installation, BA)

Becky Yee (Photography, US)

Vivienne U.H.Doan (Fashion & "Tableau Vivant"-esque Installation, GER)

“社会の一部として、私たちの生活や、誰もが持つ信念や道徳観念の中に存在するタブーに、私たちは全員、惹きつけられるのです。「タブー」とは…?” -ビビアン U・H・ドーン, 主催者

[Beau·ti·fied Ta·boo] 3

The Fashion Edition

A Multi-Media Art Exhibition

Beautified Taboo HP

After two successful years, the thought-provoking art exhibit "Beautified Taboo" goes into its third year.

Each year, a new set of 12 Artists are invited to showcase a multi-layered + multi-cultured world of taboos in beautified ways. Emerging and established artists from different backgrounds and art disciplines, explore and share their interpretations of taboos.

This year's exhibit with the sub-theme "The Fashion Edition" will feature suggestive photography, a "tableau vivant"-esque human installation, an interactive performance, live painting and fashion installations. Furthermore, the erotic aerial show by Asagi Ageha, a well-known performer in Japan's underground art scene, and a sensual art show by an all female Japanese troupe, will add an entertaining element to the exhibit.

This eclectic collection of controversial art works will encompass taboo topics such as blasphemy, sexism, prostitution, cultism and cannibalism, depicted in a fashion-related manner, e.g. fashion photography, garments.

Exhibited works are curated by the founder Vivienne U.H. Doan, who often uses garments or fabric as a medium for her art. Brought up in three continents, she has experienced and observed the different social issues of many diverse cultures. Questioning the correlation between our social norms and the human psyche lead her to investigate the subject of "Taboo".

The theme combination of the complex and veiled matter taboo and the lightweight, overt everyday fashion presents an additional challenge.

Featured artists:
Ageha Asagi (Aerial Performance, JP)

Sebastian Angel (Film/Photography, CO/JP)

Remo Camerota (Photography, AU/JP)

Chief & Mischief (Fashion, US/JP)

Chie, DJ Juri, Mika, Misa (Art performance, JP)

Jade Chiu (Fashion, TW/US)

Jun (moonmakerstudio) & wata (Fashion/Photography installation, JP)

Nica Junker (Photography Live Installation, GER/JP)

Skinni Pants (Banner Installation, US/JP)

Ponzi (Live Painting, US/JP)

Yoko Taketani (Live Performance, JP) & Sasa (Body 3D Installation, BA)

Becky Yee (Photography, US)

Vivienne U.H.Doan (Fashion & "Tableau Vivant"-esque Installation, GER)

“Taboo is existent in everyone’s lives, beliefs and morals and it concerns us all as a part of a society. What is your taboo?”
-Vivienne U. H. Doan, Founder

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