DJ Lounge

2011/03/25 金曜日

DJ LoungeDJ Lounge

Open: 18:00:00 | Start: 18:00 - 23:00




DJ Lounge「Sky Sphere」

DJ: Takashi kojima (telemetry) & RYU KONNO
come enjoy!

DJ information

Takashi kojima (telemetry)



DJスタイルはダンスミュージックを基本とし、クラシックからラテン、ジャズを経て邦楽/民謡までを取り込み柔軟に変化する物語性の高い選曲を見せる。随所で繰り出されるまるで楽器のパートのような鋭くリズミカルなスクラッチも見所のひとつ。2008年、2010年と大型野外フェスティバルSense of Wonderに出演。また2010年、ゲストにU-zhaan、坪口昌恭、さや(テニスコーツ)等、ジャンルを超えたアーティストを迎え13曲入りの1stアルバム「ミカイセカイ」を発表。DJにしかなし得ないジャンルレスなフィーリングとフィジカルな楽曲群は細分化され過ぎたシーンに豊かな音楽の可能性を提示する事に成功している。

Art work from Keiji Ito「RYU KONNO/MIKAISEKAI」
SuperDeluxe 営業再開宣言!


各所で桜が咲き始めた東京でまたこうして音楽を届けられる事をとても嬉しく感じております。 今後ともSuperDeluxeどうぞよろしくお願い致します。皆様のご来場をこころよりお待ち申し上げております。


DJ Lounge「Sky Sphere」

DJ: Takashi kojima (telemetry) & RYU KONNO
come enjoy!

Takashi kojima (telemetry)


Ryu Konno

RYU KONNO’s DJing style is based on dance music with selections from a story-rich world of Classical music, Latin, Jazz / Folk Song that he covers with great flexibility. His keen and rhythmical scratches can be heard everywhere as musical instruments making for another one of the highlights of his style. Recently, he is actively doing sessions with other musicians (drums, sax, cello, wood bass etc.) while using scratches, effects and original tracks. In 2008 and 2010 he played at the big open air music festival “Sense of Wonder”. He also performed the GRAND FLOOR opening act at Urban Tribes’09 along with DJ KRUSH, FUMIYA TANAKA, KENNY LARKIN and Tokyo No 1 SOUL SET where his aggressive and anarchic DJing style won him a good reputation. RYU KONNO made his track maker debut on a compilation album in 2005 and released his latest original album “MIKAISEKAI” from RefRain Records in October 2010.

Art work from Keiji Ito「RYU KONNO/MIKAISEKAI」
SuperDeluxe to Reopen on 3/21!
First of all, we would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to all of those who were affected by the Kanto-Tohoku Earthquake. Our hearts go out all of the victims whose lives were lost in this horrible tragedy and to those who still continue to struggle in its wake.

As a result of the disaster, SuperDeluxe has been closed for the past several days with many events cancelled. We send out our sincere thanks to all of you who inquired about our well being; please know that our entire team is all safe and well. We also apologize for any inconvenience caused by event cancellations.

After having our building inspected by engineers and other experts, we have established that there has been no structural damage to our space and it is safe to open again. As a result, we will be resuming business on Monday, March 21.

Because of limitations on electricity and irregular train schedules, we will be running on abbreviated business hours. As a result, events that are already planned may have schedule changes, while others may be postponed or cancelled. We will post up-to-date information on each event on our website as well as through Twitter, so please check with us before you come out for an event.

The cherry blossoms that are beginning to bloom in Tokyo bring a sense of hope, and it is in this spirit of new beginnings that we resume our mission of bringing music and art back to the city as well.

We look forward to your continued support and look forward to seeing you all soon.

Thanks and best wishes to all.

The SuperDeluxeTeam

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