2012/01/14 土曜日土曜日
LIVE: The Novocainesライブ:ザ・ノヴォケインズ
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59
出演:ザ・ノヴォケインズ, MOLICE
##ザ・ノヴォケインズ (The Novocaines)

デビューアルバム「Idle Time」:「曲はダーティーで向う見ず、荒削りではあるが、その構造は巧みに形作られたものだ。ザ・ノヴォケインズの魅力は、ひとつひとつの曲がスタイリッシュなサウンドを保ちつつも、最近の多くのロックバンドにありがちな、磨かれすぎた光沢のあるサウンドに陥っていないこと。…アルバムは、ビールが無性に飲みたい気分になったり、頭を振ったり、煙草の煙一杯の部屋で、ただリラックスして音楽を聴いていたいなど、雑多な感情を呼び起こす。ロックン・ロールは何処へ行ってしまったのかと考えていた人たちへーロックン・ロールはまさにここに存在する。」[X-Press magazine](http://www.xpressmag.com.au/index.php/live-a-local/record-reviews/4397-the-novocaines) 2012年1月, オーストラリア

2007年始動。自らの音楽性を”ニューウェーブ・ロックンロールバンド”と称する。THE POLICE、PIXIES、THE DOORSなどに影響を受け、”ブレードランナーの街でライブしているバンド”を目指す。結成後半年にして、サマーソニック07に出演。国内外から高い評価を受けている。
##ローレンス・ワトソン(Lawrence Watson)

1963年、ロンドン、ハマースミス生まれ。1979年、16歳で学校を離れ、オールド・ストリートの写真スタジオに修業。後、テレビ局、ロンドン・ウィークエンド・テレビジョン(現ITV傘下)の写真スタジオに勤務、余暇を通じて写真を撮り続け、NME (New Musical Express) 紙で作品を発表し始める。
[ Lawrence Watson ](http://lawrencewatsonphotography.com/)
##ノエル・ギャラガー(Noel Gallagher)
[OFFICIAL SITE (日本語)](http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/Music/International/Special/noelgallagher/news/index.html)
[OFFICIAL SITE (英語)](http://www.noelgallagher.com)
Live: The Novocaines, MOLICE
##The Novocaines

A punch in the arm from Dave Grohl, a thumbs up from Josh Homme, and a quiet nod from Jon Paul Jones, just a few of the reasons why The Novocaines are fast becoming one of the hottest independent bands in the world. Add to that their 89 seconds of complete balls to the wall song Cup of Coffee, which was originally unearthed on Australian national network Triple JJJ before being selected for a major scene in the worldwide hit movie Scream 4. Their electrifying live show leaves punters and reviewers alike in complete awe.
“It’s virtually impossible not to watch the The Novocaines. These fellas have enough on-stage energy to power a city block.” -Xpress Magazine
The Novocaines Idle Time - "The tunes are dirty, reckless and raw, yet structurally well-formed. The beauty of The Novocaines is that though each song is stylistically sound, they don’t take on that boring polished sheen that many rock bands tend to lean towards... The album evokes mixed emotions, from wanting to grab a beer and get your head-mosh on, to sitting in a smoke-filled room and just feeling the music, man. For those of you asking where all the rock and roll has gone, it’s right here!" [X-Press magazine](http://www.xpressmag.com.au/index.php/live-a-local/record-reviews/4397-the-novocaines) January 2012, Australia

Rinko (vo), Yuzuru Takeda (g),Takashi Koyama (dr)
“Molice aims for being something out of the film Blade Runner, with a new wave, rock’n’roll sound.” -Time Out
“Taking in the angular riffs of the Pixies, the dancefloor grooves of CSS, the odd Johnny Marr guitar flourish, dry female vocals and little pinches of shoegaze, rockabilly and soul, Molice’s sound is at once complex yet spare. Their new album, Catalystrock, is darkly thrilling.” -Metropolis
##Lawrence Watson

Lawrence has worked with some of the most famous faces in the business including legendary artists such as Oasis, Paul Weller, Blur, Morrissey, New Order, Ian Brown, Snoop Dogg, Pulp, David Bowie, LL Cool J, Ramones, Grace Jones, Pet Shop Boys, Eurythmics, George Clinton and James Brown. Born in London in 1963, Lawrence left school to take up an apprenticeship in a darkroom in Old Street. He graduated to work at London Weekend Television, and whilst there developed his portfolio in the evenings and weekends and began contributing to the New Musical Express (NME). In the early 1980s Lawrence was commissioned to document the emerging New York hip-hop scene and his portraits of legendary artists from that era include Run DMC, Eric B and Rakim and Public Enemy. Most recent works include album sleeve and video for Maverick Sabre; video sleeve and tour programme for Paul Weller; cinematography for Noah and the Whale and documenting Noel Gallagher’s first solo venture in the UK and LA. Lawrence Watson’s work has also been seen in exhibitions in London, Japan, Sweden and the USA.
[ lawrencewatsonphotography.com ](http://lawrencewatsonphotography.com/)
##Noel Gallagher
[The Official Noel Gallagher Website](http://www.noelgallagher.com)
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