出演:Clocked Out Duo (from オーストラリア), 永井晶子(p) + David Duval-Smith(cl) + 高岡大祐(tuba), Wormhole: 新井陽子(p), 狩俣道夫(winds), Pearl Alexander(b), 清水博志 & Marcos Fernandes (perc)
##Clocked Out Duo (from Australia)

##永井晶子 (piano)

名古屋出身。12年間プロとして音楽活動し、96年にボストンのバークリー音楽 院に留学。在学中より、ボストンを中心にライブ活動をする。99年、同校を卒 業。N.Yに活動の拠点を移し、John Zorn, Rasheid Ali, Buch Morris,Tom Rainy, Roy Champbell, Sam Newsome, Greg Tardy, らと活動。Shoko Nagai Quintetを結成し、ダウンタウン のミュージックシーンとしてBlue Note, Knittingfactory, Tonicなどでレギュラー出演を 続けている。 2000年、ファーストアルバム”Two level crossing”、2002年セカンドアルバム”VORTEX”、2003年サードアルバム”Vsoon”をSkyProductionよりリリース。また98年、ノルウェーNatt Jazz feativalに出演。またスイス、イスラエルなども演奏 旅行。2004年、フィラデルフィア よりJazzJauntsとして助成金を授与、ブラジル、南インド、南アフリカ、日本、キューバ、ユダヤ系からの代表アーテストとして伝統音楽がジャズにどう影響してきたか、2006年5月にコンサートのため、新しいプロジェクトを製作。「スターフィッシュホテル」(ジョンウィリアムス監督:佐藤浩市、柄本明主演)の映画音楽を武石聡と担当。
##David Duval-Smith (clarinet)

[Namaiki homepage](http://www.namaiki.com/)
##高岡大祐 (tuba)

Photo by Cal Lyall

Live: Clocked Out Duo(from Australia), Shoko Nagai(p) + David Duval-Smith(cl) + Daysuke Takaoka(tuba), and Wormhole featuring Yoko Arai(p), Michio Karimata (winds), Pearl Alexander (b), Hiroshi Shimizu and Marcos Fernandes (perc).
Artist Information:
##Clocked Out Duo (from Australia)

Clocked Out Duo (Erik Griswold & Vanessa Tomlinson) use prepared piano, percussion, toy instruments and found objects to creat "a detailed orchestration of percussive and resonant sounds." (Chris Reid, Realtime85) Their work embraces a range influences from experimental composition (John Cage, Terry Riley, Morton Feldman), to free improvisation (George Lewis), to traditional Chinese percussion. In their playful and adventurous work Clocked Out Duo create links between disparate styles and artistic communities.
##Shoko Nagai (piano)

Born in Nagoya, Japan, composer and pianist Shoko Nagai has been evolving as a professional musician for twelve years. After graduating from Berklee College of Music in 1999 she moved to New York City and quickly established herself in the downtown jazz scene performing with such renowned artists as John Zorn, Rasheid Ali, Buch Morris,Tom Rainy, Louie Beloginis, Ikue Mori, Satoshi Takeishi, Cuog Vu, Roy Champbell, Sam Newsome, Greg Tardy, Lukas Ligeti, Daniel Carter. The Shoko Nagai Quintet which features some of New York's best musicians has performed extensively at the BlueNote, Knitting factory, Tonic as well as at other top New York clubs. Nagai released her first CD "Two levels Crossing" in 2000, 2nd CD "VORTEX" in 2002, 3rd. CD "Vsoon" in 2003 which sky productions records. Nagai has performed in Norway (Natt Jazz Festival 1998), Switzerland and Israel. Her most recent project is "Vortex" which is a free improvisation duet with electronics. In 2004, she received a grant from Philadelphia Music Project 2004 Grant for JazzJaunts, a project in which seven jazz artists will compose and premiere compositions that incorporate musical traditions from their cultural roots, spanning South Africa, Cuba, Brazil, South India, Iraq, Japan, and the Jewish Diaspora.
##David Duval-Smith (clarinet)

[Namaiki homepage](http://www.namaiki.com/)
##Daysuke Takaoka (tuba)

Born and lives in Osaka. Started playing the tuba at the age of 12. Learned classical at 15. Began performing at 20. Belonged to/played commercial for a major Japanese label. Played improvisation, folkloric and contemporary music. Went to New Orleans twice, had some gigs, recorded with Rebirth brass band , Wild Magnolias and others. 1998-2006, member of Shibusa Shirazu. 5 tours of Europe with them, playing in 20 countries. Played at Moers jazz festival, Glastonbury festival and many other big festivals and concerts in and out of Japan. Produces, promote and participate in music events. Co-star and/or collaborate with butoh, modern dance, live painting and others beside music. Participated on a lot of albums CD and DVD. Worked with Joseph Jarman, Don Moye, Misha Mengelberg, RONIN, Park jechun, and many more. Always trying new things, challenging the limits of the acoustic music expression and explore all possibilities of the bass brass tuba. Developed a unique performance method, in original style named "blowbass" . The tuba is being played by circulate breathing basically, and some time electric. The sound is far from the normal tuba. 200 gigs a year and any other opportunity to play music. The "Tuba traveler" ..
Photo by Cal Lyall

Wormhole began in 1994 as an improvisational vehicle for the duo of percussionists Marcos Fernandes and Robert Montoya. More than a decade later, after numerous reincarnations, Wormhole continues its mission of creating globally-informed experimental music.
Wormhole first recorded three tracks that appear on Trummerflora (1995 Accretions), a compilation of experimental groups. As Wormhole Effect, the group released their eponymous debut CD (1997 Accretions) and the follow-up The Bastard Musicians of Mesmer (1998 Accretions). They collaborated on various dance projects in San Diego during 1999-2000, contributing music to Continuums: one, a Tommy Award-winning performance art piece and soundtrack (1999 Frequency Merge), and performing as residents at Project Cathedral, a monthly ambient multi-media performance installation. With the Wormhole Brothers, Fernandes and Montoya explored the world of electronica, performing in various settings, collaborating with members of the Nortec Collective, and contributing a track to Track Whore Volume 2 (2001 Panhandler).
Armed with an arsenal of percussive and electronic source material, Marcos Fernandes, Nathan Hubbard and Robert Montoya join forces in 2002 to explore structured and open improvisation and soundart, and produced a piece for Trummerflora's Rubble 1 compilation (2004 Accretions/Circumvention). 2003 saw the addition of Ellen Weller on woodwinds and the return of Burnett Anderson on trumpet, and the beginning of Wormhole's collaborations with Barcelona-based spoken word artist Roger Aplon. Toni Pope on voice and Farhad Bahrami on tar joined the group in 2006 and 2007 respectively, and Wormhole continued to perform regularly intil 2008 when Fernandes relocated to Yokohama, Japan.
In 2009, Fernandes enlisted pianist Yoko Arai, reedist Michio Karimata and shamisen player and vocalist Yumiko Tanaka to reform Wormhole. Bassist Pearl Alexander and percussionist Hiroshi Shimizu augmented the line-up in 2010.