This&That Café Vol.9

2012/05/31 木曜日

This&That CaféThis&That Café Vol.9

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59


ドリンク込み/Drink included




Aaron Leamon


Live Art:

Unusual Club

REEL (Masanori Yamaguchi)

D.H Rosen
and more!

Artist information:
「オレンジ☆プランクトン」(’99~’05)のボーカル「ゆん」によるソロユニット。2006年の活動開始以降、ゆんの独特な子供のような声質と、自然や生命の不思議に彩られた言葉と音の世界観で、数々のTVCMや映画音楽、舞台などに起用されている。New Album 「天球」 がついに完成しました!5月15日にリリース、今発売中!

THE STONE SUNのボーカル原田翔音とギターリスト、ソロシンガーソングライターでもある坪井タマによるサイドプロジェクト。二人の背景にあるロックとラテンサウンドを融合したライブアコースティックデュオ。
[Shamanz facebook](


##Aaron Leamon(アーロン・リーマン)
[Aaron Leamon myspace](

##VJ REEL (Masanori Yamaguchi )
映像ポストプロダクションからキャリアをスタートさせ、様々な作品に携わり。VJ としても多数のアーティストと共演を果たす。2007 自身のCG, モーショングラフィックススタジオ REELVISION を設立。その後、アニメーションスタジオ “Production I.G.”との共同制作プロジェクトにて、アニメ「東のエデン」のオープニングを制作 主題歌「Falling Down」を歌う英国ロックバンド、「oasis」の日本版シングル曲のミュージックビデオとジャケットのアートワークを制作 2011 映画『攻殻機動隊 S.A.C. SOLID STATE SOCIETY 3D』の3D立体視オープニング制作。全英ナンバーワンアーティストTtinie Tempah(タイニー テンパー)初のアリーナツアー , ライブ演出映像を制作など、その活動が、国内外より高い評価を得ている。
その他、「科学技術館」の全天周立体ドームシアター「シンラドーム」にて、世界初の試みとなる全天周立体視映像でのライブ(共演 ChiptuneArtist : Saitone)VJ アーティスト、Ben Sheppeeが主催する映像レーベル、”LightrhythmVisuals” に参加し、2009年にスペインのバルセロナで開催された音楽フェスティバル『PRIMAVERA SOUND』に VJとして日本人初出演を果たすなど、その活動の場を世界的に広げている。
[REEL Homepage](

[ekakiya Homepage](


[堀之内ジェイ Homepage](

##Unusual Club(アンユージュアル・クラブ)
僕らは多岐にわたるスタイルの音楽をやるので、名前も「普通じゃない(Unusual)」ものにしました。演奏は、だいたいいつも2セット続けて行います。1回目と2回目で好みやムードが変わることがあるので不協和音となることもありますが、その結果生ずる「波動」がいいと思っています。ロックからインディー、レゲエ、ダブ、ファンク、ジャズ、ニューウェーブ、ヒップホップまでいろいろな音楽をやりますが、僕らに共通の「ルーツ」でよく立ち返るのはエレクトロニックやテクノ、ハウスです。SNIFF SNIFF(現Roarrr)やCONTROLのパーティで正規のDJをしていました。ポールはイギリス人、セバスチャンはフランス系カナダ人で、2人とも約8年、東京を拠点に活動しています。
[Profile iflyer](

##D.H ローゼン
[D.H. Rosen_Homepage](

This&That Caféは、あらゆるジャンルやバックグラウンドのアーティストが共有の精神のもと時間と作品を持ち寄る、という一般公開の無料イベントです。ここは音楽とヴィジュアル・アートが思いがけないコラボレーションで融け合う場所。東京という濃密で幅広い才能の海で、遠方からのアーティストが現地の輝く才能に出会う、アーティストのためのフォーラム。古い友人と新たな知人が入り混じったコミュニティは、人が集まり、アイディアが飛び交い、アートの傾向や好みが共有され、詩が生まれる場。早めに来て席に着き、SuperDeluxeのおいしそうなメニューを楽しむのもよし。仕事帰りの一杯にちょっと寄るのもよし。みんな大歓迎です。今後のThis & That Caféの企画についてアイディアがあれば、<[](>へ一言メッセージをください。新しい、刺激的な表現の場を探しているミュージシャンやDJ、ビジュアル・アーティストか らの連絡をお待ちしています。

##Powered by TokyoDex

Join us for a very special evening at SuperDeluxe as we welcome back some of the artists that helped make This&That Café an indelible force in the local art scene. An all-star cast and the hippest crowd in Tokyo promise to make this a rockin’ Thursday night and the ideal weekend warm-up.

Yuyake Lamp

Aaron Leamon

Live Paint:
Jay Horinouchi

Unusual Club

REEL (Masanori Yamaguchi)

D.H Rosen
and more!

Artist information:
##Yuyake Lamp
Yuyake Lamp is led by vocalist Yunn, formerly of “Orange Plankton” which was active from 1999 to 2005. Since Yuyake Lamp began in 2006, Yunn’s whimsical voice and unique aesthetic vision has won her many fans and accolades. Colored with the wonder of nature and life, her songs are used in many TC commercials, film soundtracks,stage productions,and so on. Yuyake Lamp have recently released the new album “Tenkyu” which is available at the iTunes store.
[Yuyake Lamp Homepage](

Acoustic duo project started in 2010 by Sean Harada from THE STONE SUN and solo artist TAMA TSUBOI. Formerly known as THE STONE SUN ACOUSTIC.
[Shamanz facebook](

Based in Tokyo, Moss have been gigging as an acoustic and electric band since 2007. Blending rock, funk, and a passion for melodies, Moss leaves the you with a warm glow that you just can’t resist.

##Aaron Leamon
Aaron Leamon Rokugen Music returns to Tokyo after playing in Melbourne Australia. Aaron is an Australian born musician who has combined his love and performance of classical, flamenco and acoustic folk into fresh acoustic pop album.
[Aaron Leamon myspace](

##VJ REEL (Masanori Yamaguchi)
Masanori Yamaguchi began his career in movie post-production and has taken part in many film projects to date. Better known as “VJ REEL” when he plays at Visual Live events, he established REELVISION Ltd. in 2009 (His own CG & Motiongraphics studio) His recent works include a joint project with world-reknown animation studio, “Production I.G.” on the Japanese version of the music video for “Falling Down” by British rock band, Oasis – the theme song for animated cartoon “Eden in the east.” He also contributed to the artwork of the Japanese version of the album jacket which has received high acclaim nationwide and internationally.
[REEL Homepage](

ekakiya’s interactive artwork and short animated films are the organic results of his dedication to computer graphic research.
[ekakiya Homepage](

##Kai-chan & mumemo (Exhibition)
Both born on Sado Island, Kai-chan currently resides in Niigata and mumemo in Tokyo. We used to be classmates back in high school, but only recently we found that we had a common interest in crafts. Last year we began numerous creative collaborations despite the fact that we live in different places and have jobs in fields outside of the arts. When we get together to create crafts, we use fabric, beads, paper and whatever else we can find to make truly one-of-a-kind pieces.
[momimumemo diary](

##Jay Horinouchi
Born and raised in the Bay Area, California, Jay spent a couple years studying art in Napa County, then moved down to Southern California and graduated from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena in 2006. He then worked as a professional artist and designer in Los Angeles for a few years before moving overseas to Tokyo in the spring of 2010. Duality is a theme that Jay constantly explores with his art. Being a bilingual Japanese American, there is a duality in thoughts, words and translation. He also receives a lot of his artistic inspiration from the Japanese culture itself, and how that differs from his American life. His art is a mix of abstract watercolor and hyper detailed robot technology, constantly questioning the balance between man vs nature, old vs new.

##Unusual Club
Our musical style is very broad, hence the “Unusual” name. We typically play a back-to-back set. It sometimes creates discordances since our taste and mood can be different, but we appreciate the “wave” that results. Although our musical styles range from rock, indie, reggae, asl the way to dub, funk, jazz, new wave and hip hop, the common ‘roots’ that we often revisit are mostly electronic/techno/house. We have been regular DJs at SNIFF SNIFF (now
Roarrr) and CONTROL parties. Paul is English and Sebastien is French Canadian, both based in Tokyo for about 8 years.
[Profile iflyer](

##D.H Rosen
Tokyo-based visual artist D.H. Rosen loves to play with analog and digital media. His live sets are a combination of prepared digital imagery and spontaneous collage.
[D.H. Rosen Homepage](

This&That Cafe is a free event open to the public in which artists from all genres and backgrounds donate their time and talents in the spirt of sharing. It is a place where music and visual arts meld in unexpected collaborations. A forum for artists from afar to meet with local luminaries amidst the dense and eclectic pool of talent in Tokyo. A venue to gather, exchange ideas, share artistic inclinations and wax poetic in a causal community of old friends and new acquaintances. Come early to get a seat and take advantage of the fetching fare on the SuperDeluxe menu, or just pop in for a drink on your way home from work. All are welcome. If you have an idea for a future This & That Cafe event, please drop a line to <[](>. We look forward to hearing from musicians, DJ, visual artists et al looking for a new and exciting venue for their expressions.

##Powered by TokyoDex

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