2011/10/29 土曜日土曜日
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 05:00
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presents Senegal
with Abdou Mboup
Live: Abdou Mboup with Light Combo, Abdoulaye N’Diaye Rose, Latyre Sy, Boga N’Diaye Rose, Tangana Jer / DJ: ピーター・バラカン, Ken Hidaka
by: シリル・コピーニ a.k.a DJ Cyco, Tojo, Jun Morita, Hajime Oishi, ラファエル・ セバーグ / Featuring collaborations with: Abdou Mboup, Latyre Sy, Tangana Jer & Boga & Abdoulaye N’Diaye Rose / VJ: Genome, Eri inami / LIGHT EFFECTS: Yamato
Abdou Mboup アブドゥー ・ ンブプ
パーカッショニストという肩書きに収まらず、マルチ・プレーヤー、そして作曲家としても世界的に名を馳せるAbdouMboup。セネガルの音楽をモダナイズし、多種ジャンルに及ぶ数々のトップコラボレーションを果たしている。これまでに共作したアーティストは、Talking Heads、Joe Zawinul、Salif Keita、Nina Simone、Seigen Ono、Pharaoh Sanders、Harry Belafonte、Tom Tom Club、Bill Laswellなど。
Full Bio, Music, Videos: abdoumboup.com
Peter Barakan (broadcaster) ピーター・バラカン
1951年ロンドン生まれ。 ロンドン大学日本語学科を卒業後、1974年に音楽出版社の著作権業務に就くため来日。現在フリーのブロードキャスターとして活動。
Tangana jer タンガナ・ジェル
アフリカ、セネガルのサバールドラムとダンスによるパフォーマンスグループ。 2005年にセネガルに渡航したダンサーたちにより結成され、クラブイベントや ライブでの活動を展開。 日本のダンスシーンにアフリカンダンスの新しい旋風を起こす存在となり、 様々な方面からの注目を受ける。まさに今セネガルで一番HOTなダンスを披露します!
Abdoulaye Ndiaye Rose アブライ・ンジャイ・ローズ
セネガルのダカール出身、ンジャイ・ローズ三兄弟の末っ子で日本在住、さらに熟達した西アフリカのドラマー (Sabar, Djembe, and Tama)で もある。彼は幼い頃より公演を始め、伝説的な 父親の Doudou Ndiaye Roseと共にヨーロッパ、アフリカ、イギリスやアメリカ、そして日本での6回の公演(1994, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008)など広くツアーを 行った。2009年よりアブライは東京に拠点を置き、若いアーティストとして人気上昇中である。
Latyr Sy ラティール ・シー
セネガルで生まれ、10歳の時にアフリカンドラムを始める。ラティールはこの15年間日本の音楽シーンにおいて欠かせない存在となっている。彼は「Africa Djembe」という伝統的なパーカッションバンドを結成し、1996年には別のパーカッショングループ「Africa Sunu Xelcom」を結成した。両方のバンドは多くの国際的で有名なイベントで演奏している。さらに、ソロアーティストとしてもフランス、ドイツ、エジプトや韓国で演奏している。
Boga Ndiaye Rose ボガ・ンジャイ・ローズ
セネガルのダカール出身のボガは伝説的な Doudou Ndiaye Rosenの日本に在住している三兄弟の中での次男であり、聞くまでもなく世界で最も有名なサバールドラマー 、西アフリカでのトップドラマーである。
Ken Hidaka
フリーランス・ライセンス・コーディネイター、A&R、多数の海外 プロデューサー/レーベルのエージェント、ライター、DJ、Lone Star Productions のメンバー、アテンド、そしてWax Poetics Japan誌の渉外担当。 また、フリーペーパー、Posivision誌にも毎回アルバム・レビュー、新規に自身のコラムを掲載。最近ジャイルス・ピーターソンとティミー・ レジスフォードの取材を行った。
Light Combo
2人のキーボーディストにベースとドラムのリズムが絡み合い、至上のグルーヴを生み出す。レゲエ・ダブを中心に、ソウル・ファンク、サントラのような世界にオーディエンスを引き込む。 Abdou Mboupのバックバンドとして、彼らの初めてのAfrican musical adventureに挑む。
五十嵐慎一 (Keys)
秦拓也 (Keys)
宇田川博史 (Bass)
横山功志 (Drums)
英幸光画楽 (Voice, Perc)
シリル・コピーニ a.k.a DJ Cyco
1973年、南仏、ニース市生まれ。1997年来日(福岡博多)。1998年から現地のラジオ局でレギュラー番組を持ち、クラブでフランス発ワールドミュージックを中心としたDJとしての活動を開始する。2001年に東京へ。東京日仏学院で音楽・舞台芸術担当に勤務。また、クラブDJとして活動し続け、2004年から人気ワールド・ミュージックイベント「Medvacances~地中海ヴァカンス~」のプロデューサーをスタート。同時にタレントとしての活動も開始(NHKワールドTokyo Eye/東京エフエムJeep Presents: Keep Your Style出演中)
Tojo (afrontier)
90年代前半にDJとしてのキャリアをスタート。青山Blueをはじめとする都内クラブ、カフェやライブハウスな どで活動後、2003年、トランペッターでありオーガナイザーでもあるオサダイサオ氏に見出され、Motion Blue Yokohama内にあるBarTuneでのクラブジャズイベント【afrontier】に、Jun Morita、Takeshitaと共に参加。今 や首都圏のクラブジャズシーンで急先鋒のイベントとなった【afrontier】のレジデントDJとして、国内外のアーティストと多数共演。
afrontier.com / tojoafrontier.jugem.jp
Jun Morita 森田潤
横浜市出身。80年代末期に黎明期のクラブ・シーンで初のVJユニット「gravestyle」を結成。最初期の「暴力温泉芸者」に参加。ソロでのライブ活動、スタジオワークを経験。00年よりDJとして音楽活動を再開。03年にクラブジャズ・イベント「afrontier」に参加。06年に ワールド・ミュージック・イベント「地中海ヴァカンス」に参加。「blackmadras」名義で楽曲製作を行い、02年に L5Recordingsからエレクトロ・ハウスを発表。07年オーマガトキ、 08年ソニー・ミュージック傘下ビレッジ・ミュージックよりリミックス作品を発表。2010年度はフランス、トルコなど海外でのDJ出演も経験。世界初のノイズ・クドゥロ・ユニット ”omega f2;k”のライブ活動も精力的に行っている。
Hajime Oishi 大石始
ラファエル・ セバーグ
モロッコ系フランス人、東京在住、職業:DJ. 1991年にUnited Future Organization(U.F.O)結成。同年1stシングルを発表。1993年ジャイルス・ピーターソンが主宰する英国「Talkin' Loud」レーベルと契約。その翌年米国のレーベル「VERVE」と契約。世界最大規模のジャズフェスティバル、モントルージャズフェスティバルに出演。 3rdアルバムからの楽曲はヨーロッパのフォード社のCMに起用され話題を集める。5枚のオリジナルアルバムは32カ国で発売され、国内外の高い信頼と評 価を勝ち得る。また2006年にはニューアルバムへの布石として、"UFOs For Real Scene1-3"と題し、古巣のユニバーサルから、5月下旬か6月上旬に3タイプに分けて同時にリリース。 ※United Future Organization(U.F.O):90年代アシッド・ジャズ旋風を巻き起こした、ジャパニーズ・クラブ・ジャズ界のパイオニア。メンバーは矢部 直、フランス出身のラファエル・セバーグ、松浦俊夫(02年脱退)。いずれもDJである。 最近ではソロアルバム“El Fantasma de la Libertad”をキューバ出身の Telmary Diaz、Roberto Carcasseそして彼のバンドの Interactivo、Gent AとKent Ogiha( Orchestra de la Luz のパーカッショニストとピアニスト)他多数をゲストに迎えリリースした。
Eri inami 伊波英里
presents Senegal
with Abdou Mboup
Live: Abdou Mboup, Light Combo, Abdoulaye, Latyre, Boga, Tangana Jer
DJ: Peter Barakan, Ken Hidaka
Late night DJ sets
by: Cyril Coppini aka DJ Cyco, Tojo, Jun Morita, Hajime Oishi, Raphael Sebbag
Featuring collaborations with: Abdou Mboup, Latyre, Tangana Jer & Boga, Boga & Abdoulaye N’Diaye Rose
VJ: Genome, Eri inami / LIGHT EFFECTS: Yamato
AfroTokyo is a showcase of the cultural depth, heritage and innovation stemmed from and inspired by the African continent and its Diasporas. Through music, dance, art, film, fashion, cuisine, DJs and residencies, AfroTokyo promotes cultural collaboration, dialogue and progress.
SDLX accepting reservations

Artist info:
Abdou Mboup

World-renowned percussionist, multi-instrumentalist and composer, Abdou Mboup modernized Senegalese traditional music, and has collaborated with top musicians in various genres, including Talking Heads, Joe Zawinul, Salif Keita, Nina Simone, Seigen Ono, Pharaoh Sanders, Harry Belafonte, Tom Tom Club and Bill Laswell.
Full Bio, Music, Videos: abdoumboup.com
Peter Barakan (broadcaster)

Born in London in 1951. Graduated Japanese department of School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, in 1973, and has been living in Tokyo since 1974. Has worked in broadcasting since 1980, with particular emphasis on introducing a wide variety of music from different parts of the world to a public that is often force-fed only what is commercially convenient for large corporations. Currently hosts a weekly free-form radio programme on NHK-FM, and a weekday morning programme for Tokyo area commercial station Inter FM, in addition to the Japanese broadcast of the US news magazine show 60 Minutes. Also co-hosts a weekly talk show “Begin Japanology” in English for public broadcaster NHK’s foreign satellite service NHK World, introducing different aspects of Japanese culture to an international audience. Has written several books including a beginner’s guide to soul music, and and a book explaining some of the subtleties of rock lyrics for Japanese readers.
Tangana jer

A Japanese dance group performing Senegalese Sabar style dance. Formed in 2005 when the dancers made a journey to Senegal and since then have been active in club events and live performances. They caused a new sensation in the Japanese dance scene and gained great attention in various circles. Appeared on Senegal state channel RTS1 and performed in a music promotional video of TITI, a nationwide popular artist in Senegal. They came under the spotlight as best sabar performance group from Japan. Now they performs at charity and international exchange events and are making a contribution to familiarize Senegal and African culture in Japan. Tanagana Jer give the audience Senegalese HOT dance !!
Abdoulaye Ndiaye Rose

Born in Dakar, Senegal, the youngest son of three Ndiaye Rose brothers living in Japan, Abdoulaye is an accomplished West African drummer (Sabar, Djembe, and Tama). He started performing at an early age and toured extensively with his father, the legendary Doudou Ndiaye Rose, throughout Europe, Africa, USA, and six tours of Japan (1994, 2001 with Yamamoto Kansai, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008). Abdoulaye has been based in Tokyo since 2009 and is a young artist on the rise.
Latyr Sy

Born in Senegal and began to play African drums at the age of 10 years old, Latyr has been a fixture on the Japanese music scene for the last 15 years. He formed and led the traditional percussion band called "Africa Djembe” and in 1996 he formed another percussion group called "Africa Sunu Xelcom". Both of which played many prestigious events internationally. Laytr also performed as a solo artist in France, Germany, Egypt, and Korea. As a percussionist, he participated in Japanese recordings for artists such as Takako Shirai. Original Love (led by Tajima Takao), Leyona, Asuka Hayashi, MoonBow (with composer Hagi), Flying Rhythms (with Uchida Naoki and Kuge Yoshio), Likkle Mai (solo project), to name a few, and many others for recordings, live performances, and concerts. He has also collaborated with many international artists such as Bird, Mamady Keita (Guinea), Shonosuke Okura (Noh big hand-drum), Kiyohiko Senba (drum/perc), Kim Dae Hwan (Korea), Kang Saneh (Korea), Kim Dook Soo (Korea), Rico Rodrigues (Jamaica), and Lee Tschtee (Korea). Laytr also produced music for many television commercials such as Hitachi, Sapporo, Honda, Yamanouchi medicine, and Yamada Denki. He also appeared on TV programs such as NHK educational television, News 23, World Circle Vanity (Sekai Marumie), and the royal palace of the Solomon. Latyr has even found time recently to form a new group called The Tchiky’s and released their first self-titled album to rave reviews. We have Latyr to thank for always trying to contribute to educate and popularize African music and its culture to Japanese nationwide.
Boga Ndiaye Rose

Born in Dakar, Senegal, Boga is the middle brother of the three sons living in Japan of the legendary Doudou Ndiaye Rose, unquestionably the most famous Sabar drummer in the world and top drummer in West Africa. Boga started an early age and quickly became an accomplished drummer (sabar and tama) and skilled sabar dancer. He has toured extensively with his father Doudou and their family throughout Europe, Africa, the Middle East, 4 tours of Japan (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004) and has been based in Tokyo since 2005.
Ken Hidaka

Freelance license coordinator, A&R, agent to various overseas labels and producers in Japan, music journalist, DJ, member of Lone Star Productions, artist attendant & international rep for Wax Poetics Japan. Also, writes album reviews & started own column for free magazine, Posivision. Recently, interviewed Gilles Peterson and Timmy Regisford. Recent works: license coordinated 6 Tony Allen albums and also wrote liner notes for each albums. Coordinated licensing for Prommer & Barck, Banda Achili Funk (Lovemonk), Wolfram, etc. Currently working on licensing of Ananda Project, Chris Brann new albums, Timmy Regisford's Fela Kuti remix album as well. Took care of Ebo Taylor band for Metamorphose festival. Every 1st Sat., holds the critically acclaimed Lone Star Production parties at Bar Bonobo.
Light Combo

Two keyboards, bass, drums, and percussion create a supreme rhythmic groove of reggae, dub, soul, funk, and soundtrack. Their first African musical adventure as the backing band for Abdou Mboup.
Cyril Coppini a.k.a DJ Cyco

Born and raised in Nice, South of France, Cyril came to Japan in 1997 (Fukuoka) to work for the French Institute of Kyushu. In 1998, he started running a radio show on local stations (Love FM 76.1/Tenjin FM) and worked as a “world music” Dj in Fukuoka’s clubs. In 2001, he moved to Tokyo to be the Music Program Director at the French Institute of Tokyo, work as a promoter of French artists, produce his own event “Medvacances”, and at the same time as a “talento” for NHK World (Tokyo Eye) and Tokyo FM (Jeep Presents: Keep Your Style).
Tojo (afrontier)

TOJO, started his DJ career in the early 90´s by spinning at clubs and cafes in Tokyo.
In 2003, he was discovered by trumpeter Isao Osada and became a resident DJ, along with Jun Morita and Takeshita, of Osada’s jazz club event called ‘afrontier’ held at Motion Blue in Yokohama. Tojo plays with many artists from Japan and overseas as an ‘afrontier’ resident DJ, and playing an active part at famous clubs in Tokyo. He also was a guest DJ for the release party of Mark de Clive-Lowe, Native, The Fascinations, and the opening DJ of the first visit to Japan of Jukka Eskola and Paula Lima. He has a reputation as a DJ who selects jazz based music with plots that cross genres, generations, borders but always trying to dance and select enhanced music for dance. In addition Tojo has sessions with DJs with live painting, and musicians at Conrad Tokyo.
afrontier.com / tojoafrontier.jugem.jp
Jun Morita

From Yokohama. He formed the first VJ unit called ''Gravestyle'' in the early days of the club scene in the late 80s. Joined the initial stage of " Bouryoku Onsen Geisha”. Solo live performances and studio works. He restarted his music activities as a DJ in 2000. Performed in a club jazz event "afrontier" in 2003 and a music event ''Medvacanes'' in 2006. Composed songs under the name of "Blackmadras". Released "Electro House" from L5 Recordings in 2002 and a remix project from Omagatoki in 2007 and from Village Music under Sony Music in 2008. Performed as DJ overseas in France and Turkey in 2010. Also has been active as a live performer under the name or "Omega f2;k", the first noize Kuduro unit in the world.
Hajime Oishi

Writer/Editor/DJ. He performs as a DJ in Tokyo..He was on Japan tour of Dick el Demasiad (Argentina/The Neitherlands), Maft Sai (Thai), Nortec Collective (Mexico), and DJ ClicK (France). He mixes music from many countries and changes atmosphere to a rural festival mood. He organizes a village festival party called ‘El Parrandero’ with DJ Yahman (Tribal Connection). Hajime’s first book ‘Kanto Raggamufin’ issued in 2010, then ‘Glocal Beats” issued in March 2003. He writes articles for various publications and writes liner notes for world music CDs.
Raphael Sebbag

French born of Moroccan descent, Raphael was an instrumental figure in establishing and supporting Tokyo's young club scene in the 90's as a member of United Future Organization. In 1991, released the first single. “Talkin' Loud” released in U.K in 1993, “Verve” in U.S. the next year, and played at Montreux Jazz Festival. Music from the 3rd album was used for Ford commercials in Europe. From May to June in 2006, released new 3 albums in 3 types titled "UFOs For Real Scene1-3" with Universal. Recently released a solo album “El Fantasma de la Libertad” on the Tokyo label “Power Shovel Audio” featuring guests: from Cuba Telmary Diaz, Roberto Carcasse and his band Interactivo, Gent A and Kent Ogiha (percussionist and pianist from Orchestra de la Luz), and many MORE. Compiled “Beyond Borders” Vol. 1 & 2 in 2006 for Toys Factory. Remix for Zerodb Lazy Afternoon and new project: Jazzeando Cubano3 z.

His VJ activities include at big parties such as “Brafma”, “Bakuto Osaka”, etc…, also at a variety of underground stages and on Ustream. His original style is based on mixing movies without software. He tries to make a spiritual collaboration of minds with VJ performances.
Eri inami

Visual artist Eri Inami has a penchant for stretching the boundaries of reality, taking an inner world of surreal dreams and journeys and displaying it in conspicuous places. What results is a triumphant jumble of psychedelic characters, exotica, and appropriated images which all seem to find their happy home in her colourful visions. Already with a book, DVD, and a number of other projects behind her, she has recently moved to try
her hand at some phantasmagorical VJ work.

He creates special light performances. He is a past member of OHPIA and has done the lighting for a variety of important parties and events. Now he is exploring new perspectives of light from objects, various mirrors, prisms, water, motors, etc…


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