
2011/12/15 木曜日

Kiyohiko Semba & Karugamozu仙波清彦&カルガモーズ

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59





邦楽囃子仙波流家元・仙波宏祐の長男・仙波清彦は、3歳で父に師事し伝統打楽器を学ぶ。10歳で歌舞伎界にデビューし、それ以来、音楽家としてのキャリアを磨いている。深い音楽の知識や才能をもつ一流の打楽器奏者として、日本の伝統音楽界だけでなくポップミュージックや様々な伝統音楽のジャンルで多様な活動をくりひろげている。1999年、80種類もの打楽器でその才能を示したソロアルバム「SEMBA〜リズムのこづち」を発表。同年、優れたベーシスト中原信雄・坂井紅介とともに新グループ「Unit Semba」(のちに「Semba Sonic Spear」と改名)を結成し、2003年にはファーストアルバム『Sonic Spear』をリリース。「始祖」の異名をもつ仙波は、彼の分野での真の名人として、また史上最高の打楽器奏者として、日本中そして世界中でその名をとどろかしている。
カールガモーズ・メンバー :
柿島伸弥(Per)、長谷頼晃 (Dr)、梅屋巴(大鼓)、青木美加子、Izumi、大西英雄、郡司顕吾、小林武文、澤田聡、菅原隼人、多鹿大介、谷口雄介、チェ・ジェチョル、美鵬直三朗、本間共子、村瀬”Chang-woo”弘晶、望月秀幸、山田貴之、山田智之、ロ・キョンスン



##福岡ユタカ(YEN CHANG)(vo)
●宮本亜門演出「金閣寺」(出演/森田剛、高岡蒼甫、山川冬樹 他脚本/セルジュ・ラモット原作/三島由紀夫)の音楽監督を担当。KAAT神奈川芸術劇場のこけら落とし公演を始めとして全国ツアーが行われた。(1〜3月)今後、リンカーンセンター(NY)にて公演予定。(7月)

##バカボン鈴木 (b)

##高橋香織 (vln)

##辰巳光英 (tp)

##MA*TO (tabla,key)
“Hi-Tech & Lo-Tech” をモットーに、タブラ&コンピューターをプレイし、テクノロジーと音楽の接点を求めて活動するダブ・アーティスト、自称科学者。「愛」をテーマに世界平和を目指す総合研究所「Love Tech Lab.=L.T.L.研究所」を主催する。マット・サイエンティスト。か?

##矢吹和彦 (VJ)

##D.H. Rosen (TokyoDex)

For the last 6 years, master percussionist Kiyohiko Semba has periodically assembled a formidable team of fellow music luminaries to create an astonishing ensemble called "Karugamozu." With over 20 percussionists as well as players on bass, violin, trumpet, and keyboard, the sheer breadth and variety of sound is unlike anything you have every heard. A truly moving and powerful performance, it leaves the listener in awe, wondering, "what on earth is happening here?!" This special 2011 year-end finale concert features an incredible array of guest artists including several former Kodo members. ##Kiyohiko Semba ![/sdlx/111215-semba.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-semba.jpeg) The son of Koyu Semba, head master of the Semba School of Japanese traditional music, Kiyohiko Semba took up traditional drums and percussion under his father when he was just 3 years old. He made his debut on the Kabuki stage at the age of 10 and has been pursuing a career as a musician ever since. As a distinguished percussionist of deep musical capacity, Semba has developed many and diverse activities not only on the Japanese traditional music scene but also in the pop-music world and various traditional music genres. In 1999, he released his third solo album, "Semba, a Kozuchi of Rhythm" in which he exhibited his talents on 80 different percussion instruments. That same year, he formed a new group, “Unit Semba” with the talented bassists Nobou Nakahara and Benisuke Sakai, which later became "Semba Sonic Spear," releasing the group’s first album "Sonic Spear" in 2003. Nicknamed “Shiso” (master), Semba is is known throughout Japan and around the world as a true master of his craft and one the all-time great percussionists. [Homepage](http://www.3-dcorp.com/SEMBA/) & ##Karugamozu Members: Umeya Tomoe, Aoki Mikako, Izumi, Onishi Hideo, Kakishima Shinji, Gunji Kengo, Kobayashi Takefumi, Sawada Satoru, Sugawara Hayato, Choi, Jaechol, Hase Yoriaki, Bihou Naosaburo, Homma Tomoko, Murase, "chang-woo" Hiroaki, Mochizuki Hideyuki, Yamada Takayuki, Ro Kyongsun, Yamada Tomoyuki Special Guests: ##Kaoru Watanabe ![/sdlx/111215-watanabekaoru.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-watanabekaoru.jpeg) A conservatory-trained classical and jazz flute player (Mahattan School of Music) who has worked with such musicians as Jason Moran and Stefon Harris, Kaoru Watanabe's approach to music underwent fundamental change while living in Japan. Over the course of nearly a decade, Kaoru studied and performed with the acclaimed taiko ensemble KODO, as well as with various master practitioners of traditional and modern Japanese arts including the great Kabuki actor Tamasaburo Bando. Kaoru also served as artistic director for Kodo's international music festival "Earth Celebration," working with such luminaries as Zakir Hussain, Giovanni Hildago and Carlos Nunez. Parting ways with Kodo in 2006, Kaoru currently resides in NY where, along with his performance activities, he teaches at the Kaoru Watanabe Taiko Center, curates a music, art and dance series entitled “Nakanaka,” and will be co-teaching a course on taiko at Princeton University this fall. [Homepage](http://www.watanabekaoru.com/) ##Tetsuro Naito ![/sdlx/111215-naito.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-naito.jpeg) Tetsuro Naito was a member of the internationally renowned Japanese drum ensemble Kodo for over 10 years, throughout which time he not only performed as a central figure on stage, but also served as a composer and artistic director. Many of his compositions were released on Kodo's CDs and continued to be performed on the stage today. In 2002, Naito left Kodo to launch a career as a solo artist. His superior technique and original sensibilities eanred him invitations to work on recordings and tours with innumerable artists including Toshiki Kadomatsu, DJ Krush, Soul Flower Union and the Yoshida Brothers. With an earnest fascination for the taiko and am unquenchable curiosity about what makes something "Japanese," Naitoh continues to explore new possibilities with this ancient instrument. In addition to his multiple solo and collaborative projects, he also directs the groups Dong Gara and ToMoRo. [Homepage](http://www.tokorohare.com/) ##Fukuoka Yutaka(YEN CHANG (Vo) ![/sdlx/111215-yenchang.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-yenchang.jpeg) Hailing from Shimane Prefecture, Yutaka Fukuoka began playing the violin when he was three years old and formed his first band in high school. Also a composer, he has collaborated with a wide array of noted artists both at home and abroad. [Homepage](http://www.lares.dti.ne.jp/~yenchang) ##Vagabond Suzuki(B) ![/sdlx/111215-vagbondsuzuki.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-vagbondsuzuki.jpeg) Japanese bassist, playing both electric and acoustic bass, active since the late 1970s. Also known as Bakabon Suzuki. [Homepage](http://www.vagabond-suzuki.net) ##Takahashi Kaori(Vln) ![/sdlx/111215-kaoru.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-kaoru.jpeg) Kaori Takahashi grew up hearing her father play the viola and was playing the violin herself at the early age of four. She is active now as a acoustic violinist, electric violinist and viola player in myriad live projects and recordings. She has played with some of Japan's brigtest music stars including her husband Kiyohiko Semba. [Homepage](http://semba.moo.jp/KAORI) ##Tatsumi Mitsuhide(Tp) ![/sdlx/111215-tatsumi.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-tatsumi.jpeg) Tokyo-based trumpet player and core member of the notorious "Shibusa Shirazu." [Homepage](http://home.att.ne.jp/moon/alcyone/) ##Ma*To(Tabla/Key) ![/sdlx/111215-mato.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-mato.jpeg) Dub-Artist, Scientist (self-proclaimed) who plays Tabla&Computer, seeking the unity of music and technology with a philosophy of "Hi-Tech & Lo-Tech". [Homepage](http://www.mato.jp/WhoIsMaTo.html) ##Kazuhiko Yabuki (VJ) ![/sdlx/111215-yabuki.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-yabuki.jpeg) Active since 1994, VJ and film director Kazuhiko Yabuki mixes digital and analog effects, freely weaving in video samples to create a visual world all his own. From stage backdrops to club events, fashions show, promotional videos and promotional videos, he has earned a solid reputation in the field of video arts. [Homepage](http://www.kikyu.net/) ##D.H. Rosen [TokyoDex] (VJ) ![/sdlx/111215-rosen.jpeg](/sdlx/111215-rosen.jpeg) Tokyo-based visual artist D.H. Rosen loves to play with analog and digital media. His live sets are a combination of prepared digital imagery and spontaneous collage. [Homepage](http://web.mac.com/yakimonos/D.H._Rosen_Homepage/Top.html)

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