Test Tone

2010/07/13 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




Test Tone vol. 59

Sounds of Precision and Autonomy

Featuring: Martijn Tellinga (オランダ)、Chris Cobilis (+スペシャルゲスト 原田光平)、zAwAvAtA (池澤「ルータン」龍作 + 川端龍太) / DJ: Evil Penguin


キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー


Martijn Tellinga (オランダ)

オランダの作曲家 Martijn Tellingaはどのように音響が聴き手、行動や環境に影響を与えるかという題材にについて探求をしている。彼の前衛研究が世界に知れ渡るようになると、建築家、映画製作者、音楽家や多種多様なメディアで研究をしている芸術家との共同研究も実現した。彼の作品にはアルゴリズム、アコースティック、空間と動きが使用されて、どのように聴き手が情報をとらえるかという事と、一個人がどのように想像力を働かせているかという題材を研究する。Martijn は、東京の遊工房アートスペースのアーティスト・イン・レジデンスとして1ヶ月滞在し、パフォーマンスや講演を通して、作品を新しいオーディエンスに紹介する。今回のTest Toneではマルチチャンネルのパフォーマンスを披露。音にどっぷりとつかって注意深く聴いて欲しい。

Chris Cobilis (+スペシャルゲスト 原田光平)

Chris Cobilis (オーストラリア)
Chris Cobilisの音楽的ボキャブラリーはシンプルで抽象的なものから心に深く残るような美しいものまで幅が広く、自分の音楽にはポップ的な感覚で接しながらも、絶妙な曲構成で上質の音楽を作り上げる。Jon Rose、もりいくえ、台湾のコンポーザー林小桂とのコラボレーション以外にも、地元オーストラリアのパースではソロ活動やインディーロックの大御所The Tigersとの共演でも活動している。2006年からは活動も世界的レベルになり、イギリス、アメリカ、台湾、ギリシャ、フランス、日本でのライブも経験。彼の来日は初めてではないし、今後の来日も期待するがChris Cobilisのライブを生で見る機会はあまりない。
Chris Cobilis hp
原田光平 hp

zAwAvAtA (池澤「ルータン」龍作 + 川端龍太)

僕が川端龍太の音楽を絶賛したのは1年位前だろうか?そろそろ彼の作品が認められてもいいのと思う。(機材がすべて盗まれてしまい、アンプも無しでギターを弾いた) 南アメリカツアー終了後は "phenomenon, information" と題されたDVD+CDセットのレコーディングに取り組んだ。これらの作品は素晴らしいだけではなく彼のmyspaceのページから無料でダウンロードできる。
池澤「ルータン」龍作 myspace
川端龍太 myspace

DJ Evil Penguin


About Test Tone….


Test Tone vol. 59

Sounds of Precision and Autonomy

Featuring: Martijn Tellinga (Netherlands), Chris Cobilis (+special guest Kouhei Harada), zAwAvAtA (Ryusaku 'Rutang' Ikezawa + Ryuta Kawabata) / DJ: Evil Penguin

Test Tone Homepage

Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)

Artist info:

Martijn Tellinga (Netherlands)

Dutch composer Martijn Tellinga explores engaging ways in which the sonic arts can effect listeners, action and environment. His vanguard studies have taken him around the globe, collaborating with architects, filmmakers, musicians and artists working in a wide range of media. Using algorithms, acoustics, space and movement, much of his work looks at how the sonic observer picks through emerging information, while at the same time trying to engage their imagination as a listening participant. As an artist-in-residence at Tokyo's Youkobo Art Space, Martijn will spend the month introducing his work to new audiences in performance and lectures. On this evening, Martijn joins Test Tone for a multichannel performance that guarantees to be both gripping and immersive.

Chris Cobilis (+special guest Kouhei Harada)

Chris Cobilis (Australia)
With a musical vocabulary stretching from the spartanly abstract to the hauntingly beautiful, Chris Cobilis approaches his art with abundant pop sensibility, yet incorporating a fine sense of composition for some truly fine music. In addition to collaborations and performances with the likes of Jon Rose, Ikue Mori and Taiwanese composer Kueiju Lin, he also performs solo and with longtime indie rockers The Tigers on his home turf in Perth, Australia.
Since 2006 his musical activities have become a worldwide pursuit, with performances in the UK, US, Taiwan, Greece, France and Japan. Although this is not his first (nor last, we expect) time touring Japan, it is a rare chance to see Mr. Cobilis live and in person.
Chris Cobilis hp
Kouhei Harada hp


zAwAvAtA (Ryusaku 'Rutang' Ikezawa + Ryuta Kawabata)

It's been a year or so since I've had a chance to wax poetic about Ryuta Kawabata and it's long overdue. Since coming back from his South American tour (where he subsequently had all of his gear stolen, and played bare-bones unamplified electric guitar at times), he was hard at work on a DVD+CD set, entitled "phenomenon, information." Not only is this mind-blowingly good, it is also offered as a free download (!) from his myspace page.
The DVD contains a mixture of multimedia and performance work, one in particular being a collaboration with bent-genius drummer Ryusaku 'Rutang' Ikezawa, which took place at the legendary East Tokyo loft space Highti at the end of 2008. These two are now back in a unit called 'zAwAvAtA', which will pit Kawabata's austere 'blues' guitar with Ikezawa's extraordinary inventiveness. Come along to watch them drive forward into the great unexplored.
Ikezawa myspace
Kawabata myspace

Evil Penguin

Master of disguises, Mexican top-hats, ambient rockabilly to minimal Hawaiian Kumulipo chants, the Evil Penguin poses the primordial question of evanescence against a backdrop of New Wave folk. Celebratory, subliminal, moment-to-moment. A Tasmanian treasure with a penchant for open spaces.

About Test Tone

A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo.
The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected.
For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit.


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