去年Yokohama Bittersにて大盛況だったTHE STONE SUNのSean HaradaとTama Tsuboiのバースデーライブイベント。今年はTokyoDexを迎え、共同主催が実現。TokyoDexの視覚を揺さぶる空間作りにVJ、更に強力なアーティストたちを迎え、最高の空間と時間をお届けするライブイベントCAKE’D開催決定!おいしいご飯とお酒を最高の空間と音の中で是非皆様お楽しみください。
Johnny Wales
Tina Bingham (ライブ・ペイント)
David Roy
D.H. ROSEN, (TokyoDex)
Ryan Mizuno

##Metro Ongen


##ケストナ・エーヴァ (和太鼓奏者)

世界を理解すると共に、いま存在している固定概念や枠を超えて新しい、より良い世界を作り、無条件の愛を人々に伝えることをテーマにするソロ和太鼓奏者。1987年1月28日、ドイツ系の父と日本人の母の間に生まれる。東京都出身。小学生の頃からピアノと和太鼓を習う。2005年、聖心インターナショナルスクール卒業後、米国コーネル大学に渡る。コーネル大学パーカッションアンサンブルに入部し、その後、和太鼓部コーネル太鼓(Yamatai) を立ち上げる。和太鼓部のリーダーとして作曲や校内および地域での演奏活動を行う。四年生の後期には日本のプロ和太鼓集団、梵天をコーネル大学に招き、ベイリーホールで共に演奏する。2009年、コーネル大学哲学学士課程卒業。帰国後、梵天に入団し、演奏や子供への指導に取り組む。2010年6月に退団し、ソロ活動を始める。ソロの作品はすべて彼女のオリジナル作品または、伝統曲の彼女の解釈である。筑波付属視覚支援学校で課外授業として小学生に和太鼓の指導にも励む。現在、古典を仙堂新太郎氏に師事。目黒囃子東が丘保存会と江戸歌舞伎連(阿波踊り)のメンバーでもある。
##Johnny Wales (ジョニー・ウェールズ)

トロント出身のジョニー・ウェールズは、イラストレーター、彫刻家、あやつり人形師、そして最近ではアニメーターとしても活動しており、佐渡でも長年暮らしました。JALや鼓童などのクライアントと仕事を重ね、世界最大の発行部数をほこる読売新聞には、15年にわたり毎週、東京のイラストを連載。児童書の挿絵も6冊手がけており、その1冊は1990年のルーシー・モード・モンゴメリー賞を受賞。VII Premi International Catelonia D’Illustracio(第7回カタルーニャ国際挿絵大賞)に選ばれ、カナダの主要な文学賞であるGovernor General’s Award for Childrens Book Illustration(児童書挿絵総督賞)では1996年に最終選考に残りました。
##Tina Bingham(ティナ・ビンガム)

ティナは日本で生まれ、生後数ヶ月から20歳までを英国で過ごしました。6th Form(日本の高校2〜3年生)のときにアートの道を志し、ハートフォードシャー大学芸術学部に1年在籍。これがきっかけで日本へ行くことになりました。もともとは3ヶ月の旅行のはずが、今年でなんと滞在9年目を迎えます。日本でも油絵や工芸を続け、時間があれば大好きな絵を描いています。日本で作品を公式に発表したことはまだありませんが、東京内外で数々のクリエイティブなプロジェクトに参加しています。ともかく油絵を続けたい。そしてそれがどう展開していくのか、彼女自身も楽しみにしています。
##David Roy (デイビッド・ロイ)

##D.H ローゼン

##Ryan Mizuno

1978年ワシントン州シアトル生まれ。10歳からトランペットを吹き始める。学校オーケストラのソロ奏者としてアワードの数々 を受賞し、ロシアやカナダへのツアーを経験。本格的に音楽家としてのキャリアを目指す為に1999年にニューヨーク市に移りElisha Laverne, Black Buddafly, Raekwon (Wu Tang Clan),Mobb Deep and Fat Joe、その他アーティストの楽曲をプロデュースする。2010年に日本・東京に移住、移住後はトランペットプレイヤー/シンガーとして活動。R&B/Soul, Hip Hop, Funk, Electronica and Jazzをブレンドした音楽スタイルで日本から世界に発信している。
##Produced by THE STONE SUN

##Powered by TokyoDex

After a successful event at Yokohama Bitters last March, this event marks the second annual birthday live event for Sean Harada and Tama
Tsuboi of THE STONE SUN. This year, renamed as CAKE'D and powered by TokyoDex, we guarantee you a proper Saturday night out. An awesome
array of artists' live performances will be combined with TokyoDex's amazing VJs and visual effects creating a breathtaking atmosphere you'll never forget. Please come join us for a spectacular evening of food and drink together with great music and visual art.
Johnny Wales
Tina Bingham (Live-Painting)
David Roy
D.H. ROSEN, (TokyoDex)
Special Guests:
Ryan Mizuno
Artist information:

Since 2008, Wafuu psychedlic grunge rock band based in Tokyo, Japan. Bilingual singer/songwriter Sean Harada's vocals and Tama Tsuboi's electric guitar influenced from flamenco simply must be heard live.
##Metro Ongen

Metro-Ongen were formed in Tokyo in 2002. Combining lullaby melodies and lush harmonies with a new-wave sound that has been compared to Blondie and Television, Metro-Ongen have steady gained a devoted fanbase across Japan. One show at Osaka's Minami Wheel Festival (the Japanese answer to SXSW) was so over-crowded fans had to be turned away. Moreover, with regular VJ performances at their shows and a poster design that won a 2010 New York design award, the band are evolving into an art collective under the banner Team M-O.

Based in Tokyo, Moss have been gigging as an acoustic and electric band since 2007. Blending rock, funk, and a passion for melodies, Moss leaves the you with a warm glow that you just can’t resist.
##Eva Kestner (Taiko Drummer)

Eva Kestner was born on January 28, 1987, in Tokyo, Japan to a Japanese mother and German father. She started learning piano and taiko drumming while in elementary school. After graduating from the International School of the Sacred Heart, she went to the United States to study philosophy at Cornell University. She joined the Cornell University Percussion Ensemble under the direction of James Armstrong and also co-founded a taiko drumming organization, Cornell Taiko (Yamatai). She took the role of Musical Director for Yamatai, and performed in a wide range of events and concerts on campus and in the local community. During her last semester at Cornell, Eva Kestner invited Bonten, a professional taiko ensemble, to perform in Cornell
University's Bailey Hall where she first performed as a member of Bonten and made her professional debut as a taiko drummer. After graduating from Cornell University with a B.A. in Philosophy, Eva Kestner returned to Japan to officially join Bonten. Alongside performing with Bonten, she taught taiko drumming to children. In June 2010, Eva Kestner left Bonten to pursue a solo career in taiko drumming. Her solo works are all original compositions or her interpretations of traditional taiko pieces. She teaches taiko drumming to elementary school students of the Tsukuba School for the Blind. She currently studies Noh and Kabuki music under Shintaro Sendo. She is also a member of Megurobayashi Higashigaoka Hozonkai and Edo Kabukiren (Awaodori).
##Johnny Wales

Torontonian Johnny Wales is an illustrator, sculptor, puppeteer – and lately, animator – who has lived for many years on Sado Island. His regular clients include JAL, Kodo and the world's largest circulation newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun, for whom he has contributed a weekly painting of Tokyo for over 15 years. He has illustrated 6 children's books, one of which won the 1990 Lucy Maud Montgomery Award. He was selected for the VII Premi International Catelonia D'Illustracio and he was a finalist for Canada's premier literary award, the 1996 Governor General's Award for Childrens Book Illustration.
##Tina Bingham (Live-Painting)

Tina was born in Japan and grew up in England from the age of few months to 20yrs old. She decided to study art at 6th form (2 years) and later at the University Faculty of Art, Hertfordshire (one year)
leading up to her stay in Japan. What started as a 3 month trip has turned into her 9th year! Through the years, she has continued to pursue painting and crafts, enjoying anytime she could find to
paint.She has yet to show her art publicly in Japan, but has worked in and assisted on various creative projects in and around Tokyo. She hopes to simply continue painting and see where it goes!
##David Roy

David Roy is the resident VJ for London Calling, an ongoing club event in Tokyo. In addition to producing visuals and installations for various events and parties, he also done animation for TV and film studios in Japan.
##D.H Rosen

Tokyo-based visual artist D.H. Rosen loves to play with analog and digital media. His live sets are a combination of prepared digital imagery and spontaneous collage.
Special Guest:
##Ryan Mizuno

Ryan was born in Seattle, Washington in 1978. He began playing trumpet at 10 years old. In High School, he was a soloist in an orchestra that won many awards and toured Russia and Canada. In 1999, he moved to New York City to pursue a professional career in music, where he produced music for artists like Elisha Laverne, Black Buddafly, Raekwon (Wu Tang Clan), Mobb Deep and Fat Joe. In 2010, Ryan moved to Tokyo, Japan performing as a trumpet player and singer. His music is a blend of R&B/Soul, Hip Hop, Funk, Electronica and Jazz.
##Produced by THE STONE SUN

##Powered by TokyoDex