2010/08/31 火曜日火曜日
Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
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出演:ヨエル・グリップ (ダブルベース)、齋藤徹 (コントラバス)、丸田美紀 (筝)、高岡大祐 (チューバ)、柿崎順一 (フラワーアート)
Joel Grip(ヨエル・グリップ/コントラバス)
スウェーデン・ストックホルム出身。ダブルベース奏者と、音楽プロデューサーとして、Peeping Tom, Je Suis!, Eve Risser TrioやSNUSに参加。その他ヨーロッパ各地、アメリカ、アジアでもソロ、デュオ、グループで情熱的、個性的な音楽を提供する。2004年設立のUmlaut Recordsレコード会社の代表兼プロデューサー。創造的な形で、音楽家団体の組織作りをし、国際的にプロモーションを展開する道を作った。また、スゥエーデンのダラ・フローダーで、8年前から「Hagenfestenフェスティバル」を毎年開催。主催者の一人として活動し、人々との交流を深めている。以前アメリカのバルティモアにも滞在し、活動をしたことがある。現在はフランスのパリに在住し、ヨーロッパの即興音楽プロデューサーとして、音楽の新しいシーンに大きな役割を果たしている。
Umlaut Records
photo by thierry trombert
長崎県出身。沢井忠夫、沢井一恵、菊雅楽孝子に師事。高崎短期大学音楽科(現高崎芸術短期大学)卒業。更に特待生として専攻科に学ぶ。第57回読売新人演奏会出演。1990年NHK邦楽オーディション合格。同年より2年間米国、ウエスレアン大学で客員演奏家として筝曲・地歌三絃の指導を行う。沢井一恵箏アンサンブルのメンバーとしてアメリカ、カナダ、フランス、ドイツ(MOERS JAZZ FESTVAL)、スイス公演に参加。92年Sound Symposium'92(カナダ)に参加。平成6年度文化庁芸術研修員。1995年第12回インターリンクフェスティバルに参加。1996年タンペレ音楽祭(フィンランド)にてタンペレ・オーケストラと共演。1998年3月ブッチ・モリスのコンダクション・アメリカツアーに参加。韓国の現代音楽協会主催公演に招かれて出演。1999年神奈川県立音楽堂での「響きのルネサンス・音律の太平洋」に出演、テリー・ライリーと共演。2001年国際交流基金の派遣にてアンサンブル・ヤスミンのメンバーとしてチュニジア公演。「題名のない音楽会」に出演。リサイタルなどにソロとしても積極的に活動を行うほか、沢井忠夫合奏団、KOTO VORTEXやモノフォニー・コンソート(音楽監督・藤枝守)のメンバーとしても柔軟な感性とその適応力で様々なアプローチを行っている。2001年6月ソロCD「丸田美紀~鳥のように」(King Record)をリリース。
大阪在住。12歳からチューバを吹き始める。ニューオリンズに2回訪れ、Rebirth Brass BandやWild Magnoliasなどと共演、ライブを行う。1998年から2006年にわたり『渋さ知らズ』のメンバーとなる。5度のヨーロッパツアー、メールスジャズフェスティバルやグラストンベリーフェスティバルなど多くのフェスティバル、約20ヶ国で演奏する。Joseph Jarman(sax fl:Art Ensemble of Chicago)、Don Moye(ds,per:Art Ensemble of Chicago)、Misha Mengelberg(p:NED)、RONIN(ECM:swiss)、Park jechun(per:South Korea)など共演者多数。常に新しい音楽表現を模索し、チューバのすべての可能性を探る。チューバの音を電化しアンプで鳴らすオリジナル奏法『blowbass』と命名されている。インプロゼーションからガレージパンクまで幅広く年間に国内外200本超のライブを行う旅のtuba吹き。
A High-Pitch Evening of Low-Pitch Music and Art
Live: Joel Grip (Contrabass), Tetsu Saitoh (Contrabass), Miki Maruyama
(Koto), Daysuke Takaoka (Tuba), Junichi Kakizaki (Flower
Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden, celebrated double bassist Joel Grip is in Japan for two short months, in which time he will meet and collaborate with myriad Japanese improvising and contemporary artists.
"Subtones" is one of the defining projects of this special residency, in which Grip is joined by some of Japan's finest improvisational and contemporary artists.
Artist info:
Joel Grip
As an energetic double bassist and producer, Joel Grip plays a great role for the new scenes of improvised music in Europe. By founding the label Umlaut Records, he opened up for creative forms of organizing collectives of musicians and promoting their music internationally. Since 2003 he has been one of the main organizers of Hagenfesten in Dala-Floda, Sweden, a stand-alone festival, making people meet.
Besides touring with groups like Peeping Tom, Kege Snö, Eve R. Trio, Je Suis! or SNUS, Joel Grip's intense and personal music is heard in solo, duo or larger improvising groups in greater Europe, USA and Asia. Besides work in just musical context, collaborations often include contemporary and Butoh dancers, as well as artists, poets, and filmmakers. With music at arms, Joel Grip amplifies reality by making homeless voices heard through the organization Public Health Music.
Umlaut Records

photo by thierry trombert
Tetsu Saitoh (Double bass player, composer)
Tetsu Saitoh is a Tokyo-based double bass player with a mesmerizing and technically brilliant style unhampered by convention. His hauntingly abstract improvisations combine tango, jazz, contemporary classical and traditional Asian music. For the last 15 years, Saitoh has been touring regularly in Europe and the United States, performing both solo and in collaboration with a wide range of highly respected musicians and performers from around the globe. Saito’s free-spirited
approach to the double bass is sure to enchant both musical connoisseurs and newcomers.
Improvised Music from Japan: Tetsu Saitoh

Daysuke Takaoka (Tuba)
Born and currently active in Osaka, Daysuke Takaoka started playing the tuba at the age of 12. He began his studies of classical music at age 15 and began performing at 20. He plays a range of styles including improvisation, folkloric and contemporary music all over the world, including two stints in New Orleans where among several gigs he recorded with Rebirth brass band, Wild Magnolias and others. Called the "Tuba traveler" by friends, Takaoka has toured Europe a total of
five times across 20 countries. In addition to playing with several ensembles both at home and abroad, Takaoka also produces his own music events and collaborates with artists across various genres including Butoh dance, modern dance, and live painting. His unique performance methods that employ circular breathing and sometime electronic manipulation, Takaoka’s "blowbass" style is not what you would expect from the tuba. Through tireless collaboration, recording and live
performances, he continues to challenge the limits of acoustic-music expression and explore the possibilities of this profound instrument.

Miki Maruta (Koto)
Miki Maruta studied the koto under Tadao Sawai, Kazue Sawai and Takako Kikuuta, and graduated from the Takasaki College of Music with top of honors, after earning a scholarship there to study koto music. For two years beginning in 1990, she taught koto music and the jiuta sangen genre as a artist in residence at Wesleyan University in the United States. In 1994 she was selected for an internship in the performing arts at the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the same year played at
the 12th Interlink Festival. In 1996 Maruta performed at the Tampere Music Festival and in 1998 participated in Butch Morris’ “U.S. Conduction Tour.” Also in 1998 she was invited to perform at a concert put on by the Korean Contemporary Music Society. Maruta appeared in a festival sponsored by Kanagawa Prefecture in 1999, the sixth “Hibiki no Renaissance,” and played a concert together with Terry Riley. She appeared in concert in Tunisia in 2001 at the behest of the Japan
Foundation. That same year she released a solo CD on King Records entitled “Tori no Youni” ( Like a Bird). After performing a solo recital in 1995, she began giving regular live shows primarily in the Tokyo area that feature a wide range of materials, from classic pieces to first performances of classic songs, recordings, and improvisation. While doing so she has utilized her flexible sensibility and adaptability to collaborate with artists across an array of genres. Maruta’s performances at music festivals both in Japan and abroad have also been warmly received.

Junichi Kakizaki (Flower Art)
Junichi Kakizaki (b. Jan. 4, 1971) is a Japanese contemporary artist who incorporates flower art in various fields of installation and performing arts. He was born and currently lives in Nagano, Japan. Kakizaki has been described as a "sculptor of flowers." Using natural materials including flowers, trees, earth, etc., he has created works of flower-art in many modes, ranging from sculptural and other 3-dimensional art to photographs, installation, and land art, as well as performance and scenic design.

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