2010/09/02 木曜日木曜日
Aural ExcavationAural Excavation
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59
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Aural Excavation
form :: sound :: art
出演: Minoru Sato -m/s, SASW、Jacob Kirkegaard、Zbigniew Karkowski、Jean-François Laporte、Cal Lyall (multi-channel installation) / 世界各国からサウンドアートのツワモノ達がSuperDeluxeに勢揃い!立ち並ぶ自作楽器にこの日会場全体が共鳴!?大必見の一夜!
Minoru Sato –m/s,SASW
2009 ARTeSONoro, Spain
2008 Happy New Ears, Belgium
2008 Transmediale, Berlin
2000 Sound Art Sound as Media, ICC Tokyo
1991 SoundCulture, Sydney
LP, with ASUNA "One as Two" (senufo editions,2010)
CD, with ASUNA "Texture in glass tubes and reed organ" (Spekk,2007)
CD, with Ami Yoshida "COMPOSITION for voice performer 1997,2007" (aotoao,2007)
CD, "NRF Amplification" (ms-wrok,2007)
BOOK+CD, "Social Music" (USA,2002)
Book+DVD-ROM, "Amplitude of Chance" (Japan, 2001)
BOOK+CD, "Site of Sound" (USA,1999)
Jacob Kirkegaard
BANDERA (2010) – 最新作
ELDFJALL (2005) – アイスランドの火山震動の録音記録より
Zbigniew Karkowski
1958年、ポーランド・クラクフ生まれ。スウェーデン・イェーテボリの州立音楽大学で作曲を、イェーテボリ大学音楽学科で現代音楽美学、チェルマー工科大学でコ ンピュータ音楽を学んだ。その後フランスに滞在した時にはIannis Xenakis、Olivier Messiaen、Pierre Boulez、Gerges Aperghisらと共に活動してきた。アコースティックのみ、あるいはエレクトロニックとアコースティックを組み合わせた作曲活動を積極的に展開していて。オーケストラやオペラ、室内楽団向け など数々の作品を手掛けており、スウェーデン、ポーランド、ドイツなど各国で演奏されたこともある。また、ATAU TANAKA等とのプロジェクトSENSOR BANDは東京のICCでも公演を行った。地理的、政治的、そして社会的な制約から離れ、放浪することが創作活動を行うにおいて必要であるという信念の 元、ヨーロッパを出たKarkowskiはアメリカ、そして日本へと拠点を移している。伝統的なしきたりや、システム、方法論は彼にとっては壊さなければ ならないものであり、最新の作品ではエレクトロニックサウンドとアコースティックサウンドによって廃墟の風景を表現しようとしている。現在東京在住で、世界各国を往復しつつ、国際的な活動を行っている。
Jean-François Laporte
カナダ・ケベック州のアーティスト。90年代半より活動を行う。視覚芸術と音の探求を統合す るハイブリットな方法を探り、音楽制作の直観的なアプローチにより、具体的な実験を通した美術を追求する。その独自の視座は、音、対象、物質などを積極的 に聞くということに依拠するものである。そのため、素材とその素材から生まれる構造との複雑な関係の下で制作を行っている。その作品は、審美的な問題や音 源の多様性によって特徴づけられるであろう。
昨年"Facteur d'Instrument de musique de l'année"を受賞。これは彼にとって5つ目の音楽賞であり、彼の作品のクオリティと彼が発明した楽器の重要性に与え られたものである。
Cal Lyall
カナダ、モントリオール出身のCal Lyall (キャル•ライアル)は、東京で活動する即興のギターリスト/サウンドアーティスト。ジャンク楽器、エレクトロ・パーツ、フィールドレコーディングやエフェクターなどから音楽的な空間を作る。彼の多岐に渡る活動は、民族の伝統音楽から浮遊 するドローン、恍惚の即興音楽まで、多くの影響を映し出している。現在、静と動の即興パワートリオ「Tetragrammaton」、ドローンプロジェクト「Jahiliyyah」に関わり、またソロとして秋山徹次、町 田良夫、Kelly Churko、向井千恵などの個性的なアーティストと共演。また、レーベル「Subvalent」、西麻布スーパーデラックスで月一回のイベント「Test Tone」を主宰している。
Aural Excavation
form :: sound :: art
Featuring: Minoru Sato -m/s, SASW, Jacob Kirkegaard, Zbigniew Karkowski, Jean-François Laporte, Cal Lyall (multi-channel installation)
Artist information:
Minoru Sato -m/s, SASW

in 1989, he started activities under the name "m/s". he established a label called "WrK" for creative activities in 1994, and had been running the label until 2006. he has an interest in a relationship between a description of nature and an art representation. his research and creative activities are explored in the form of installations, multiples, performances and written text. in addition, he is organizing contemporary art exhibitions and various events as curator.
selected exhibition
2009 ARTeSONoro, Spain
2008 Happy New Ears, Belgium
2008 Transmediale, Berlin
2000 Sound Art Sound as Media, ICC Tokyo
1991 SoundCulture, Sydney
selected publication
LP, with ASUNA "One as Two" (senufo editions,2010)
CD, with ASUNA "Texture in glass tubes and reed organ" (Spekk,2007)
CD, with Ami Yoshida "COMPOSITION for voice performer 1997,2007" (aotoao,2007)
CD, "NRF Amplification" (ms-wrok,2007)
BOOK+CD, "Social Music" (USA,2002)
Book+DVD-ROM, "Amplitude of Chance" (Japan, 2001)
BOOK+CD, "Site of Sound" (USA,1999)
Jacob Kirkegaard

Jacob Kirkegaard is a Danish artist who focuses on the scientific and aesthetic aspects of resonance, time, sound and hearing. His installations, compositions and performances deal with acoustic spaces and phenomena that usually remain imperceptible. Using unorthodox recording tools, including accelerometers, hydrophones and home-built electromagnetic receivers, Kirkegaard captures and contextualizes hitherto unheard sounds from within a variety of environments : a geyser, a sand dune, a nuclear power plant, an empty room, a TV tower, and even sounds from the human inner ear itself.
Now based in Berlin, Kirkegaard is a graduate of the Academy for Media Arts in Cologne, Germany. Over the last fifteen years, Kirkegaard has presented his works at exhibitions and at festivals and conferences throughout the world such as Club Transmediale in Berlin, James Cohan Gallery and Diapason in New York as well as Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles and Museum of Contemorary Art in Denmark. He has released five albums (mostly on the British label Touch). Among his numerous collaborators are JG Thirlwell, Philip Jeck and Lydia Lunch. He is also a member of the sound art collective freq_out.
BANDERA (2010) - most recent piece
ELDFJALL (2005) based on recordings of Icelandic volcanic vibrations
Zbigniew Karkowski

Zbigniew Karkowski studied composition at the State College of Music in Gothenburg, Sweden, aesthetics of modern music at the University of Gothenburg's Department of Musicology, and computer music at the Chalmers University of Technology. After completing his studies in Sweden, he studied sonology for a year at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Den Haag, Netherlands. During his education, he also attended many summer composition master courses arranged by Centre Acanthes in Avignon and Aix-en-Provence, France, studying with Iannis Xenakis, Olivier Messiaen, Pierre Boulez, and Georges Aperghis, among others. He works actively as a composer of both acoustic and electroacoustic music. He has written pieces for large orchestra (commissioned and performed by the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra), plus an opera and several chamber music pieces that were performed by professional ensembles in Sweden, Poland, and Germany. He is a founding member of the electroacoustic music performance trio "Sensorband."
Jean-François Laporte

As a Quebec artist, Jean-François Laporte has been an active member of the contemporary art's scene since the mid-1990's. He pursues a hybrid approach integrating visual arts and sound exploration. Taking an intuitive approach to create music, Laporte learns art through concrete experimentation on matter. His unique artistic vision relies on an active listening of each sound, object, material, etc.
Thus his art is the result of working in complicity with raw material , proposing constructions born of each material he explores. His work is characterized by a large diversity of sound sources, aesthetic quality concerns, as well as an undeniable peculiarity.
Last year, Laporte was named "Facteur d'Instrument de musique de l'année" by the CQM (Conseil Québécois de la Musique), thus receiving his fifth "prix Opus". This prize aims at the recognition of the quality of Laporte's work and the importance of the invention of his own musical instruments.
Cal Lyall

Cal Lyall (b. Montreal, Canada) is an improvising artist and electronic musician based in Tokyo, Japan.Constructing a musical universe from field recordings, stringed instruments, microphone systems and other electronic debris, his diverse contributions to numerous projects reflect a bevy of influences, ranging from traditional forms to free-flowing drone and ecstatic improvisation. Currently active in the drone-psych trio Tetragrammaton, ecstatic choral unit Jahiliyyah, and performs as a solo artist with a number of distinctive artists such as Tetuzi Akiyama, Chie Mukai, Government Alpha and Kelly Churko among others. Civic duties entail heading up the Subvalent label and organizing the long-running Test Tone series at Super-Deluxe in Nishi-Azabu.
Supported by EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee

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