2011/04/12 火曜日火曜日
Test ToneTest Tone
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
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Test Toneからのメッセージ
ここ数週間おこなってきた募金活動は、今後も続けていきますが、Test Toneは通常どおり無料のチャージで行います。海外アーティスト達の来日キャンセルが相次ぐ中、地元アーティストのみのラインナップになってしまいますが、イベントは行う予定です。こんな時期には色々な団体が募金をつのっていますが、信用できる団体かを事前によく調べてから募金をするように心がけましょう。それではTest Toneでお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。
Test Tone vol. 68
The Big Bright Sum of Reverberation
Featuring: 今井和雄 + 藤川義明 + ASTRO (aka 長谷川洋) + ヒグチケイコ、Heartland、原田光平 + キャル ライアル / DJ: Evil Penguin
今井和雄 + 藤川義明 + ASTRO (aka 長谷川洋) + ヒグチケイコ
Test Toneの常連なら、即興シーンのこの大御所4人を知らない人はいないだろう。彼らにあまり馴染みのない人には、今回のTest Toneが、この素晴らしいミュージシャンの経歴を知るきっかけになることを願っている。伝説的ギタリストの今井和雄と偉才サックスフォニストの藤川義明は、70年代の小杉武久 (Taj Mahal Travellers) や高柳昌行 (New Direction)との交友で知られている。この2人は非凡な才能と、妥協しない姿勢を貫く自己表現で自らも確個としたキャリアも築いてきた。長谷川洋 (aka ASTRO)は90年代初頭に、有名なノイズグループCCCCで音楽シーンに現れ、空間アナログ系の音を追求し海外でも活躍を続けている。素晴らしい音域と直感に恵まれたボーカリストのヒグチケイコは、ここ数年で経験した多くのコラボレーションに色を添える形で、国内外のジャズ/即興シーンにおけるユニークな存在となった。
Homepage: 今井和雄
Homepage: 藤川義明 / myspace: 藤川義明トリオ
Homepage: ASTRO
Homepage: ヒグチケイコ
森"mary"博一 とタカミジュンのメンバーで編成されたHeartlandは、幾層にも重なるきれいな厚みのあるエフェクトを使って音を作る。2人は、いくつもの音響スペクトルをコントロールして抽象的なアンビエントサウンドを出しながらも、テーマ感をうまく出している。ハーモニーと複雑なベース音が調和して、不気味な音を出す。心を揺さぶるような音楽だ。
myspace: Heartland
原田光平 + キャル ライアル
(Max/MSP + hydrophones/effects)
数ヶ月間計画されてきたこのコラボレーションがいよいよTest Toneで日の目を見る。イベント発起人、ミュージシャンである原田光平と、最近では南シナ海の奥底でも響き渡るような水中レコーディングにも挑戦しているキャル・ライアルが共演する。原田はMax/MSPを駆使し、自然の音をモチーフにして、思いもよらないような繊細さを表現する。
Homepage: 原田光平
myspace: キャル ライアル
About Test Tone….
While the catastrophe in northern Japan weighs heavy on everyone's minds, we are trying to make a slow return to normalcy here in Tokyo. We know there is a long struggle ahead for many of those in the affected areas, and our hearts are with the victims of this devastating tragedy.
We have been involved with a number of fundraising events over the past several weeks and continue to do so on a number of fronts. We will, however, keep our regular Test Tone event free of charge, and despite understandable cancellations from many overseas acts, continue this month with a challenging lineup of local artists.
For those wishing to donate funds, we encourage you to research a worthwhile charity and give generously. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Test Tone vol. 68
The Big Bright Sum of Reverberation
Featuring: Kazuo Imai + Yoshiaki Fujikawa + ASTRO (aka Hiroshi Hasegawa) + Keiko Higuchi, Heartland, Kouhei Harada + Cal Lyall, and DJ: Evil Penguin
Test Tone Homepage
Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)
Artist information:
Kazuo Imai + Yoshiaki Fujikawa + ASTRO (aka Hiroshi Hasegawa) + Keiko Higuchi

Any Test Tone regular would hardly need an introduction to these four major figures in Japan's free improv scene, and for the curious, this will hopefully be a mind-blowing lesson in aural history. Legendary guitarist Kazuo Imai and equally towering saxophonist Fujikawa Yoshiaki are both known for their late 70s associations with Takehisa Kosugi (Taj Mahal Travellers) and Masayuki Takayanagi (New Direction), while they have forged names of their own through rare musicianship and uncompromising paths of expression. Hiroshi Hasegawa (aka ASTRO) first came on the scene in the early 90s, with renowned noise/improv group CCCC, and continues to explore spaced-out analog extremities in a number of heavy settings internationally. Finally, vocalist Keiko Higuchi has become a unique voice in the jazz/improv scenes both in Japan and abroad, using her impressive range and imagination to add twists of color to a number of collaborations in recent years. Monumental goodness.
Homepage: Kazuo Imai
Homepage: Yoshiaki Fujikawa / myspace: Fujikawa Yoshiaki Trio
Homepage: ASTRO
Homepage: Keiko Higuchi

Formed by Hirokazu 'mary' Mori and Jun Takami, Heartland carve some lovely and dense layers of sound out of their toppling piles of effects. With each taking control of a batch of frequencies in the spectrum, they manage some mammoth themes while still retaining an essence of abstract ambient sound. Harmonic ideas mesh with complex bass sounds for a wall of creepily-construed goodness. Wonderfully evocative stuff.
myspace: Heartland
Kouhei Harada + Cal Lyal
(Max/MSP + hydrophones/effects)

Many months in the planning, this collaboration will finally see the light at Test Tone. Curator, musician and good friend Kouhei Harada will meet with the underwater rumblings of Test Tone's Cal Lyall, whose recent forays into hydrophone recording, manipulation and recording have taken him into the depths of fish tanks, turtle ponds and the South China Sea. Harada will use his Max/MSP wizardry to persuade some unpredictable subtlety from these sounds of nature.
Homepage: Kouhei Harada
myspace: Cal Lyal

About Test Tone
A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo.
The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected.
For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit.
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入場無料 Free Entry
開場 15:00 Open 〜 終了 20:00 Close
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