
2010/12/03 金曜日

Rhythm Rivalryリズム・ライバル

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




出演: 仙波清彦, U-zhaan, 内藤哲郎, ウィンチェスター・ニ・テテ, Smily & Roddy, ANDANI (Stage art) / 国内在住の超一流パーカッショニスト達がこの日SuperDeluxeに集う。タブラ、和太鼓、ディジュリドゥ、パンロゴ、民族楽器からおもちゃの鳴りものまで縦横無尽に所狭しとリズムを奏でる色彩豊かなセッションナイト!世界各国をルーツとしたリズムが火花を散し、融合を見せる空前絶後のリズム・ライバル。この日、グルーヴの大海原と化す会場に是非ともご来場下さい。


邦楽囃子仙波流家元・仙波宏祐の長男・仙波清彦は、3歳で父に師事し伝統打楽器を学ぶ。10歳で歌舞伎界にデビューし、それ以来、音楽家としてのキャリアを磨いている。深い音楽の知識や才能をもつ一流の打楽器奏者として、日本の伝統音楽界だけでなくポップミュージックや様々な伝統音楽のジャンルで多様な活動をくりひろげている。1999年、80種類もの打楽器でその才能を示したソロアルバム「SEMBA〜リズムのこづち」を発表。同年、優れたベーシスト中原信雄・坂井紅介とともに新グループ「Unit Semba」(のちに「Semba Sonic Spear」と改名)を結成し、2003年にはファーストアルバム『Sonic Spear』をリリース。「始祖」の異名をもつ仙波は、彼の分野での真の名人として、また史上最高の打楽器奏者として、日本中そして世界中でその名をとどろかしている。


Pt. Anindo Chatterjee、Ud. Zakir Hussainにタブラを師事。V. Selva Ganeshにカンジーラを師事。99年からYoshimi (Boredoms、OOIOO)らと、サイコババとして活動。同ユニットのライブを見に来たASA-CHANGとなぜかとても仲良くなり、なりゆきでASA-CHANG&巡礼の初ライブに参加。その後メンバーとなりASA-CHANG&巡礼には2010年3月まで在籍。04年、ヨシダダイキチ(ex.サイコババ) とAlayaVijanaを結成し、ボーカルにUAをフィーチャーしたアルバム『AlayaVijana』をリリース。05年にsalmon cooks U-zhaan名義でクリック・テクノのアルバムをリリース。06年には日本の若手タブラ奏者の精鋭を集めたタブラだらけバンド、Tabla





Smily and Roddy

オーストラリア留学中にアボリジニが吹くDidgeridoo(ディジュリドゥ)という その不思議な音色に魅了され日本に帰国後、独学で奏法を学び Beat box, Drum"n"Bassのリズムを取り入れ一本の楽器からは想像出来ない多彩な音色と独自の世界観で自由に音楽を表現する。現在は様々なアーティストとのコラボを展開中 。今回はGipsy didje!!で活躍するディジュリドゥ + トロンボーンを融合させた楽器(その名もディジュリボーン!!)の奏者Roddy(シンイチ)を迎えSMILY(Didgeridoo)×Roddy(Didjeriborn)によるガチセッションバトルが会場を異空間に変える!

アンダニ ANDANI (舞台美術)

D.H. Rosen Homepage
南雲杏 Homapege

LIVE: Kiyohiko Semba, U-zhaan, Tetsuro Naito, Winchester Nii Tete, Smily & Roddy, ANDANI (Stage art) / On December 3, 2010, masters of rhythm from diverse traditions gatherat SDLX to flex their percussive prowess and forge new fusions in sound. As primal pulsations from Ghana's Ga People mix with time-honoured beats from India, a daring young duo conjure contemporary sounds from the ancient didgeridoo. From the canon of
Kabuki to the backbeats of street matsuri, Japan's rich rhythmical traditions emerge to guide this multifarious mix. Come witness unprecedented collaborations and a drum-driven friendly rivalry that promises to delight the senses and expand the mind.

Artist info:

Kiyohiko Semba

The son of Koyu Semba, head master of the Semba School of Japanese traditional music, Kiyohiko Semba took up traditional drums and percussion under his father when he was just 3 years old. He made his debut on the Kabuki stage at the age of 10 and has been pursuing a career as a musician ever since. As a distinguished percussionist of deep musical capacity, Semba has developed many and diverse activities not only on the Japanese traditional music scene but also in the pop-music world and various traditional music genres. In 1999, he released his third solo album, "Semba, a Kozuchi of Rhythm" in which he exhibited his talents on 80 different percussion instruments. That same year, he formed a new group, “Unit Semba” with the talented bassists Nobou Nakahara and Benisuke Sakai, which later became "Semba Sonic Spear," releasing the group’s first album "Sonic Spear" in 2003. Nicknamed “Shiso” (master), Semba is is known throughout Japan and around the world as a true master of his craft and one the all-time great percussionists.


U-zhaan is considered to be one of Japan's foremost tabla players. He is a disciple of the legendary tabla maestro Pandit Anindo Chatterjee, and has also studied seriously with the world renowned maestro Ustad Zakir Hussain. U-zhaan's many projects and Collaborations span a wide array of genres in Japan. From the traditional music of Japan and classical music of India, to modern fusion and contemporary music, his tasteful and inspiring musicianship always shines through, touching everyone who comes to listen.

Tetsuro Naito

Tetsuro Naito was a member of the internationally renowned Japanese drum ensemble Kodo for over 10 years, throughout which time he not only performed as a central figure on stage, but also served as a composer and artistic director. Many of his compositions were released on Kodo's CDs and continued to be performed on the stage today. In 2002, Naito left Kodo to launch a career as a solo artist. His superior technique and original sensibilities eanred him invitations to work on recordings and tours with innumerable artists including Toshiki Kadomatsu, DJ Krush, Soul Flower Union and the Yoshida Brothers. With an earnest fascination for the taiko and am unquenchable curiosity about what makes something "Japanese," Naitoh continues to explore new possibilities with this ancient instrument. In addition to his multiple solo and collaborative projects, he also directs the groups Dong Gara and ToMoRo.

Winchester Nii Tete

Master percussionist Winchester Nii Tete hails from the honorable Addy-Amo-Boye families of drummers in Ghana. His finely textured repertoire is centered around exuberant traditional rhythms and his performance is a true testament to his technical finesse and sensitive expressiveness. He has performed with the Ghana National Troupe, Sachi Hayasaka, Yoshio Harada, Takasitar, Naoki Kubojima, Tsuyoshi Furuhashi
as well as countless others. He had collaborated in various genres including jazz, hip-hop, reggae, pop and world music. Accomplished on the kplango, talking drum and many other instruments of Ghana, he is a brilliant young star who is certain to follow in the footsteps of his legendary uncles Obo Addy and Aja Addy as he gains international

Smily and Roddy

Next Generation Didgeridoo Performer Smily Smily was first introduced to the magical sounds of the didgeridoo while studying abroad in Australia. After returning to Japan, he
continued to practice on his own, later adding beat-box and drum'n bass rhythms to produce an unimaginable range of sounds from a single instrument. He is currently active as both a solo artist and in a various collaborations with a wide range of artists. For this performance, Smily teams up with "Dijeribone" (a cross between a didgeridoo and a trombone!) player Roddy for an other-worldly joint-session that that promises to embody the true spirit of "Rhythm Rivalry."

ANDANI (Stage Art)

ANDANI is a two-person unit made up of multi-media artists Anzu Nagumo and D.H. Rosen. As a hands-on cooperative team, they deliver a combination of digital imagery and impromptu artwork that artfully mix with the any atmosphere.
D.H. Rosen Homepage
Anzu Nagumo Homepage

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